On with it already!

You know, I enjoy B games for more than just the sex scenes - in fact I’ve gone through periods where I didn’t even want sex in my games - but when I am playing a game which allows you to romance of the characters I want it to happen. I have been playing Decapo and while it isn’t a horrible game (not the best of scripts) I am getting sick of how long it takes to bed the girl you choose. That is to say, I’ll be near the end of the game and suddenly I run into an hour of text which requires no interaction from me and only serves to drag out the decision your character has already made by that point … as if they were saying, “we know you’re ready for that sex scene … so we’ll draw it out another hour or so - ha ha!” Bastards.

Oh, and if you’re wondering, the game has some decent art but the H scenes are boring as hell.

Da Capo was conceived as an all-ages experience (although they had to add ero scenes for business reasons), so it’s really the wrong game to play if you’re looking for elaborate sex scenes.

That said, there’s very little substance in D.C. period.

It was? Damn, I feel betrayed. Nemu’s and Mako’s ero scenes were great, though. Probably because I liked those characters the most, I suppose.

i am waiting for the plus communications pack to see the other routes for the game and the seasons pack if manga gamer puts it out

Narg and I mentioned it many times already, but it’s not uncommon for ren’ai games to be conceived without the ero scenes (because they’re not an important part in the game, its stories and plots) and have them added once everything is done, often making them feel awkward or inappropriate.

I just finished Sakura’s line, after having taken a long break from the game - since July of last year, I believe - and have to say the ending at least was lovely … though I swear these games are trying to kill me with their bitter sweet endings; make me want to curl up and fade away in a depressed stupor for a day or two. (unlike Kana which took a piece of my heart with it, I think)

It is unfortunate, though, that Sakura says she’ll come back as a matured woman … I liked the little sister vibe she gave off … she as cute as a button and I would hate to see that lost

I’ll have to come back to it soon to finish up Nemu’s path. (got about halfway through it before starting over with Sakura.) But I think I’ll wait until I’ve played something else for a bit first. No need to spoil one ending with the immediate transition to the next.

And quit trying to insist that everyone is somehow incapable of enjoying any sort of sex scenes for what they are. If there really were that many people like you who really don’t enjoy/desire sex scenes in their B games and play them entirely “for the story”, Hirameki wouldn’t be dead, and JAST USA would’ve actually released some non-H games by now.

I get the feeling that some people are under the impression that JAST/MG’s only customers only consist of members of these types of message boards.

Er, who are you replying to here, exactly?

Errr, Hirameki is dead mostly because of the DVD-PG Only release.
What work in Japans don’t especially work here… I mean, it’s clear that American and European don’t like the DVD-PG format and that"s what killed them : They should have released PC version and DvD PG or only PC Version.

Alsso if they wasn’t people who were interested in non Ero VN, the Ace Attorney and Higurashi wouldn’t sell ^^… And that’s not the case.

Now, not all Nukige (Sex Romp) suck like hell and are only “interesting” for their CG… I mean, some are actually fun and enjoyable to play “story” wise… or more exactly, dialog wise.

In some games, sex scenes are pretty much forced, so it’s often just stuck on the end to meet the requirement to have sex. In other cases, sex actually fits in pretty well. So it depends on what game you’re playing. Too bad the latter is probably in the minority.

What I want is for them to stop dragging the start of romance and relationships. Having the protagonist ponder whether he likes the girl you spent all game focusing on gets annoying.

And I wish sex scenes were better. I don’t need 90% of the lines to be moaning. That contributes nothing. One of my favorite ero scenes that I can remember was a masturbation scene, since it focused on the heroine’s thoughts and feelings rather than pointless moaning.

Best eroscene ever: Aqua’s H scene in Himawari.

Best eroscene ever. No exceptions. It’s just non-stop awesome.

it’s only got one CG too =P

Huh? I never said there was anything wrong with games that do or do not include sex scenes. I like each in its time, depending upon the mood I’m in. Sometimes I get sick of sex scenes because they feel like that is all the game is about; sometimes I want sex scenes because - damn it - I want to see the protagonist’s girl in the sack … to every taste a season.

Sex Scene from Squeez game for myself… Especially the Honoo no Haramase series… they’re totally awesome in humor lol.
They’re hot, and the usually bad writing disapear in the fact you laught like mad at the hero crappy joke :smiley:

Seriously, i hope, that one day, someone translate them… Because some joke are still a little hard for me.

Nagisa’s scene in CLANNAD.

That wasn’t the reason behind Hirameki’s collapse AFAIK, and recall that when we looked at the top sales list for j-list, a non-H game was in the top ten?

There are people who really don’t care about sex scenes. There are others who care a great deal. Neither of these is wrong.