Nutty Situation?! X /

Okay…an off topic post…heh…yeah right…most of my post are always off-topic. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s a question from me…
“Consider this situation…:
Say…you and your girlfriend had a quarrel about a certain thing and you and only you asked your dad to give you some advice of what to do. You’re uncle got interested and decided to help… As soon as you told them that you and your girlfriend had a fight… Your dad suddenly cuts in saying: “She was right and you were wrong.” Then, you told them that they haven’t even heard the whole story yet… How can they jump to conclusions… Then, you started explaining about how the two of you fought over what to get for a dance party… The choices are a Chocolate Fountain and four Conffeti Cannons at the same prices. Your dad ask you this: “Who wants the fountain?” You said your girlfriend and he said: “Get the fountain.” “Yeah, you should get the fountain… Cannon sounds cool though…” says your uncle.
Then…you said No! I know I’m right about the cannons! And I want her to understand…! Your uncle says: “Listen you…Do you wanna be right or do you wanna be happy?” “Can I have both?” you said back. “No! You can’t…” Your dad cut in…“Okay, what can I say…to let her know that I’m right without her being mad at me?..” says you. Then your dad says " Yes dear. " “Or… You’re absolutely right …Darling … Works just as good.” says your uncle… They left you as puzzled as before you approuched them earlier…”

Now… are the suggestions right? :confused:
I don’t really understand this particular situation… So, please enlighten me if you know something…

I have found that in the scope of life to only fight over things worth such effort.

Important things I stick to my guns on and draw a line.

On a personal note, a question; is the fight over a chocolate fountain versus confetti cannons worth all of the fuss?

The suggestions are wrong in that they suggest that you should always concede to your girlfriend. But Mirk is right, this isn’t worth fighting over.

The solution is to compromise. One time she gets what she wants, and the other time you get what you want.

By the way, I don’t believe there is a ‘right’ choice here. It seems to be about taste.

The mistake is not in disagreeing with your girlfriend. The mistake is in “I know I’m right!” Especially over something that doesn’t even MATTER.

Girls can get really worried if you seem to be obsessive and controlling over tiny little details. This makes you scary.

You need to find some way to resolve disagreements so it doesn’t feel like one of you is WINNING or FORCING the other…

verry nice insite on that, now we know why you have the 5 stars :slight_smile:

Very Nice explaination papillon-kun… I was truly enlightened… But, somehow I do think that a little bit of quarelling is needed to strengthen a good relationship…

We both agree in most things…but it really bugs me when she insistently ask my own opinion and then shows me a sad face whenever I made a suggestion she didn’t like…like for instance…, she is asking me to choose which color of decor to be used for a party situation… The choices are GREEN, YELLOW, and BLUE… I chose green…then she showed me a sad face…then I said: "-ish yellow…’ Still a sad expression… So I finally said: “-ish Blue…” And she showed a very happy face while saying…“I love blue…”

Now, doesn’t that irritate you?
But I showed a smiling anyway…(But deep inside…I’m saying to myself…“Wipe that stupid smile off your face!”

We did resolved it afterwards…and ended getting the Confetti Cannons. :slight_smile:
“It feels so good to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat!..” :frowning:
When I asks her if she truly wanted the Chocolate Fountain … She just said that the cannons are the best choice…and then I said that I really want to know what she really thinks about the outcome…it then became a very long talk of disagreeing with each other…sigh :frowning:

I guess I can conclude that noone can be happy without making someone else unhappy…
The unhappy one does not need to be close to where you are…even in a distant place… Just to put this statement in general…

I really should have posted here earlier…
But I had to take this quiz on research paper and I just presented my report in Psychology which took almost two hours…
There are also alot of distractions in the place where I am now… So I…replied to other threads here first before I got the chance to get to this one…

Again, Sigh:frowning:

Isn’t kun for males? You should have used chan. :slight_smile:

I’ve heard chan used on males in anime. I don’t know about kun.

