Official Post about Shiny Days

I wouldn't be surprised if the patch is what's causing the delay, although it's probably getting that installer working in parts that's causing it.
0verflows engine is already buggy enough as is, removing scenes only to restore it via a patch is probably a pain in the ass to get working bug free with that shitty engine.

JAST already confirmed that the cuts (and their restoration) aren't what's holding things up.

"How many of the technical hangups are related to the content removal that was necessary for the "shipping version" of the game?"


said†a month ago

Currently, none (we're waiting on a 3 second clip for unmosaicing from Stack, I'm doing the final check as we speak (minus that one clip).

@Sanahtlig: Right - there should not be any problems with cuts or restoration, the patch should not be difficult for whoever makes it to figure out.

As for straps there are 11 types, and I think maybe 100 ish left up for grabs <- they're the rubber straps from comiket of the original JP Shiny release.. pretty nice

The bad news:

I wrote a quick post that's now also on

Because of various problems we're shooting for the end of the month. (installer and dl should be ready and tested by 25th ish.) pressing and duplication is something like 28th, plus we need to get it packed and sent so 30th

Nick has been working 15 hours days doing things for JAST and JList alike. We're all busting ass trying to get stuff done.

I'll be in Saitama over the weekend, but I'll try to reply to any asks or questions/comments when I can.

I'm really sorry guys.

How about letting us choose the keychain we get to make up for this delay?I just really want Otome tbh.

Woke up this morning, BAM, checked my email, and I literally just crashed and burned when I saw the new update. Had to take a few calming breathes, but I’m ok now, at least enough to post, civilly. Anyways, I am hoping to get the Sekai one.

Hmmm, so is the new release date something “definite” as all problems that stood in the way were figured out and overcome or is it just some “hopeful” estimate?

Also…IF for some reason by the 25th the installer was still not made and there were still some problems regarding its creation…would you guys just release a download version in those 1-3 gb chunks or continue withholding the release till the perfect installer is finally made?

Finally, does the “release ASAP” still hold? So if you guys somehow managed to finish the installer before the 25th would you release it right away or wait for the release date to avoid confusion or something along those lines?

IMO during a week or two most folks would probably lucky out with their downloads and have all working parts to play the game. Then during the release with the perfected installer there would be less folks to tire your servers anyway. So why not release the less perfect download for those who wish to try their luck and realize that it may be troublesome?

Going off their devlog post and history, i wouldn’t take the 30th as a definite date.

@ayy nigger: Yeah, but why give such arbitrary release dates when they simply have no idea and seemingly experience serious technical difficulties concerning the installer. It is impossible to estimate when such difficulties can be overcome.

Why being so stubborn when it comes to the dl version anyway? Why not write the exact size of the download parts so that we can check after it has finished downloading and whether it is fitting or we need to redownload again?

Or why not just put a torrent and give a code via mail to unpack it for those that bought it?

Hell…why not ask for help or advice some fans even? Some may be good with this sort of technical stuff and could possibly help them speed it up.

I’m pretty sure there could be many ways for them to handle the situation and leave customers with more than just hopeful estimates that may need to be extended again and again anyway. Keeping your customers satisfied is very important after all.

Other 2 weeks! Great!Maybe on September 29, JAST would say îThere are some troubles so we delay Shiny Days.îAfter that, they delay it again and again and finally it would be released 1 year later, I think.

How about you let the most “eager” costumers download the beta version, I can’t even remember the last time I downloaded a corrupted file.
A good download manager is always welcome, DownThemAll (Firefox extension, can verify hashes) or IDM.

Heh yeah if all that's left is the installer it could just be packed as a self-installing rar or 7zip archive and have been available much sooner for digital download if the custom installer is proving to be problematic and needs further testing.

Greetings, everyone. As you can tell if you've seen the front page of J-List or the JAST devblog, we have bumped the LE back to the 30th, due to extra time being needed to assemble the games for shipping. The assembly is done in Irvine so we have to get the items up to them, give them time to assemble (after the DVDs are printed, which they're presumably doing right now), then get them down. I think that date will be solid.

We've also bumped the DL shipping out to all preorder customers until the 25th, for final checking of the download edition and to make sure everything is ready. The fact that we're relaunching the J-List website in the middle of this -- literally, taking a hand-coded website that started its life in the last century and switching to a modern new site, is affecting our timing on this. Thanks for your patience, it will be worth it in the end!

@Krystyna and others, sorry for the delay. There have been many reasons, really, including

a) it's the longest game in the history of games, or nearly so. 16 Gb.

b) 35+ endings, way more to debug than we expected, basing our assumptions on School Days

c) Lots of bugs, including some that were from the Japanese original that we fixed (as with School Days).

d) On top of all that, we've been re-creating the J-List site from scratch, and would be trying to launch this site at the same time as Shiny Days was to launch. Something had to give, unfortunately.

It will all be good. We'll get the game out to everyone digitally next Friday. We're very appreciative of everyone's support.

@Swift Talon, thanks for your support and patience.

Looking forward to the new site. Will it include wonderful things like “Release price” crossed over and then a red price tag stating “New price X% off”? Because I always feel like the pricing are not “hyped” enough to tell me if it is a good deal or if it is just you asking for max price on 10 year old games.

Kind of like how many other stores do “Recommended price BIG, Our price small!”

Delayed yet again. You guys shouldn't even give a release date if you aren't going to ever be able to make it. If you're not sure of when it'll work out then don't even start giving estimations when its going to be wrong most of the time. You just get people's hopes up and then end up disappointing them. Just make the release date N/A. I'm pretty sure these things won't work out by Sept 30 and it'll get delayed again. I'm going to have expectations very low and not expect anything amazing... I was very hyped for today. Got off early from school and guess what. I get this news.

I don’t see what everyone is complaining about, JAST USA isn’t Electronic Arts or Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and even then there are delays and set-backs if the games are not ready for release, in that case it is either that they delay the release or they release a broken game (Batman: Arkham Knight PC version).

You guys need to understand that the Visual Novel buisness in the West is a very very niche entertainment genre, as a matter of fact it is a niche within a niche (animu > light novel > visual novel), low consumer interest lead to low title sales and low title sales lead to harsher official support, obviously publishers that localize niche and not so well viewed nor received titles wont be able provide support in the same manner as publishers that work on releasing popular entertainment types (Video Games, Anime, Mangas, Movies etc.

The duplication delay is what is is, and JAST probably has no control over it. I'm very disappointed that the digital release has been delayed yet again. Based on statements to date it sounds like JAST / J-List could have this working very quickly if they put some manpower towards it. Instead the J-List relaunch is being prioritized. I suppose that's more important to them (and their bottomline) but it's very disappointing to those of us who have been eagerly anticipating Shiny Days.

Summer has passed and no Shiny Days.
JAST fuck my shit up.

"Summer has passed and no Shiny Days.
JAST fuck my shit up."

I am guessing also that Atlus ruined your christmas by delaying Persona 5?