Official Post about Starless: Nymphomaniacs' Paradise

So I received my copy on the 13th, I am very happy about it, first it looks great as it uses the same art as the japanese version also what I was surprised with is that it is based on the style of japanese PC VNs box and not the western style where its basically just a DVD case with a disc inside and maybe sometimes if its a limited edition its a dvd case inside a slipcase.

More roundup stuff:

We got lucky, the developer helped us out and pushed out a new patch.. I've tested 1.02 and it looks good. Nick is working on making it into a patch. Then it's back to testing and release!

@HeadHunter: no point sending out 1.01 because it's incomplete and now we have 1.02 anyways...

@Murderous Int: As of Friday, the word was: They're looking at it now, they seem to be in approval. I'll see if there are any specific comments. I'll be helping with some research to see which game will have the best potential and pitch it to Peter for approval and we'd move from there...

@HyugaX: I'm optimistic that we can do the 1.02 patch for graphics by this week. Once it's finalized I can unpack the script and send it off to get checked/ edited. It's a long script so I'm not entirely sure how long it will take to get checked.. repacking, testing (to make sure it doesn't break anything) and making the 1.03 text patch should be much easier than the graphics one since it is just text... I can't give a date honestly because it really depends how much work the script needs.

As for Rightstuf, I can check but everyone in our US office is asleep, we'll see if they can get back to me tomorrow or something.

@Nier: Glad you like it, there have been mixed reactions for the box since some people think that its bulky, though I personally think it houses the artbook and game very nicely. It's limited edition afterall it should have some flair right?

Well I received my copy of Starless limited box edition. :)

Overall the box design is nice and follows closely to the original release design.

I also like how you included a DVD case for the game, usually they come in CD size cases with the JP versions.

The art book was nice but contains content from the original art book, so for me it was a lot of previously seen content. Though having some of the text translated is very nice.

The interview was interesting but a lot shorter than I thought it would be.

Pro's were that we learn the artist that inspired Sei and how he got involved making games.

His music interest ranging from King Crimson, Yes, and a personal enjoyment of mine Mike Oldfield.

I could imagine Sei working on a game while listening to Tubular Bells. :D

The melody inquisition from Starless reminds me of elements of the song, with its haunting vibe.

I believe one of the reason Starless was delayed in Japan so much was due to the switch of pencil illustration to digital. Since he started the project and did a change he also did a change up on the color schemes used. If you look at the original promo art you can see some minor differences.

I kinda wanted more expansion on the creativity behind Starless. The thought process what he wanted to achieve and how he feels about the game. Also his personal favorite work his created and would recommend that encompasses his style. The Starless artbook goes pretty in depth about the game.

@Tim That would be awesome. Sei does mention with the JAST interview his taken back how he makes his games with the Japanese in mind and how western fans appreciate his work. I know on the Empress site they do weekly updates on the Staff blog during a games promotion time. MangaGamer have run a few articles on Japanese developers, my favorite one that comes to mind was the interview with the lovely women working up Clock-Up for women's history month.

In regards to potential games in the future to pitch, no other game from Empress contains that extreme level of content that Starless contains nor its length. Though I don't know what your specific criteria is when looking at the games to pitch.

DominancE IMO is the closet game to Starless in regards to content and themes and my second favorite of the Empress games, they even included the option to turn off scat related images.

P/A is a lighter more love focused game with a 50/50 balance of lighter to hardcore content.

My view is to go through in order following Starless like the JP releases.

Lewdness was the next game from Empress and the only real extreme content is the scat, which is a staple in all Empress games except Cleavage.

Lewdness VNDB entry outlines the game.

In the middle of this century the politicians of this country, worried for the declining birth rates, propose a certain law. The "Law against Sexual Misconduct". The content of this law says that "All the sex acts that haven't as purpose the reproduction are forbidden".
It was a law that prohibited the enjoyment, through the contact or the possession, of that sort of things like the pornography and the sex industry.
The name of the person at the center of this law is Tachibana Tadanobu. He has been the first chief executive of this country and, after his retirement, has founded the "Seiren Gakuen", a facility made to isolate those young persons that have violated the law against SM, and he's spending his remaining years of life as its chairman.

