Now, this was strange

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
The numbers at the end, are they prices?

Yes they are.
So, it's really just the choice of delaying one of them in favor of the CROWD-album. However, I think I am going to decide on December 12th (and the lemon was really persuasive, so I believe my decision is more or less already made and just has to be confirmed by my order).

Originally posted by joe_kun:
Add around another 70 games to that list and that'll be my unfinished list of games [img][/img].

Oooops! You already have all of them plus 70 titles, added at will?

I always feel so weird when I actually recognize some of those titles. sigh I so wish I studied my Japanese harder growing up. When I’ve had free time, I’ve been working through “To Heart” and I know I’m missing a lot of the story…

Originally posted by ekylo:
I always feel so weird when I actually recognize some of those titles.

Why feel weird? If you spend some time here and learns about the bishoujo game world as you stay, it's normal to reknogize a lot of titles after a while. Heck, even I know about most of those titles, but I haven't played any of them... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Yes they are.
So, it's really just the choice of delaying one of them in favor of the CROWD-album. However, I think I am going to decide on December 12th (and the lemon was really persuasive, so I believe my decision is more or less already made and just has to be confirmed by my order).

Well, whichever you choose, the Crowd-album or one of those games, good luck... and as always, I'll be looking forward to the reviews of what you buy! [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, whichever you choose, the Crowd-album or one of those games, good luck...

Well, since the shipment usually is expensive, it's more likely going to be AND instead of OR.

Small side-notice: Still haven't gotten "Privae Nurse", so this review has to wait a bit.
On the other hand, I improved my mahjan-skills with "Yakin Jantoh" the last days, so a review about that is most likely next weekend (I wonder, if I will ever write a review about a japanese not-mahjan-game).

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Well, since the shipment usually is expensive, it's more likely going to be AND instead of OR.

Well, when it comes to bishoujo, what does money matter? [img][/img].

Small side-notice: Still haven't gotten "Privae Nurse", so this review has to wait a bit.
On the other hand, I improved my mahjan-skills with "Yakin Jantoh" the last days, so a review about that is most likely next weekend (I wonder, if I will ever write a review about a japanese not-mahjan-game).

I'm sure that you will writte a japanese non-mahjan-games review in time [img][/img]. It jsut tkaes longer time to play through a non-mahjan-game or so I think [img][/img].

Originally posted by joe_kun:
Just got Utawarerumono and that jumped up to the top of my playing list.

The same happened to "Wind of Ebenbourg" when I got it. If it weren't for my weakness for mahjan, this would have been the game I would like to continue playing most right now (yes, Spec-san, even more than Obbligato and OMnY).

Originally posted by Unicorn:
(yes, Spec-san, even more than Obbligato and OMnY).

Didn't I say before that what games, and at what pace you choose to play is your own business? There is no need to hurry; far from it, but I DO hope that we'll see reviews of the things you're palying as soon as you feel that you've played thme enough to create a good review [img][/img].

Besides, that reminds me that I want to ask you something... How will you keep in touch with the BBS during the Christmas Break? The Christmas Break will, I'm sure, give you lots of time to play all your games, perhaps even enough time to finish some of them, but you've said before that you don't have access to the Net from your home? So how will you keep in touch with us and/or post your reviews here?

I just wanted to express how fond I grew of “Wind of Ebebbourg”.

About the second thing:
Regardless how sad it is, I have already thought about this and I think, I am going to lose contact in the christmas/newyear-break.
However, I suppose not only one, but some reviews posted on my first workday in the next year should make up for that…

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I just wanted to express how fond I grew of "Wind of Ebebbourg".

Hmm... beca√πse of the art, the gameplay or the story?

About the second thing:
Regardless how sad it is, I have already thought about this and I think, I am going to lose contact in the christmas/newyear-break.
However, I suppose not only one, but some reviews posted on my first workday in the next year should make up for that...

Aww, that was bad to hear [img][/img]. It'll grow more boring here without you... and just think fo the small mountain of replies and new topics you may find here when you get back [img][/img]. Couldn't you use a library or soemthing like that to drop my here once in a while during Christmas Break

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Hmm... beca√πse of the art, the gameplay or the story?

All of them and more...
Just the starting movie was captivating, but then the real game even surpassed it:
Not a simple brute-maid-training-sim as "Maids Story", but really a heartwarming story with both maids and one of them (depending on your choices) first falling for you step by step until in the end she really is in love and only after that, h-scenes are happening.
ALso, the maids don't just serve in the house, but also help out in some shops in the village and you can visit and watch how they do there...

