Oniichan Control

Oniichan?Control (???) is a new manga by the semi-known bgame artist, Yuna Kagesaki.

Basically the story is like this: Hirose Goushi has a massive sister complex, and to prevent anything from happening, he leaves to attend school in far away Tokyo. Yet his love for his sister is so insane, he ends up having things like posters and body pillows made of her in his apartment (and constantly dreams of immoral hentai with her).


So a few years pass, when suddenly his sisters shows up on his doorstep to live with him, because she’s going to attend the same school as him in Tokyo. To add a twist, his sister has a massive brother complex. So basically the story is how the brother goes out of his way to suppress and hide his sister complex, while the sister goes out of her way to arrange sexual encounters and reveal her brother complex.


Rawr. Let the good times begin. :lol:

This sounds interesting and all I have to say is, OH HELL YEAH!! :smiley:

Now if you’ll excuse me… (dashes off to find said manga series)

I read chapter 1-2. I like it because it is very funny. It reminded of Ani-Com (otaku brother and non-otaku sister), and Otaku no Musume-san (otaku dad met his daughter when he never met her since her birth to nine years later.) But it was more humor than Ani-Com.

This sounds like a great series, given one of the things I like in my eroge (as if you couldn’t tell by my forum signature). I’m curious, how kanji intensive is it, and how grammatically difficult is it? (In regards to grammar, I’m guessing not too difficult, given that lines spoken by characters in manga are generally not that long.) This could be a great (and quite amusing) way to study, since I should be starting Japanese III in a few weeks.

Chapter 3 was recently released. She’s a yandere. :twisted:

Let the good times roll. :o

Wow, it is sounding even better than when you first talked about it. I wonder what would be the best way for me to get myself this series would be. With the kind of “sink or swim” way my Japanese III class has been, and the fact that I am managing to stay afloat, I am becoming less and less intimidated kanji. Suggestions are welcome if you have any.

I seriously doubt this series will get picked up by a company in the US seeing how it’s about mutual incest, so I think your only sources are the original Japanese books and the two fanlation groups that have picked it up.

Only 3 chapters have been done so far, so there’s no collected manga of it yet… and it’s way to early for any talk of an anime adaption.

I’m not really concerned about a US company picking the series up. Besides, it is a good incentive to practice my reading comprehension. Thus, I also am not interested in the groups translating it. I’d prefer to have my Japanese in bite-sized bits given my current level, so that also rules out the books. (I imagine that the amount of text given in one click of the mouse in an untranslated game will probably be the upper range of what I am willing to try and tackle at one time.) Also, I imagine that the illustrations for the series are quite amusing given the story. In any case, I guess I’m just going to have to be patient and wait for it to be collected in to a volume. If you hear of such a thing, I’d greatly appreciate it if you would inform me (and possibly give advice on a good place to obtain it).

Oh, wait.
Is suddenly interested

Figures you’d show up now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Spoil me here, but how bad is the yandere in this specific work?

Is it simlpy murderous and homicidal with no redeeming features? Probably nowhere near as bad as School Days though…

It’s a comedy series actually… so she doesn’t actually kill anyone… but she comes pretty damn close.

It’s handled with a dark humor slant. The sister is actually pretty creepy when you look at her activities: She shows her naked body to him all the time, in the guise of an accidental exposure. She has hidden camera’s in her brother’s house, so she knows what he’s doing at all times, which she monitors from her cell phone. And now she violently lashes out when a potential “threat” moves too close.

Moe~~~~ :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, if it is simply being overtly jealous and a bit violent, I can deal with it. However, if heads start to roll… yech.

What is surprising though: I found the yandere in Mai Hime to be the creepiest yet. That is probably because the mental instability was so frakking disturbing, especially since she is forceful with her “love” as well.

I like all yandere, [b]but the ones who let you LIVE in fear[/b], are my favorites. Once a yandere kills her love, the insanity ends… but the ones who keep theirs alive, has the insanity last for a life time. :twisted:

I don’t mind the “tamer” yandere. But, I have always been more of a tsundere fan.

My favourite for these type of situations are the redemptive tales. I like to see the violence, jealousy, and rage eventually overcome by true love. Probably why I despise the more homicidal yandere. Well, that and most of those types destroy the suspension of disbelief for me. With stuff like School Days, I just could not believe the character’s actions and reactions in any sense. Probably why I did find the Mai Hime instance far more disturbing… the fact that such obsession and mental degredation is far more normal.

But it [u]IS[/u] true love. :o

Possessive? Paranoid? Demented? Abusive? Sure. But true love nonetheless. A yandere only cares for one person, and nothing else in the world ¬ñ not even morality and reason ¬ñ is worth living for. She knows they should be together. And if not? Well… there is no “if not” in this case. :twisted:

Yandere are the way they are, because they can’t grasp the possibility of living without the person they desire. They don’t lash out in pure hate - they lash out in fear and uncertainty. They don’t want to lose the most valuable thing to them.

It’s love.

If you’re loyal and obedient to a yandere, you won’t find a person more loyal and obedient back. They’re forever by your side no matter what. Literally to the Gates of Hell and back: although most of the time, you go right in. :wink: Of course if you waver, even ever so slightly, there’s a lot of explaining to do… usually with a bucket of blood.

That a yandere is willing to kill without hesitation for the one she loves, is what makes her so beautifully special and tragic. A yandere doesn’t just want happiness for herself: she wants happiness for her love…but only if they can be together. :twisted:

Violent yandere are realistic as well: every day there’s a domestic murder inflicted because of scorned love… to say nothing of the endless serial murders based on twisted love.

I’m not saying it has never happened by a long shot… I mean, for crying out loud, two 13 year old Russian girls drugged and disembowelled a 59 year old man just to see how organs work. I just don’t find the specific instances in yandere lore to be believable simply because the character’s choices just don’t seem to flow naturally.

But, I disagree on the true love aspect here. I understand killing for your love, but not out of jealousy and rage directed at a rather innocent person. Most of the time it is not a violent rivalry until the psycho kills the other “rivals”.

They’re not innocent: they’re guilty of obstructing true love and happiness. In most cases, yandere don’t go into murder mode at the drop of a dime. They do try to reason and state their case. Of course if you happen to refuse their offer… well… it’s not very pretty. :twisted:

I just don’t view most of those cases as true love. Warped and psychotic love, maybe… but not the love that transcends such petty frivolities.

Yandere are quite serious about their feelings: woe to anyone who dares challenge them otherwise. Their love transcends reason and conformity, only becoming a terrifying notion when it’s rejected. For example the mary sue that is Belldandy is a clear cut yandere. Because Keiichi loves her without limit, she doesn’t demonstrate that side of her personality. Yet it doesn’t take much to have her lapse into kill mode (just have another pretty woman kiss him passionately). Most of the getai from Gunslinger Girl are different shades of yandere - fortunately their handlers are aware of it (after one died as a result of it). Nova from Magic Knight Rayearth is yandere. They all LOVE their target of affection for various reasons, and kill when they can’t have it for various reasons.