Omg, Bible Black is the best hentai game ever (slight sp

I’ve played almost every English hentai game on the market, so it felt odd I never played “Bible Black,” which is touted as “one of the most famous PC dating-sim games ever released.” I initially avoided it because it looked outdated and I wasn’t a fan of its anime style, but I tried it anyways. Ironically, it’s now one of my favorite hentai games =D.

Let me make this clear: I hate sex romps and no offense to G-Collection’s, but a lot of their titles are sex romps, such as “Let’s Meow Meow” (Note: The upcoming titles “Bazooka Cafe” and “Cosplay Fetish Academy” scare me =D). I prefer a strong story and Bible Black doesn’t dissapoint while striking a good balance of hentai. What’s cool about the story is you get to choose between good vs. evil, so it had a bit of a Star Wars theme to it. Your choices typically don’t reflect which girl/s you get, but rather if you’re descending down a path of darkness or righteousness. This puts emphasis on the story and its black magic theme, rather than the stereotypical “I like this girl, so I’ll meet/talk to this girl as much as possible for said girl’s ending” routine.

I really enjoyed the game’s subject matter involving black magic. They don’t just tag this on; they take it seriously, going into detail about Knights Templars, talismans, rituals, you name it. One example of this is the scene where the protagonist enters Saeki’s room and lets you read some of her magic books. Another is the failed ritual summoning Saeki and those two girls attempt in the apartment, loaded with tons of incantations and proverbs. I’m not sure whether all this material is made up, but even if it is, props to the developers for making it seem authentic. I swear they did such a good job convincing me of its possible authenticity that I wondered if I too could learn black magic in real life and find some success with it!

The anime style, despite saying I originally didn’t like it, actually works in this game’s case. Bishoujo girls with big cute eyes wouldn’t have worked in this game’s dark setting with black magic, so I think in the end the anime style was a perfect fit.

The game kind of gets a little crazy at the end. You know it’s weird when a girl grows a dick with her black magic =D. I thought the hentai pacing was odd too. At the beginning, a hentai scene would only show itself every 30 minutes, but near the end it’s like constant, which is kind of bad because I like to catch my breathe occassionally, lol.

I’m now really looking forward to “Discipline: The Record of the Crusade,” since it practically looks, feels, and breathes Bible Black.

Anyways, anyone who hasn’t played Bible Black needs to because it really is a great title. I’m just surprised I put aside this title for so long.

[ 11-14-2007, 02:56 AM: Message edited by: ReMeDy ]

While I agree that “Bible Black” does a great job in creating and maintaining a fitting atmosphere for a horror/mystery-story, it isn’t the only one.

For example the classic “Divi-DEAD” is at least as good in story and atmosphere, and it surpasses “Bible Black” in difficulty (consequences of decisions and complexity of conditions for achieving certain endings).

If you don’t demand the supernatural background but only a complex story, then “Chain - the lost footsteps” and “EVE Burst Error” should be taken into consideration too.
And if you don’t mind brutish storylines, then “DESIRE” also offers a complex and confusing storyline that is told from four different views which all together in the end explain what actually happened when to whom.

I am not too sure about the upcoming “Discipline”, but I am going to give it a shot anyway. I am not as thrilled by its animes as I was by “Bible Black”'s, though - probably because the “dark magic”-theme works better for me…

[ 11-14-2007, 09:56 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

Discipline reminds me more of an old game… oh wow… i sat here for a good 10 mins trying to think of its name, it came out about the same time that three sister story did, you were a teacher, you transfered into a school, and the rest of your days you are trying to stop an underground girl slavery movement that the school was into.

Im sure someone can help me out with the name based on what i said.

Im not saying discipline is like that, but the description does make it sound like the dark that atmosphere that, that game had, not necessarily a bad thing… im trying to buy anything to support these companies (water closet dont count).

Anyway to keep this on topic, i did enjoy Black bible, at first i thought id hate it, but turned out i enjoyed the game as a whole.

[ 11-14-2007, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: Gambit ]

If i’m not mistake, you’re talking about LOVE POTION, an old game from Himeya.

It’s somewhat a prelude of EVE - BURST ERROR because there’s two characters there who made a cameo on EBE.

As for BB, if is really good, i think i will try to play too. But i dislike dark-themed games and futanari. :frowning:

[ 11-14-2007, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

I enjoyed Bible Black a lot, but if you don’t like dark, you’re in the wrong game - to reach the ‘good’ ending you have to go through an awful lot of rape and torture and death and futa first. (Which makes it seem strange to me - surely anyone who enjoyed all that will feel let down by the good ending? :slight_smile: )

It is, at least, not MINDLESS dark - you’re not just raping merrily until the cows come home for no particular reason. There is a plot. There’s a lot of storyline. It’s just not always a very nice storyline :slight_smile:

[ 11-14-2007, 08:07 PM: Message edited by: papillon ]

Well…I’ve never been all that interested in Bible Black before, but you guys are good salesmen. So maybe I’ll give it a look. "course I like a mix of light and dark elements in my games. Is BB all demons and tentacles or does it have some funny stuff, too. That would be the closer for me.