Up to now, it's the best maid-training-sim, I have gotten my hands on.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
It'll grow more boring here without you... and just think fo the small mountain of replies and new topics you may find here when you get back [img][/img].

If I recall correctly from last year (when I still was a lurker), it wasn't that much that happenend during those weeks in this BBS. But maybe, I should return a day earlier and just take care for the BBS before finally returniing to work next day?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Couldn't you use a library or soemthing like that to drop my here once in a while during Christmas Break

Well, if the curiosity about what happened here really takjes me over, I'll probably find a way (internet cafes for example).
However, that is no means for bringing in new reviews. This has to wait until I really have returned to work.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
All of them and more...
Just the starting movie was captivating, but then the real game even surpassed it:
Not a simple brute-maid-training-sim as "Maids Story", but really a heartwarming story with both maids and one of them (depending on your choices) first falling for you step by step until in the end she really is in love and only after that, h-scenes are happening.
ALso, the maids don't just serve in the house, but also help out in some shops in the village and you can visit and watch how they do there...

Up to now, it's the best maid-training-sim, I have gotten my hands on.

Sounds quite good ^_^. Then, again, E-go is known for those kinds of things... Well, I will probably buy Men At Work 2 from E-go at some point, but ther'es other games to think of too [img][/img].

If I recall correctly from last year (when I still was a lurker), it wasn't that much that happenend during those weeks in this BBS. But maybe, I should return a day earlier and just take care for the BBS before finally returniing to work next day?

That might be a good idea, Even if the forum won't get over-active during Christmas/New Year Break, it's at least going to be a dozen threads or two to clear [img][/img].

Well, if the curiosity about what happened here really takjes me over, I'll probably find a way (internet cafes for example). However, that is no means for bringing in new reviews. This has to wait until I really have returned to work.

Yes, you're right about that. Well, I hope that we'll see you do one or more quick visits here [img][/img]. Anyway, the people here at the BBS will be waiting eagery for that small pile of reviews that is going to be your "late-christmas"- present to the BBS ^_^.

Besides, I've been thinking about something... I won't buy a Japanese bishoujo game before I've self-studied Japanese for half a year, more or less... but when I do it, do you think it might be a good idea to buy a game that is set in a "present-day"-setting, like Dokusen? I mean, as a beginner, I'll most probably just reknogize things like everyday Japanese phrases, words and the like, so if I brought a game like Darcrows (which has a medievals setting), I might understand less of the dialouge/story that is being told than I would have if I had brought a game like Dokusen instead?

Wohooooooooo finaly!!!

I’ve been waiting quite some time now for Unicorn to get his grubby hands on Ebenborough.
Now get your ass in line and play that game,and when you fully comprehend the game,help me please
(4 months of playing and only getting 1 ending has made me kind of frustrated with the otherwise great game)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, I hope that we'll see you do one or more quick visits here [img][/img].

I have to admit, this BBS makes addictive. So I suppose, I will have difficulties, staying away my whole Xmas/NewYear-break (starting at December 17th and ending on January 6th) offline.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Anyway, the people here at the BBS will be waiting eagery for that small pile of reviews that is going to be your "late-christmas"- present to the BBS ^_^.

Maybe, I should once again act like a fanboy and call it a new-year-present (ack, forgot the japanese word for the new year celebration).

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
but when I do it, do you think it might be a good idea to buy a game that is set in a "present-day"-setting, like Dokusen?

That depends on:
a) how fine-tuned-story-driven the game is
b) your knowledge of Kanji at that point

If you know all of the Kanji, you should have not much dificulties in understanding the game and playing it successfully, regardles what setting is used.

Since you used our favourite example, "Dokusen": This is a game that is story driven and understanding most of the sentences is crucial (that's why I always get the same ending, I suppose).

Of cause, a RPG would also be quite difficult, if you don't understand the objectives of your current subquests and get stuck because of that (I once played a RPG and didn't understand for some time that I had to capture the monsters instead of defeating them for the current subquest).

I think, starting with the usual "multi-choice"-adventures would be good for practicing japanese in playing games and start with SIMs or RPGs later.

Originally posted by Gurvon:
I've been waiting quite some time now for Unicorn to get his grubby hands on Ebenborough.

Errrrrr, thank you, I think...
(Grubby hands, huh? Very flattering...)

Originally posted by Gurvon:
(4 months of playing and only getting 1 ending has made me kind of frustrated with the otherwise great game)

Oooh, that sounds just like my "success story" regarding "Dokusen". [img][/img]

Well, I have not yet finished my first game, so I don't know how succesful I am going to be. But since I really like this game, I will try my very best.
(BTW: I am in my current game attached to Charlotte. Did you come closer to Mylene in any of your tries?)

