Omg, Bible Black is the best hentai game ever (slight sp

Interesting Freudian slip there, Narg …

I’ve been wanting to buy this game for a while now as it looks like the best dark ero on the english market . It looks like the developer put alot of research into actual occult practices -[of course I’ve never tried finding such stuff hokey as a science major] - from awikipedia search that is :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


That’s an excess amount of beef. Fairly disturbing, too.

Bible black is also kind of disturbing, but in a good way.

The sex often has characterisation elements to it (generally dark ones - the sex may be torture, or ritual, or the results of mind control) so that there’s a reason to actually read everything that happens in the scene. With some sex fests you may as well just skip the sex to go on with the story because nothing important actually happens during a sex scene - here, it’s more likely that you’ll want to read what the characters are thinking and feeling in order to follow the story even if you’re not in the mood for an orgy.

Ooo, there’s a question. Um, yes and no. In my opinion, Divi-DEAD is spookier. (And scarier, but ‘spookier’ is more accurate.) DD has a cooler atmosphere. DD also makes less sense, which can be a good or a bad thing depending on taste.

BB is /much easier/ to replay and get all the endings than DD was. I think DD is great but I never bothered getting all the endings because progressing through the story was such a pain at times, running around the map… I reached all the endings for BB without feeling that frustrated.

All I can say is it better have more art by the people who worked on Fatal Hearts. In fact, I’d love to see more official/unofficial Fatal Hearts art by them.

Getting all the endings doesn’t change the story a HUGE amount (obviously it ends differently, but there aren’t really huge surprises that make you see the whole thing in a different light. But again, I didn’t find it painful to get them.) THe biggest problem with getting all the endings is that the ‘good’ ending which you can only unlock last feels like a bit of a letdown (to me) because if you really wanted a ‘good’ outcome you would probably have not enjoyed the rest of the game much, and if you did enjoy the rest of the game you might find the good outcome sort of boring in comparison.

The atmosphere is less cool because it’s a bit more Generic Satanism. If you’re at all familiar with this sort of occult stuff, none of it is at all surprising. (In fact, I showed the game to a friend and she actually RECOGNISED the chant from the opening and knew exactly what bit of Crowley they’d taken it from. Not that they used it ‘correctly’ by her definitions in the game, though…) Dark grimoires, pentagrams, chalices, candles, it all feels familiar.

yeah give me some yuri too. But bishies are cool too. (ouran, naruto, bleach, and D. gray man come to my mind) you can find yuri in lighting warrior raidy. Anyway back on topic, Bible Black is one of the games I am intrested in, and I hope I can find it bundled with the orginal ova at my local anime con this saturday.

the story was to dark for me so i have to disagree

It all depends on your taste my friend some of us are sith . um Papillion maybe you or your friend could answer a question Ive had for awhile just how close to the mark is Bible Black to actual occultic practices?

I’m not Papillion, but I know a small bit about the crafts and practioners.

Short answer: It’s not.

There’s a few personal cults that might be as confused in their practices and material as BB, but not serious practioneers of Wiccanism, nor Enochioism, nor Kabbalists. Heck, I cannot imagine any mixture of serious practicioners that would generate such. Other then middle school/high schoolers making it up on their own, digging through various texts from new age libraries and online sources— but they’d need a LOT more drugs to do the orgies, and I’ve never heard of them lasting long enough to form any sort of real traditions.

yeah, you’ll find that most really nonsensical stuff in ‘actual practice’ is just bored teenagers making things up based on what sounds cool to them or what they’ve seen in movies, plus a few bits out of whatever ‘scary’ book they could find (usually the necronomicon). Teenagers really love calling themselves by grandiose names (“I am Lord Raven Darktalon Blood!”) and scaring their parents, so they’ll get together with their friends and draw pentagrams of salt in the back yard around an animal skull they found lying around somewhere and then prick their fingers to bleed on it and feel like they are SUPER POWERFUL.

And since it usually IS mostly straight white teenage boys, orgies are not very likely!

People who really follow these traditions are quite different from what you see in Generic Satanism games and movies. Some do have sex for ritual purposes but the ones I’m aware of do it with their chosen partner, not orgies.

Thought I heard orgy! Did someone say orgy?

Go! Go! Japan! :stuck_out_tongue:

eh I had a feeling but still sensational occult as it maybe - Im a scientist- it still falls more into a believable story than anything from Black cyc. Mindead Blood-plot complexity hell and in-depth characters? hell I hope so. but it reminds me most of a lovecraft. BB actually seemed like it actually could happen . and the guy who did VoDS,TPPiOED, and 5cmPS understands mundane characters are the most believable. I wonder if you viewed my last post in the eroge review thread Narg.

one other question Papillion is the sex actual mind control or do they just become unbelievably horny?

Sex is only used as a control/reward in personal cults— like the Manson Family. In most cults, the sex is mixed with a lot of drugs to make it something different then mundane sex and into something otherworldly or at least something mildly pleasurable while they are disembodied due to the drugs effects.

And in such circumstances, the cultists don’t get unbelieavably horny— because they are worked from so hard every day. Very horny people are bad, rebel against authority, and start thinking for themselves (mostly trying to figure out how to get some sex)— and thinking for yourself is the enemy of all personal cults! If you start thinking for yourself, you just might realize that if there was an actual huge alien ark ship hiding behind the coma of the comet, that astronomers would be able to easily see it with their powerful instruments. Or that you and Rachel could just skip out on doing your chores for 20 minutes, and go settle each other down.

interesting take but I was referring to the sex in Bible black specifically such as when Minase uses the Bible.

I agree with ReMeDy. Although I wasn’t discouraged from the start and I installed it enthusiastically, after a few minutes of gameplay I already knew this was the best Bishoujo game I have played. As I have mentioned somewhere, I consider the story the most important element of Dating Sims, and BB beats them all. Plus, the graphics in BB (the game, not the anime) seem to be the best drawings I have seen. It’s true that has dark elements and somebody might not like it, but it’s evil is incomparable to the darkness in Tsuki Possession or Virgin Roster. Plus, it has great music and a nice extra mode, allowing to view ALL CG’s. I can reccomend BB to anybody both to new to genre and veterans (maybe except hardcore christians but I don’t think there are many of them on this forum)