Although…most of us thinks that is only used for males based on our anime experiences…

The truth is we are mistaken…
“Kun was made for boys but it can also be used for respectable females… I found this information in some anime Q&A…”

If you need an example: Take Love Hina for instance…Kentaro says Narusegawa-Kun when he was calling for Naru on their trip to the beach. Where she got possessed… And another anime where the teacher adresses his outstanding female student “KUN” instead of “chan”…
I can not seem to remember the title though…

Well, I hope that explained alot…


Kun (ŒN, Kun?) is an informal and intimate honorific primarily used towards males (It is still used towards females, but rarely.) It is used by persons of senior status in addressing those of junior status, by males of roughly the same age and status when addressing each other, and by anyone in addressing male children. In business settings, women, particularly young women, may also be addressed as kun by older males of senior status. It is sometimes used towards male pets as well.

Schoolteachers typically address male students using kun, while female students are addressed as san or chan. The use of kun to address male children is similar to the use of san when addressing adults. In other words, not using kun would be considered rude in most situations, but, like san for members of one’s own family, kun is traditionally not used when addressing one’s own son (unless kun is part of a nickname: “Akira-kun”—Akkun) or when referring to one’s own child in conversations with others.

In the Diet of Japan, diet members and ministers are called kun by the chairpersons. For example, Jun’ichirō Koizumi is called “Koizumi Jun’ichirō-kun”. The only exception was that when Takako Doi was the chairperson of the lower house, she used the san title.


Chan (¬Ç¬ø¬Ç√°¬Ç√±, Chan?) is the hypocoristic suffix, used to refer to children, animals, and people whom one has known since they were children. To use chan for adults whom one has not known since their childhood requires considerable intimacy, less for women than for men. Furthermore, attaching chan to a modified stem is more intimate than attaching it to the full form of the basic name. Chan may also used for celebrities as a title of affection. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger gained the nickname Shuwa chan in Japanese. Although traditionally honorifics are not applied to oneself, some young women occasionally develop the habit of referring to themselves in the third person using chan. For example, a young woman named Maki might call herself Maki-chan rather than using a first person pronoun. Chan is also used for pets’ names and when referring to animals, such as usagi-chan (or, more frequently, usa-chan: rabbit+chan) (e.g. Tama-chan, the flying turtle in Love Hina), or when speaking to small children.

Non-standard variations of chan include chin (‚¿‚ñ, chin?), and tan (‚½‚ñ, tan?). This last is also the popular suffix for moé anthropomorphisms, which are artistic memes on Japanese imageboards wherein a female character, usually in a kind of cosplay, is drawn to represent an inanimate object or popular consumer product. Part of the humor of this personification comes from the personality ascribed to the character (often satirical) and the sheer arbitrariness of identifying a variety of machines, objects, and even physical places as cute.

Famous examples include the OS-tan (representing computer operating systems) and Bisuke-tan (representing KFC biscuits). Some characters such as Binchō-tan are actual mascots of companies.

The Japanese media use chan when mentioning pre-elementary school children and sometimes elementary-school girls

Thanks for the help in explaining RonXE-san…

Anyway, the bottom line is that (KUN) can also be used for females…

Thank you very much…

Well, in my opinion the girl is right ^^
Hey, it’s a choclate fountain! What can go wrong? :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the exact same reason why I disagreed in the 1st place…
Alot of people wants to have fun in parties and I think that they don’t want to be covered in chocolate…and for the very same price as the fountain, we can get 4 repeat…FOUR! Confetti cannons! What more can you want?..

And besides…everyone would really like to have fun when thre’s confetti all over the air…
And get this…CONFETTI… You can’t say it without smiling…

Oh a party?
… Well I don’t do parties so… Heh

Well…eto…eto… :o
That explains alot. :roll:

Is that good or bad? o.o

It’s fline.
Fline…fline, fline, fline…, fline… FINE!!!
Huh… :slight_smile:

Well… The situations under control now… :smiley:

Hey…I remember this thread…!
Been a while…

Well… Nothing much out of the ordinary happenin’…
We’re just can’t even agree on disagree’ing when choosing an option on a B-game we’re playing…

So you play b-games together? How romantic.