Oh look, it's the ero version of Belldandy!

Someone’s signature prompted me to go hunting for stuff. :lol:

??? - Megami Taisen


http://www.saibunkan.co.jp/lilim/soft/l … ami01.html

??? - Ore no Megami-sama!



You forgot about this one: :stuck_out_tongue:

MEGACHU! - Megami Kiss from FRONTWING

This one is clearly an Oh My Goddess! rip-off. There’s even an ero-anime series based in it.

These games involves at least one goddess character, too:

Fukou no Kami - Goddess of Unhappiness from BLACKRAINBOW

Hitozuma Megami from LILITH

Kamipani, a future release from CLOCHETTE

Were you just joking, or are you trying to incur the wrath of my nuclear arsenal?
I do know they exist, but soon… they’ll be nothing more than nuclear waste.

I may be into eroge, and stuff, but NEVER these. NEVER.
[color=#FFFFFF] Although if it were just Bell & Keichi… maybe i can pass an amendment. But anything or anyone else = no ****ing way.[/color]
Just something i wanted to post so much, this time in reply:


I was just joking about the rip-off thing, but you can’t deny MEGACHU has some similarities with OMG! :stuck_out_tongue:

Just look at the description. An university student living alone, and suddenly a sweet and pure-hearted goddess come living with him. And not long after that, her sexy older sister and loli younger sister come living with them too.

Certainly they got “some inspiration” on OMG, just changing one thing or another! :roll:

http://www.himeyashop.com/product_info. … ts_id/4909

Definitely some copy/paste action going on there… Oh well, all in good fun right? Any of those games any good? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks! So many goddess games, aren’t there? :shock:

Heh… may I ask why? :smiley:

I mean, I haven’t ran into an outstanding goddess eroge yet, but if there was a really good one… would you play it?

They steal the concept, but its not the REAL Belldandy getting stuffed. :wink:

Well Megami Taisen is REALLY disappointing. It’s a mindless sexfest and only one of the characters is a clear AMG ripoff (the Belldandy wannabe) - although another seems to be an Athena ripoff (the SNK character) and I believe another girl is taken from Saint Seiya. The real problem I have with it, is the LOW count of paper dolls… like three or four for each character. That’s it. Totally unacceptable. Plus they reuse the same gallery images over and over again for sex. That gets old fast.

Ore no Megami-sama! I have on order from Himeya Shop (only paid $9.99 for it), so I haven’t played it yet. However just looking at the character designs, I can tell Belldandy, Urd, and Skuld have been cloned. The girls in this game, share the age group and outfit colors (I also assume their personalities as well). The Belldandy ripoff even has those hair antennas. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve never ran across a decent copy-cat of Fujishima titles. Discounting AMG, I never liked the Senkitan clones that ripoff Sakura Taisen. :expressionless:

The anime was kinda interesting though… since it was practically porn without being porn. :lol:

Come to look at them… false mistake on my part; however, Ore no Megami-sama looks rather like a redesigned ripoff; i nearly went DEFCON-1 on it. Same thing for that one blue outfit character in Megami Taisen. (obviously a cheap/ero imitation of Belldandy’s goddess outfit.)
I dont really know, but if the reviews are good, then i can try a shot at it.

AMG holds a special place among all the anime i have seen. I dont have a specific reason, but it was the anime (Spec. the OVA, then the movie, and finally the TV series) that made me an otaku for the genre. For classified reasons, i really dislike any h-material involving the ACTUAL characters, ESPECIALLY Belldandy.

(She and Keichi belone together and to no one else; Any other equation will be invalid. Q.E.D.)

Primarily beacause those damn doujins mostly feature them in groupies, misdrawn, and all that ****. I know that a bunch of Kisekae virtual doll sets and doujin manga exist out there; my friend had scans of the entire lot on his drive, and posted one as a wallpaper as a joke one day. No need to know any gruesome details, but i took it really badly. He had them all on his external drive - until i formatted it. Sweet revenge :twisted:

I dont know if what you mean is anime, eroge or manga. But if you mean manga with nearly similar character designs or drawing styles, there was this paperback called Yawaraka na Hada ~Soft Skin~ I forgot the pen name of the author, though. And that wasnt the only one, hehe.

Well, goddess heroine based eroge is nothing new really. Seriously, there are countless of them and many of them are harem based.

True. But goddess harem eroge are based off Ah! Megamisama - which is the most popular goddess manga/anime in Japan. So they just clone success, hoping for success.