Well I’ve managed to get close to both Mylene and Charlotte,but as Mr Bond himself says,Close but no cigar.
I just don’t understand what I am missing O_o

And if you are wondering,the ending I managed to get was with the Nun

Originally posted by Gurvon:
Well I've managed to get close to both Mylene and Charlotte,but as Mr Bond himself says,Close but no cigar.
I just don't understand what I am missing O_o

And if you are wondering,the ending I managed to get was with the Nun

I see.
Well, if I understand correctly, I am in my current first try going to get an ending with Charlotte (at least, I already have her "cigar" [img][/img] ).

I think the important steps were: Giving her access to the library und teaching her frequently in the nights (no, not night-lessons as in "The Maids Story"). By doing this, I got her affection. Maybe, helping her everytime, she got lost on the forest-path to the mansion was also important.
Another thing is the stray-kitten, that could be found in the garden. I decided that Mylene should keep it and Charlotte was really happy about having a kitten in the house...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Maybe, I should once again act like a fanboy and call it a new-year-present (ack, forgot the japanese word for the new year celebration).

I'm sure that you'll remember it [img][/img]. Let's see, perhaps I should look in the Kodansha
verison of Love Hina and see if it's there... Hmm... anyway, do you use just bishoujo gmaes for your "training" when you are trying to learn the Kanji? The Kenshin manga, which uses kana to explain various kanji, makes things so much easier... But I need to boost my vocabulary badly, since there' so many words I don't know, even if I can read them... and, yes, the BBS is really addictive, sin't it? [img][/img].

That depends on:
a) how fine-tuned-story-driven the game is
b) your knowledge of Kanji at that point

If you know all of the Kanji, you should have not much dificulties in understanding the game and playing it successfully, regardles what setting is used.

Since you used our favourite example, "Dokusen": This is a game that is story driven and understanding most of the sentences is crucial (that's why I always get the same ending, I suppose).

Of cause, a RPG would also be quite difficult, if you don't understand the objectives of your current subquests and get stuck because of that (I once played a RPG and didn't understand for some time that I had to capture the monsters instead of defeating them for the current subquest).

I think, starting with the usual "multi-choice"-adventures would be good for practicing japanese in playing games and start with SIMs or RPGs later.

I see, so what you're suggesting is that I rather should play a multi-path game like TCI is my first game, then? Hmm, Okay... Then, is there any game you'd suggest, then? I'll have plenty of time to decide what game, of course, but having some suggestins would be good too - if so, I could keep those suggestions in mind until it's time to buy the first game [img][/img].

I don't really know how much knowledge of the Kanji I'llh ave at that point, through. Of course, ther'es a few kanji I'm alreday soemwhat familiar with, but that's not much comapred to the "big sea..." ^_^;. Still, I'll start learning about 250 kanji around Christmas...

You're right about RPG's, Gurra omce told me that he fgot some problems with a quest in a RPG bdcuase that he didn't know where he was supposed to go [img][/img], so I'll avoid RPG's for mow. But as for SIMs... i don't really know, but those are, or so it seems, not necressiary very story-driven ^^;. Isn't it usually the multi-choice gmaes that gets praised for their excellent stories?

BTW, what was that RPG where you had to "capture monsters" as you said?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
do you use just bishoujo gmaes for your "training" when you are trying to learn the Kanji?

Nope. I learn them by using a special Kanji-course after I finished my japanese-basics course. In fact, I already repeated the whole basics course two times and the second time, I also tried to memorize the Kanji in spite of the instructions, the course gave me.
Playing the games is more of a continued test, about how much I already learned.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Then, is there any game you'd suggest, then? I'll have plenty of time to decide what game, of course, but having some suggestins would be good too - if so, I could keep those suggestions in mind until it's time to buy the first game [img][/img].

Well, Obbligato comes to mind first. But also playing a japanese original of a game, you already know in english could be of help because if you remember the according english passages, you could use that game for learning too. (So, the CROWD-album could also be of some help for me. Particularly TCI could be interesting, because I think I know this game now by heart.)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Isn't it usually the multi-choice gmaes that gets praised for their excellent stories?

Of cause. And the NVLs are usually even better. But the point is: These two kinds of games wouldn't let you run into my "Dokusen"-Problem because you could always keep track of your decisions and search for another path, while SIMs might hide some side-effects of your training in the story that are vital information for your gameplay (as apparently in "Dokusen").

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
BTW, what was that RPG where you had to "capture monsters" as you said?

That was a "Slayers" dungeon-crawler-RPG on the NEC-PC98.