Oniichan Control

I don’t think Belldandy would actually kill. Her jealousy might cause some damage, but she would be broken if she actually killed an innocent person over petty jealousy.

Keep telling yourself that…

It is totally against her character. She shows the jealous flare, but not the murderous rage. At best she is a tame yandere, but nowhere near eviscerating an innocent “rival”.

Keep telling yourself that…

On a side note: Belldandy’s character has changed exponentially from what she has been. Her character from the 1980’s is different from her character in the 1990’s (after Kikuko Inoue made a major influence), which had changed yet again during the 2000’s (with the Red Company and Namco influence on Fujishima). Don’t compare Belldandy from the anime, to Belldandy in the manga. Ain’t the same Belldandy. Nor is the original Belldandy the same as the Belldandy as she in her current rendition. Practically different personalities… not just her appearance that has changed over the decades.

On a second side note: you seem to be of the mind, that yandere is merely just “random violence to love” type girls. You’d be very mistaken - it’s quite elaborate. Belldandy had dipped quite a bit into the yangire subset for example. What keeps her in line, is that Keichii reciprocates. As Fujishima keeps making allusions to it, shows it’s not a random trait: he’s doing it on purpose (or rather he’s letting the editing staff he’s “leased” AMG out do it these days).

Not the only one who notices this…

I’ve read the manga and seen all versions of the anime. The latest seasons are the best of the entire line, though the manga is pretty good.

As I said, I think she qualifies for a tame yandere. She doesn’t seem as… intent… on the destruction. It seems more of a loss of control on her part. But, I am not quite as deep into the manga as the Japanese would be, seeing as I have to wait for scanlations at the very earliest. But the, I am so wrapped up in other things at the moment that AMG is way down the list for me.

Just got the latest “official” translation for R+V… yay! Luckily, the next is a few months off and three of my ongoing series seem to be going on extended hiatus at the moment. Good thing for my wallet and time, but thing for my obsession with those manga.

Nor are all yandere intent on murder all the time. A great deal of yandere don’t have any intention of killing, until the moment they’re “dumped” - then they burst into rage. Belldandy is no different. She just spontaneously snaps and lashes out. In all cases she is complete ignorant that she snapped at all. Many a yandere does the same (listen to those yandere drama CD’s for excellent examples).

Not all yandere are obvious… they have these little signs that show something isn’t right when things don’t go their way. Being jealous is one thing, but performing random acts of violence in reaction to something, and then being oblivious to it in the aftermath? Repression is a path to the Yandere Side. :twisted:

Out of sheer random interest: how to handle a yandere. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’ve done something wrong, but it’s not too serious. Stay calm and handle the situation as you normally would, but do not mention anything about other women.

Oh shit… she’s learned something about you, and how it might impact not having a romantic or sexual relationship with you. Inform her that she’s mistaken. You love her. Hugs and kisses.

Fuck… you’re in seriously deep shit: she just figured out you were dating another girl, spent the night over her house, etc. Tell her it was a mistake because you were confused, tricked, and lied to by that other girl. Mention brainwashing or rape drugs. YOU LOVE HER and that other girl means NOTHING to you.

Yes! You’ll make love to her!

Dumbass… you should have made love to her. You’re living in the closet or basement from now on.

It’s okay… she just killed someone else, because she loves you. Say you love her too, and agree that everything will be fine, so long as you love each other. DO NOT RUN!!! DO NOT SAY SHE’S SCARY!!! DO NOT TRY TO TAKE THE KNIFE AWAY FROM HER!!!

Nice job. You’re truly fucked now. She figured out you were lying or you gave an answer you shouldn’t have. Negotiations are over: time to die. Running will only prolong the inevitable by a few seconds, so take it like a man. If you’re lucky, maybe she won’t twist the blade as it enters and exits your flesh… yea… right…

And that is the yandere I detest… blech.

Well as the saying goes… it’s your funeral. I was just trying to keep you alive for a few days longer. :wink:

Yes, well… yandere would require a girlfriend. Seeing as how that is not an issue at this time, I don’t have to worry.

Actually, I think most of the girls around me are yandere. It’s probably a good thing I’ve been… remiss in my efforts :wink: .

Hmm… I was just wondering… have you ever read the manga series, Future Dairy (that girl in all those pics of earlier post, Yuno, is from it). It has one of the best examples of yandere. It’s a fairly grim and dark series, but not one devoted to guro or violence just for the sake of violence. There’s an actual plot behind it… and watching Yuno in action, really gives a great interpretation of how the true love of a yandere works. :o

Plus she’s actually one of the good guys! :shock:

If you like the plot of Oniichan control, you’ll like Oniichan_no_Koto_Nanka_Zenzen_Suki_ja_Nai_N_Da_Kara_Ne.

Oniichan Control brings us a Yandere versus Yangire battle. 8)

On a related note: Oniichan no Koto is indeed awesome. Especially the love confessions. :o

Speaking of, are there any good English translated Eroge with Yandere characters? (Aside from “Hitomi”, which I’ve played quite a few times)

Cross Channel
Non ero: Higurashi (ultimate yandere in my opinion)