Now where would one go to find Desire? Or Eve Burst Erro

I can’t for the life of me find these two games. I think JastUsa had eve once, but I don’t remember.

Himeya still has Desire for $9.99.

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 09:25 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

The question wasn’t about the price, it was about from where to buy the games; so I answered the question.
(BTW, as for Eve Burst Error, if you own a Saturn, there are currently copies auctioned on YAJ [here and here] and even in normal EBay)

You know, save if you’re intending to sell them to the OP, you just sound as if you were bragging… For no valid reason, to boot.

[ 06-14-2007, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: olf_le_fol ]

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 09:26 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

I would like to apologize to olf_le_fol-kun for my rude and angry words. And I also apologize to Lamuness-san, Shingo-san and other members at this BBS for my outburst. My sincere and public apologies.

I’ll not make any excuses, but I had much stress when I’ve tried selling these products in Brazil. I only wasted my patience, money and precious time for this. I felt as stupid for try selling my repeated games in my country.

And sorry for my OFF-TOPIC matter (about sale of products) and for my rudeness.

I’ll be more careful from now on. I’m really sorry again.

[ 06-14-2007, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

No problem.
But you know, we’re not mind-readers. Since the OP wants a copy of the games and you want to sell yours, you should just have explicitly written so, and asked the OP to contact you via PM for details.
Oh well, now that’s it’s clear, I hope both of you make a good deal.

Additionally, if you have several games to sell, may I suggest you to just put a notice in your signature, asking for people to contact you if interested? Save if Lamuness or Shingo opposes so, of course.

[ 06-14-2007, 11:56 AM: Message edited by: olf_le_fol ]

Thanks for your advice, my friend. And thanks again for your comprehension. Normally, I’m not an angry person, but I’m very frustrate. Unfortunately, only a few Brazilians are true collector as me. Most of them are fake collectors and own pirate games…

As far as erogees are concerned, the vast majority of the people in the non-Japanese world who collect them only own pirated games as well, so Brazil is hardly an exception on that matter IMO.

Funny, I saw a download of the original X-change online when I was doing my occasional search for pix. It was pretty obvious that it was a real game by a real company so I went over to the PeaPri website and bought it. (yeah, I’m like that, too lawful good) That’s when I discovered there was an XC2, so I bought that as well.

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

Looks like they have some games i’d like at $10. Unfortunatly I’m moving ATM and i’ll haveto wait.

[ 06-15-2007, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

We’re technically not really supposed to talk about this now, because the rules explicitly bar discussion of piracy at all. But it’s the ‘dirty little secret’ of most everyone here that they originally got into this market by pirating the games. I did.

The first game I legitimately purchased was Snow Drop, and that got me hooked. I’ve purchased every GC and PeaPri game I’ve ever been interested in (and I’ve bought the collectors’ edition versions of the old stuff).

If you want more games to be translated, then buy the ones that come out.

Second hand market I think. I still have an Adam the Double Factor that for some reason always locks up on my Win98 at the first client, ticks me off, I really wanted to finish the game, but can’t 'cos the system freeze thwarts me. :frowning:

The problem with finding those games is that C’SWare, the company that released them has been out of business for a while. Desire is actually available at (or one of the two.) I would have to say, go for Divi-Dead. I found Desire to be EXTREMELY dull.

Eve Burst Error is much harder to find. It was one of the few original non-H games to be released in the US (the other that I can think of is Graduation, which was released by MiXX, which is now TokyoPop.) I would also say avoid the sequel to Eve, which is Adam The Double Factor. The translation is terrible. C’sWare closed shop in the middle of translation, and the Japanese company decided to finish it up. It turned into a BIG mess.

Yeah although the graphics got an upgrade from eve burst, Adam has a horrible translation and I’m usually really lax with the translations.