NWN 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Anyone else here playing Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer?

I’ve just beaten it - getting one of the good endings (!?) to the game. I must say: the story is really damn good. The more you know about the Forgotten Realms (especially how death works), the more fun it becomes.

I doubt it will be as fun a second time through, now that I know all the plot mechanics - but going for the evil path should be entertaining.

My only gripes, are how the companions are a bit cliche (One of Many is just a Legion rip for example), and the romance option is limited… very limited…

Music was great: academy battle was awesome; as was the final boss theme - although it reminded me of the Lich theme from the Secret of Mana series.

I have it, but I’ve mainly been fooling around making characters. I never got around to finishing NWN2, so It’s probably going to be awhile before I get to the MoTB content.

I like the Genasi, and I’m glad some of the faces aren’t quite as abominable as in the the basic game. I need some more free time.

…Huge Spoilers…

Man I nearly had a heart attack when I had to attack the City Of Judgment. Talk about defying the laws of the planes. Romance was crap as usual… when will we get the BG2 quality romances back, eh? I wanted the celestial priest defiled by my warlock… awww
Epic feats are fun Vampiric Feast rules.
I missed my old party… but I got back Ammon :slight_smile:
Akachi was a bitch to beat. HAD a nice scythe thank you :smiley:

Overall: 20Warlock/10Blackguard, drow, lawful evil insanely powerfull bastard looking for work.
Will work for souls.

…Spoiler End…

Whats you character Narg?

That feat breaks the game: it even works on bosses. Sure, they don’t fail the save, but it still inflicts the 50% penalty. I’m sure a future patch will correct it, but until then… :slight_smile:

I wish the game were longer though…

I wanted to tear that wall down and kill me a second god of death!

[ 10-23-2007, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Why Kelemvor? Why not go for that megalomaniac Cyric. Bastard killed Bhall.
By the way Mirkul in not fully dead. As long as the Crown Of Bones remains some part of him will exist no?

Actually… the deity I hate most in the entire FR setting is Chauntea, because her bitching and whining for a sun ended up causing the twincest to hate each other. :wink:

[ 10-23-2007, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Heh, figures, godly twincest :smiley:

Hmm didnt the godess of magic have a twin?
Yeah Mystra and Sharess

Ao is a sob, fucking almighty but he cant even remeber where he put the Tablets Of Fate, no wonder it was stolen by Bane. And what did he do about it? Bamm Time Of Trouble. Bhall gets horny, Myrkul murdered by Mystra, Cyric going god genocide. But that suckup Helm was just jerking of while watching the mayhem below. Jerk.

I don’t think Mystra and Sharess are twins. Mystra was “born” from the fight between Shar and Selune (which ended any chance of reconciliation between them for all eternity). Sharess is the Egyptian goddess Bast, allowed entry into the FR by Ao.

The only other twin sister deities in the setting, are Beshaba and Tymora… although they too suffer from twincide syndrome. Seems that the FR writers have a serious grudge against my fetish. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea… I think Ao is a vague reference to a certain indifferent “fire and brimstone” type deity in the real world. Avoiding that topic with a ten feet pole:

Ao doesn’t fix things… he sets them into motion. Best example (and first mistake): creating Shar and Selune, then doing nothing as they started their first sisterly bickering. As their “father” he sucked ass. Their bickering is pretty much what started all the hells and problems of FR today. Had Ao interceded and offered some advice/help to ease their difference, everything would have gone waaaay better.

Although of course, my twincest bias probably influences that train of thought. Supreme Overgod Narg would have had the twincest love-love-love. Rather than war, disease, murder, and death being the first primordial creations, it would have been lust, passion, and pleasure. :stuck_out_tongue:

Really? Because the OC in vanilla NWN2 is the epitome of boredom. (One of the few bits I liked was when you first learn what their weird insult is, one of the dialog options is ‘This happens so often you have a name for it?’ – for some reason, the githyanki weren’t too thrilled when I said that :wink:

Really? You sure? … I think they’d get loney, don’t you? You’d better give them some more sisters. Just to prevent things from, you know, getting boring.

Totally agreed and QFT. Only character I liked in NWN2 was Qara… and she was underdeveloped as hell.

Mask of the Betrayer is totally story focused. The cast is smaller to support better development, and the plot itself has fantastic pacing. It never gets boring - unlike NWN2, where I was pissed whenever a chapter didn’t end. :smiley:

Nah, while it sounds good you have to remember that there are the dreaded Outer Gods living in the shadow of existance. They would mess up the perfect Love-Love god twincest world. Plus Shar has a new boyfriend Velsharoon. Pfff. Twincest denied :frowning:

Nothing can enter the FR cosmos without Ao allowing it. His power is totally absolute. In fact, even if all the gods, demons, and powers in the FR universe joined together to oppose Ao, he would slap them down without breaking a sweat. He is God in that setting. What makes this even more crazy, is that Ao serves an even more powerful being than himself. Ao is merely a student of this Supreme Overgod of Overgods. :slight_smile:

Firstly, everything Shar does, is entirely devoted killing her twin mentally and physically. Shar wants to undo Creation, because she knows Selune loves it so much. Shar hates the Mystra incarnations (thus the whole Shadow Weave thing), because they’ve been shielding Selune. Shar is only seducing Velsharoon, because she needs more allies on her side to even the odds with Selune, who has a lot of divine friends protecting her ass from Shar. I mean seriously… Shar HATES her twin with unending passion.

Yet at one time they were close: much of the FR cosmos was created by them working together… and remember, the two were one before Ao came along and divided them. :slight_smile:

[ 10-24-2007, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Ao ha a serious voyerism fetis. Oh and the supreme overgod of overgods guy is the DM :slight_smile:

By the way…

Narg if my sixth sense is correct your favorite race are the drow, right? I mean drow twins, doh.

Someone once told me that. I believe it. :slight_smile:

In terms of gaming, humans are my favorite “standard” race. When it comes to being evil, nothing - and I mean NOTHING - can match the raw hatred and terror of mankind. We are one hellicious, devious species. :wink:

D&D isn’t a sex game, so such things aren’t considered… but let’s say sex between a Halfling and an Orc. Ouch. :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember back in 2nd edition, one of the Complete Elf guides mentioned that birthing Half-Elves was very painful to elven woman, due to the larger size of the child. This was compared to the fact, that birthing an elven child was pretty much painless.

Ouch, I was pretty sure about drows being your favorite race. Well, whatever. Drow twins with strap-ons having SM fun was why I thought that they’ll be your favorits. And about drow society, well a pair of twins falling in err…love with a slave, fleeing to the surface, with nothing to depend on except each other well that would be sure twincest heaven :smiley:

By the way, I like the way you wrote “kidnap twin drow babies”, heh, decent people would say “found a pair of orphaned drow twins and raise them”… but your version is better.

Well I’ll stick (literaly:D) to avariels, with my self being a corrupt aasimar warlock, eh, good times…


In NWN 1 there was that gnomish or halfling companion who had storys about fornicating with humans, so whats wrong with halfling/orc pairing? (Thinks it over) Your right…

I didnt know about that half-elf thing…well dammit suffer for your love >D

By the way, Narg at the end of the game:


What did you do to Akachi, did you give the mask back to him or did you simply kill the sob, or did you divide with zero like me?

[ 10-30-2007, 03:06 PM: Message edited by: Nero Blackheart ]