A girl that has violated that law is going to be sent to the Seiren Gakuen.
Her name is "Himeno Yuria". She has been arrested by the police and she will be liberated by a female teacher, come as guarantor of her identity, if she accepts to go the Seiren Gakuen.

"Alice", a mysterious maid, introduces herself (?) to Yuria saying that she wants to serve "Himeno Yuria", chosen to attend the Seiren Gakuen's course for young women.
Then there are "Nishina Eri", a boyish girl that she meets in the Gakuen's dormitory, and "Kuryuu Hazuki", the previous president of the students' council.
Every single day they, without being able to rest, are victims of cruel sex abuses of the men and so, adapting themselves to those sex preferences, they decide to kneel in front of the door that brings to an abnormal awakening.

@Tim said: "Glad you like it, there have been mixed reactions for the box since some people think that its bulky, though I personally think it houses the artbook and game very nicely. It's limited edition afterall it should have some flair right?"

Indeed and with the lenght of the game as well as the extra content that comes together with the Limited Edition, at 49.95 its an absolute steal as in comparison the japanese version is still being sold for 7,274 yen at amazon japan and 9,504 yen at getchu (tax included).

I hope you will use this kind of boxing/packaging for the other big/lenghty titles such as Seinarukana or... Lewdness *wink*, I have like 20 japanese versions imported VNs (to use with fan-translation patches) and I really like to have these type of boxes (like you said, they have some flair), while I feel no satisfaction nor great joy at having these western official releases where its basically just a disc inside a DVD case like some porn movie, I dont mind if its a DVD case for short games like Saya or Hanachirasu priced at 20-25, but for bigger game like Starless it definitly is great to have Limited Editions with japanese style boxes and extra content at least this bring them more or less on par with the japanese standard of the First Print Limited Editions.

@Murderous Int said: "I also like how you included a DVD case for the game, usually they come in CD size cases with the JP versions."

They almost always do, unless it is a re-release budget edition (such as Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakare no Aji - Popular Edition) or an enhanced edition (such as Fullvoice ReBORN Editions of the "What a Beautiful..." Liarsoft serie)

"I'll be helping with some research to see which game will have the best potential and pitch it to Peter for approval and we'd move from there..."

I'm really curious about what kind of research you guys do and what all gets factored into licensing decisions (overall, not just with Empress titles), if you're interested in commenting further here or in the licensing thread.

So question. First, did we all get a digital code in out LE box? Is this an extra code so I could give it away to someone cause I already redeemed the game with the first digital code.

Second, for anyone who played. Im a stickler for errors. Graphical ones I can live with. But is the game text well enough that I could play through? Or keep waitring? Ive been waiting since this game released. @.@

@ Tim

"I'll be helping with some research to see which game will have the best potential and pitch it to Peter for approval and we'd move from there..."

I'd prefer it if JAST were to release the Empress titles in the order they were originally released in Japan, so next is Lewdness, then Dominance, etc... I think both of those games are worth a release and that neither should be skipped.

"Glad you like it, there have been mixed reactions for the box since some people think that its bulky, though I personally think it houses the artbook and game very nicely."

I do like the fact that the game case no longer floats around loosely in the box (based on the pics posted here) as was the case with Littlewhich so that's a definite improvement.

Also got my shipping confirmation from Rightstuf today so hopefully I'll have the game sometime this week or the week after. Then it's just a waiting game until the patches are out.

I'd rather they just skip ahead and go for the better looking ones

Yeah, I agree. Honestly, I really like the artwork in Potential Ability, but I read it wasn’t the greatest. I’d go with Dominance. Regardless, I’d support any Empress title. I’m a big fan of Sei Shoujo’s work.

I’m gonna add I think they should go in order of release too, which would mean Lewdness next.

Personally, I think from a business-like standpoint Jast should work next on Empress newest title Closed Game, the game as of June 17th is not out yet but people is already talking about it, including western audiences, this way they can maximize sales, because let's face it, if it costs 5 years to get this game (pun not intended) in the US a lot of people will forget about it or just won't be as hyped and/or excited as they originally were.

My guess is that Empress isn't thrilled at the idea of releasing a game deeply discounted in English, without mosaics, when the Japanese version is still selling well at full price (soon after release).

@ Murderous Int : I only get second hand information about our relationship with Empress, but they seem happy enough and are in support of what we are doing. I don't think they have had anything specific to say, but they have sent us some more games to consider (@sanahtilg's 2nd post).

