Oh dear God, it's actually happening...

I’m sure everyone here has heard at some point over the years rumors about a movie based on Dragonball Z, none of them very good. As these rumors have existed for years, many of us figured that it wasn’t really going to happen, but today, I have found actual proof that will offer good news and bad news.

Good news: Those rumors you heard over the years are probably not going to be true. For one it’s going to be following Dragonball instead of DBZ.

Bad news: After seeing what I have show you, you’ll wish those rumors were true :frowning: :cry:

Follow this link to see what will surely be a gangrape of our childhoods that will put even the darkest ero scenes in the darkest of eroge to shame. A vision of horror so horrifying, it makes the likes of Black Cyc’s Gore Screaming Show seem cute and cuddly (which in a wierd way he is).

Look and see… :evil:

http://www.thatguywiththeglasses.com/ar … ball-movie

It’s over 9000!!!

Heh… don’t feel bad. According to a leaked screenplay, [url=http://www.iesb.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4032&Itemid=99]the Castlevania movie is gonna suck too[/url].

Seems there isn’t a God after all. :cry:

Well, while we’re on the subject of games becoming movies, I’ll ask this: Anyone interested in the adaptation of Max Payne in to a film? I’m intrigued, but also fearful that they butchered the awesome story of the original game in adapting it…

Ever seen “Dragon Ball: The Magic Begins”?:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Max Payne is going to be bad (judging from the trailer).

Well, bad news and good news:

Bad news: The creators for this movie have raped our Goku :cry: . Check this character description out from someone whose seen the trailer for this movie (I’ve seen it too, he’s right):
" The real problem came when he said, “I’m not ready for this” in the trailer. Goku… is… ALWAYS ready. Actually, the fact that he gets bullied on at school, has the hots for ChiChi, who’s apparently the popular girl at school, and… GOES TO SCHOOL is enough to show that they had no intention of keeping Goku the way we all know him as."
That’s right, from the looks of it, the Goku of this movie is going to be an emo teenager… :shock: … :frowning: … :evil:
Just what are these people thinking?

Anyway, the good news should more than counter this, it seems there’s going to be a new DBZ anime movie that takes place just after the end of DBZ (so no DBGT crap, hurray!! :D) and the story ius written by Toriyama himself. Here’s the wiki-link:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_Bal … ds_Return!!

What are they thinking? That’s easy— PROFITS!

Seriously— an emo teen boy, crushing on the popular girl, getting bullied? That’s like, half the male kids that will watch the movie. They aren’t after the old school fans. They want a new generation of fans. Get used to it. Plus, if the movie bombs, they’ll ignore it and return to the old school. If it doesn’t, then it’s Dragonball — Rebooted!