Fujishima “borrowed” his idea from I Dream of Jeannie, so its not like theft or anything. :lol:

Interesting enough however, where as Keiichi “binds” Belldandy to him through his wish, Major Nelson set Jeannie free in the first episode. I know Keiichi and Belldandy are true love and all that, but the Nelson and Jeannie relationship was always more interesting to me, because she willingly enslaves herself to him - but really isn’t a slave anymore. Nelson is a Master without even trying! :mrgreen: :twisted:

Senkitan was an OK game with some big flaws. Ryuukitan X though is FREAKING AWESOME. I think someone at Elf must have said, “Hey let’s do a ton of speed, and then see what the hell comes out!” The game is so completely over the top, that you just have to love it. Plus the cast of characters (both good and bad) are so much more likable then Senkitan’s. Too bad the game and anime seem to be almost universally hated, because everyone I know that did give it a serious chance liked it more then Senkitan. :frowning:

Erm, he did? No way, beacause as far as i know, it was formerly a spinoff from an older manga Fujishima-sama was writing, which was “You’re Under Arrest!” which featured a goddess floating out of a mirror granting one of the character’s wishes, pertaining to her T-shirt or something… i believe the goddess’s original name there was Miyuki.

That and an enormous payload of info about AMG here:
It’s the best fansite around, and where i usually hang out on occasion.

I know AMG started as a YUA extra, but the concept rings of I Dream of Jeannie so much it hurts.

[list]* All powerful magic girl who can do anything? Check.

  • All powerful magic girl who loves her “Master” no matter what? Check.

  • All powerful magic girl who’s “Master” is hapless at love? Check.

  • All powerful magic girl who’s “Master” never abuses the unlimited power because he’s so pure hearted? Check.

  • All powerful magic girl who’s never taken away from her “Master” (or vice versa), even by the powers that be (Kamisama/Blue Djinn) because its true love and destiny for them to be together? Check

  • All powerful magic girl who’s an inexperienced virgin at the complications at love? Her Master too? Check.

  • All powerful magic girl who has a “doormat” personality towards her Master? Check.

  • All powerful magic girl who has a similarly powered relative (Urd/Jeannie’s mother) who wants to crank up their relationship to the next level with magic and potions? Check.

  • All powerful magic girl who has an another all powerful magic girl who is more “sexually experienced” try to seduce her Master (Peorth/Jeannie’s twin sister)? Check.

  • All powerful magic girl who is oblivious to the world at large, and has her Master making her promise and/or constantly trying to hide her magic when she suddenly uses it in public? Check.

  • All powerful magic girl prefers to not use magic for cooking? Check, because she put more “love” into it? Check.[/list]

Blah, blah, blah… I can go and on with this, but I think you get the drift. It has WAY more in common than it does with Bewitched, and those two shows were actively stealing concepts from each other. Also I’m told I Dream of Jeannie had limited air time in Japan back in the day. Also AFN (the American garrison military in Japan, had their own channel), used to air it as well. For Fujishima to have seen the later, he’d have to live around a US base (Yokosuka, Iwakuni, etc), but its entirely possible.

There’s some differences because AMG makes the magic girl a goddess instead of a genie, plus Fujishima’s love of machines and physics makes some major alterations, but they have a lot of identical thematics and themes. Too many for mere coincidence I think, and cross sharing of media to create new media isn’t anything new. Hell, Dragon Quest is just a “borrow” of Ultima and Wizardry. :roll:

See, my only problem with the girls in the games linked here are that, there’s really no standout uber hottie like Urd is in AMG. That’s the reason AMG works, is because of the differences between the sisters. I mean look at it this way. You have the very cute and pretty, but non Sexy Belldandy, The Sex Goddess incarnate, Urd, and the loli-ish cutie pie Skuld.

All the girls in the games linked, are a variation on the same theme, and as such they all tend to blend in with each other.

Oops… meant to edit, ended up making a new post. :oops:

This will probably be my last post in this thread, unless someone has a question or something…

Having completed them both, Ore no Megami-sama! is a much better choice for AMG fans than Megami Taisen.

Because it pretty much rips off the entire initial plot of AMG (before Peorth and Marller enter the picture), Ore no Megami-sama! has the same spirit as AMG.

Megami Taisen is more of a “magic girl” title that uses goddesses and dips into the super sentai hentai genre here and there.

Surprisingly, I think Megami Taisen is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay inferior to Ore no Megami-sama! in the department of character development and general cast likability. It also feel it has better sex. Considering that Ore no Megami-sama! is a low budget title, whereas Megami Taisen is in the “middle range” (it was published by Lilim), that’s really saying a lot.

Also Ore no Megami-sama!'s Belldandy is more in character…

…than the Belldandy in Megami Taisen too.