@sanahtlig: It's mostly looking to see if the game has any demand or can be marketed (no point in bringing over something that no one is interested while there are plenty of titles that people are asking for or are easily marketed <- we don't have that luxury just yet.) Another factor is where it might rank on the rage meter - if there is a possibility that we'll need to cut something - what kind of backlash we might get (even when there could be a patch¬Ö).

The state of the developers and our relationship with them matter quite a bit. There are many who just don't want to do business with foreigners or with a foreign market. Also if the developer is a sketchy one or just unreliable, it makes things harder for us when it comes to the actual building of the game and debugging (Empress has been great in this sense as they've helped us a lot in troubleshooting those bugs in Starless.)

I can't speak for JAST but to me it looks like we will very likely be able to do another title from Empress. They have given us material to look at - no more specifics for now.

Depending how Shiny does, Cross Days is not unlikely (though Island Days is DS so and with a different company so we don't really have our eye on it <- I'm playing it now since Jlist got it in stock, pretty cool (and challenging).

There will be a few announcements at AX and CC about upcoming titles/contracts that I can't talk about now.

@Unspun Reality: I will check about the LE box codes and get back to you/everyone. As for the text quality of Starless. I'll say that it's noticeable but imo not devastating. It's not like "this looks like google translate" sort of quality but at the same time some of the letter replacements and spelling errors do stand out. It depends on your personal tolerance. I'd go with "play it". It's a long game with a good amount of content, if it bothers you, you can take a break after the first play through to wait for the patch before going on for the other endings

@HyugaX: It's not my place to say how Peter will feel about each title. These are relatively niche games (Starless is the hardest of all of them) and we don't yet have the fan base and luxury of taking the "ideal route" without thinking of sales. Of course everyone's feedback is appreciated and will be taken into account when we do make a decision (@Totoro @lilithero @tom-ahawk @ragm54).

I was meaning to update you earlier but playing mail tag with the US office takes time. As you now know, Rightstuf does have copies to ship, and as I've mentioned before. The patched content has been tested and Nick is working on making the patch (then final test and on to text)

Why didn't we get cross days before shiny days?

@Totoro: Cross Days came after Summer Days, since Shiny is the remake of Summer Days, we went with that first.


I'm looking more and more at Closed Game, and I know there are a good number of people who want Dominance following the Empress release (and I guess it does have parallels with Starless), but we might have a good opportunity at releasing something that's new and fresh. It's a semi sci-fi type of story which has potential to widen our fan base (and with a positive reception can give us much more freedom in the future) It's also getting a lot of good hype in Japan. Do you guys have any thoughts on it.

I'm going to look more at what they sent to us tomorrow.

@Tim said: "I’m looking more and more at Closed Game, and I know there are a good number of people who want Dominance following the Empress release (and I guess it does have parallels with Starless)"

If its about following the Empress release then it should be noted that it was Lewdness that came after Starless, while Dominance came after Lewdness.

Empress list of releases in chronological order:

2005 - Cleavage (impossible due to lost assets)

2011 - Starless (just released by JAST USA)

2012 - Lewdness ~Vita Sexualis~

2013 - DominancE

2014 - P/A ~Potential Ability~

2015 - Closed Game

@Tim said
: "Do you guys have any thoughts on it.

Releasing Closed Game the soonest while skipping over older titles in favor of the newest one as another poster suggested will probably have its benefits, however as of right now (06/18/2015) we do not even know what the title is worth (it isnt even released yet), for all we know it could turn out to be another Potential Ability, waiting to see how the Closed Game reception in Japan is before deciding anything is the best course of action. As of right now, we do know that Lewdness and Dominance are the most well regarded after Starless:

Empress titles EroGameScape scores:

2005 - Cleavage - Rated 55 - (85 votes)

2011 - Starless - Rated 75 - (125 votes)

2012 - Lewdness - Rated 70 - (46 votes)

2013 - DominancE - Rated 68 - (29 votes)

2014 - P/A ?Potential Ability? - Rated 58 - (24 votes)

Well this is a hard call. I mean a brand new 1080HD Empress game getting released is awesome and would be great.I still couldn't give a definitive verdict on it until its release at the end of the month.