BB is more about funtari where they cast spells and cause people to be turned on… etc, Its not reallu about tentacles, just imagine you can cast a spell over the hot girl in class… see what you could get her to do… its more like that. thats only a few scenes, but its sort of like that, then you join a club… and well the rest is hard to explain without giving anything away.

oh yea, the funtari part comes in when they cast a spell, and it just grows in…

[ 11-19-2007, 07:09 PM: Message edited by: Gambit ]

Hmmm… that’s actually a great line - which also sums up what distinguishes games like “DESIRE” and “Chain” from games like “Virgin Roaster” (pun intended).

May I borrow it in future reviews - if I should ever again pick up my reviewer’s pen? :wink:

Is BB all demons and tentacles or does it have some funny stuff, too. That would be the closer for me."

I haven’t completed ALL the endings, but from what I know and without spoiling anything, there is absolutely zero demons or tentacles, but some references to demons do present itself. You just never see them in-game. It’s purely human on human action.

As for funny stuff, yea there are some comedic moments in the first half of the game. For example, the protagonist’s friend, (who happens to be a girl), is always trying to wake the protagonist up at the beginning of each day, but he never likes to wake up, so this leads to interesting situations as she karate chops him, and stuff. The protagonist also tries to skip out on her to avoid the art club. When he fails, he tries (miserably) to draw her as model. This one time, he’s so focused on her exposed panties, that he draws them in real good detail without realizing it. I broke up laughing at that part =D. By the end of the game, it does shift from funny to serious, but then again, all movies are like that, even comedies… minus the hentai =D.

I think this game would be a good fit for you. I think you’ll enjoy it and if you’re like me, you will laugh/giggle at a few parts =).

[ 11-22-2007, 05:12 AM: Message edited by: ReMeDy ]

thanks, that’s news I can use.

You know, I like that jolt you get when a story turns from light and funny to dark and dangerous, don’t you?

I prefer that it remains funny. But I kind of disliked the endings with my favorite character Rika Shiraki because they always end up kind of pissed off. There should at least be a few good endings with them. 0_o

You know, I like that jolt you get when a story turns from light and funny to dark and dangerous, don’t you?

Yup, same here, lol. Bible Black is exactly like that. At first there’s literally zero hentai and it’s simply a nice, quiet, fleshed out premise about the main character attaining a book of black magic and then all of a sudden it’s like the game says, “Okay, have fun messing with the girls with your newfound powers.” After that there’s like a hentai scene every five minutes =D.

It’s all good though, but I still need to replay it since I don’t even have half of all the endings.

[ 12-08-2007, 06:08 AM: Message edited by: ReMeDy ]

Hmm, okay so today I completed the game (100%) and I can see people’s resentment over the game in regards to its endings. Without spoiling anything, only 2 out of the 12 endings I’d consider “good” endings where people come out happy and the rest are “bad” ones where something awful happens. Some of these endings are hard to get unless you have a strategy guide because a lot of the multiple choice answers aren’t always obvious.

Out of the bad endings, some will make your jaw drop, making you say, “Oh no they didn’t!” While many other will result in a boring game over. The endings that are good though are really fulfilling, even if they make you feel sad/badass inside =D.

What might also disappoint some people is if there’s a character you like, you can’t “date” her. Instead, the story arrives at a conclusion that diverts from the options you make with the girls, but for a game focusing on story and suspense over dating, I don’t mind this.

Anyways, because of all this, I take back what I said about Bible Black being the best. It’s one of those titles where it’s AWESOME the first and second playthrough, but once you do the whole “fast forward to get certain ending” routine, it becomes apparent a lot of the endings are pretty poor. I still recommend the game though, for those who haven’t played it =).

[ 12-14-2007, 05:58 AM: Message edited by: ReMeDy ]

Interesting. I always thought you were more of a “beefcake” person. :wink:

OWW! MY EYES!!! :frowning:

Why, you… :mad:

** throw lightsaber at Narg **


I don’t know where you got that idea. Hrmph! Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I like looking at gross gross muscles. :slight_smile: If you want to give me boys, give me boys that look like the ones in Absolute Obedience. They’re at least cute, although I’m still not really into yaoi. (Give me yuri!)

(On actual living men, the backs of athletic (not bodybuilder) boys can be strangely sexy, but I still avoid muscleheads. In anime, I want bishonen all the way.)

You’re lucky I posted the censored version then. :wink:

yay host club! :slight_smile: But when it comes to that lineup I prefer Kyouya. (I haven’t seen the whole show, I’m at about episode 11.)

I did ponder having twincest boy characters as an option in the [still unannounced dating sim that is in my project pipeline] but given the nature of the game (long story) they would probably come off looking too much like Hikaru/Kaoru, even though that wouldn’t actually be what they’d be based on…

If I do put twins in after all, you will only be able to date them as a couple!

Ah… it’s like you can read my mind! If you have a twin sister, consider yourself and sibling Narg-napped. :smiley:

On a sidenote: finding yaoi twincest - that isn’t Harry Potter - is surprisingly difficult. :stuck_out_tongue:

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<img src="" alt=" - " />

[ 12-20-2007, 07:39 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

You’re lucky I posted the censored version then. :smiley: