Oldest member on this bbs?

in the middle of updating this bbs today, i noticed that it is bamboo’s birthday at age 63!

while i will never know if the date of birth bamboo entered was real (prolly not :P) but i cant help but think: who is the oldest member on this bbs?

in the past conventions that i have attended with peter, i personally have seen people who look pretty old (and prolly in their senior years) purchase our games (although i wouldn’t rule out the possibility that they are buying for their underage grandsons too :P), so i suspect that our fanbase does span over a wide range of age groups - not just in the minors group (as if we dont know already :P) but on the other end of the ruler as well.

so i was wondering…anybody here who have passed age 60 (for real of course)? :stuck_out_tongue:
and if you dont mind me asking in a very casual manner, what got you interested in this genre and games?

Haven’t you seen enough anime/read enough manga to realize old men are just as perverted. :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly, I really did turn 63 last sunday. Why should I lie? As for how I got interested in eroge? I think it was just a logical progression stemming from my life-long interest in science fiction, comics and porn. In the eighties (about thirty years ago) I got hooked on anime and manga and became a major Japanophile. Then I discovered the Jlist site and the rest is history. As for eroge? I just fell in love with the games is all. They help keep me young.

Oh god, don’t say that, you’re making me feel goddamn old, and I’m only slightly under half your age >_<

38 here. So, not an Antediluvian like Bamboo but still a ‘senior netizen’. Or, considering the forum, denizen. :smiley:

You looked at my personal information? I’m filing charges against you lammy. I don’t agree with your shinnanigans.

dude i didnt even mention your name in this thread at all :stuck_out_tongue:

but if you really want to know, this BBS will show people’s names on their birthdays on the index page, and the age (according to what they enter as their day of birth of course), so thats how i found out about bamboo

remember Kame senin

For a few more months, I am the answer to everything, I’m currently 42. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh, got me beat out by a couple. 40 here. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :twisted:

I’m 28 for another few months. Yes, this means I was barely old enough to post legitimately on the BBS when I first started hanging out here. So I’m kind of on the complete opposite end of the spectrum.

Edit: My join date is incorrect: my profile got corrupted around 2004 and I started over from 0 posts. When the new BBS was created the posts I had made originally were reassociated with my new profile so (I believe) my post count is correct … According to this, I joined the BBS over the summer of 2001 … that would have been in between my junior and senior years of college. Wow … I feel old.

I’m 25 and I’m starting to feel like I’m old already. Already half way through normal life expectancy. Dammit!

I’ll be 32 in two months. Man, I feel old now after saying that.

I fealt old for a couple months before I turned thirty … seemed I kept running into kids who didn’t get any of my references and made me feel like a fogie … and, of course, my little sister makes me feel old when she says things like, “Thundarr the Barbarian!? I wasn’t even born when this was on TV!”. Mind you, she is also one of the important ingredients in keeping me young. (at 12 years my junior she is forever youthful - despite preparing to graduate from college)

These days I’m in my mid thirties and don’t normally feel old - though when the big names from my youth are dying out it does make you realize this is going to become a trend you’ll feel for decades. It is amazing how much has changed in the world just in my lifetime, I can only imagine what will have changed by the time I’m ready to roll into the dirt. (though I have some projections and would love to see if I’m correct)

Being a History major I am hoping to live as long as possible in order to watch the world changing around - and under - me.

Oh boy…aren’t you all the hip and fresh senior citizens brigade.

Come on, it can’t be all that bad. You at least get that sense of security, that spidey sense. Its like an aura about you that comes from experience. “To others it may look like luck, but you know you’ve earned every ounce of your success.”

I’m 38, and just became a great uncle, which is not as bad as a great grandparent. But it’s still wierd watching the person you held as a baby, holding an infant of their own.