Some people aren't to pleased with the lack of futa or the use of monsters, but with Empress you don't really know what you are getting until you play the release.

Would you go back on the Empress catalog though if you chose this route or would you look into doing the latest releases from Empress each year. Could be a interesting move.

Empress have only four games to chose from including the upcoming release, so they don't have a huge library of titles, unlike other developers.

I would still like to see DominancE brought over the most, which is also using the Sci-fi setting.

I kinda think of it like a Starless in space.

It's cool that Empress are helping debug the game and getting it up to scratch. I kinda wondered if Sei had anything to say on a more personal level about working on Starless.

My list goes Starless>DominancE>Lewdness>P/A>Cleavage. But I would buy any of these if localized all the same. I already got 4/5 in Japanese.

Likewise, I love the prospect of an HD Sei Shoujo title–it’s partly why I like Potential Ability’s artwork–but I’m not too keen on Closed Game. I love the artwork, but I’m not into the monsters and creatures, which seems to be a prevalent element. I’m also of the opinion that it’d be best to wait until we see more of Closed Game before considering it. I’d rather see Lewdness, Dominance, or Potential Ability localized–in that order. That said, I’d support any and all Empress titles.

@ Tim

"These are relatively niche games (Starless is the hardest of all of them) and we donít yet have the fan base and luxury of taking the ìideal routeî without thinking of sales."

I totally understand where you’re coming from and I’m grateful that we’re even talking about another game from Sei Shoujo. My preference would be sequential but if I had to pick just one game mark me down in the Dominance column.

"I’m looking more and more at Closed Game, and I know there are a good number of people who want Dominance following the Empress release (and I guess it does have parallels with Starless), but we might have a good opportunity at releasing something that’s new and fresh."

I’m really surprised that’s even up for consideration. Isn’t it and unspoken rule that you can’t release an English copy until sales in Japan have tapered off? Would this release be censored?

Looking at the game itself I’d certainly buy it (if uncensored) but I’d still prefer to have Domiance based on what we know today. Closed Game also looks a lot like your upcoming game Django from Nitroplus so I’d rather have one Sei Shoujo game with current day setting (Starless), one with a futuristic space setting (Dominance) and then Django to fill that spaghetti western theme if we’re only talking about (potentially) one more / or the best Empress game.

@Neir: My bad, thinking one thing and typed another, you are right about the order though. Personal note: I didn't think PA was bad, it was just different (The graphics were much better of course).

@Murderous Int

"Would you go back on the Empress catalog though if you chose this route or would you look into doing the latest releases from Empress each year."

I think if the demand and sales are there we would definitely go back, no point skipping a good game with a company that we're trying to build a relationship with. From the demo and the released videos we really don't know what we'll be getting though. It does look like it has a mix of people as well as monsters.

@lilithero The HD on this game really is amazing, though story and art take precedence imo.

@ HyugaX

I'm really surprised that's even up for consideration. Isn't it and unspoken rule that you can't release an English copy until sales in Japan have tapered off?

I never thought there was any rule. I've always attributed it to the fact that it is not localized while being developed, I guess some developers might care about domestic sales more, but I would think that those are usually the same companies that have no interest in "selling to foreigners". Look at even indy console titles, the main reason why they're released later is because no one is localizing them, Tohou is getting into the market now with a few western releases so I think it depends on the dev.

Would this release be censored?

If the unmosaiced art is available we will use it (and with Empress it seems that it is very likely that it is possible)

If you mean censored as in cut, after playing the demo and looking at the materials, if the rest of the game is similar we have no reason or desire to cut or edit anything. Of course in the rare case that something that, for certain, violates the law is involved, there is a chance that we may have to cut it and leave it to 'others' for a restore patch (This is not the scenario we want and I think it's very unlikely.)

Closed game is actually nothing like Django (just the opening scenes are in a dessert and the girl is dressed like a sheriff. To me it seems more like Running Man meets Gantz outfits + some monsters.

Thanks to everyone for their continued input, I really appreciate getting some different views and customer feedback to help me with finding a good route to keep everyone (customers, JAST, Devs) happy. I'll be discussing this further with our Japanese PR correspondant, the devs and Peter. I will try to keep everyone in the loop as much as possible. Of course if you have thoughts please put them up on here, or the future releases board etc. Thanks All