Online Bishoujo Gaming -- MMORPG

I wonder if such thing would be possible?

Ideas? Comments? Rants?

Made in DNA

[This message has been edited by Made in DNA (edited 04-15-2003).]

I don’t like to do this, but I have to start with a rant:
I hate everything, that is proud of carrying this certain “O”. I am even already determined to ignore “Final Fantasy XI” because of this (and I am usually a fan of the Final Fantasy series).

So, in my opinion, this topic is not a good idea at all.

I think it already exists, there was this website with all these nude avatars walking around in it, Dave E posted it a while back. Personally, seems kind of intimidating, everyone is probably going to start with the nasty or something, and then skip out when you’re snoozing.

online H game? I sense orgy :stuck_out_tongue:

like unicorn I will avoid any online game like a plague…and I am not sure if it’s a good idea since I always have this notion that there is no end to online games, you never know when you actually finish the game…which means you will never have the chance to get an ending with a girl so to speak…

Hmm, I’m not a big online gaming fan either. Not sure how such a thing would work really, especially if it was adult in nature. Even with a bunch of NPC’s, most of the interactions would still be between players and a lot of them would probably be male, and as much as I hate to admit it, that means some odd troubles. Back when I used to MUD alot, I’d sometimes play female characters and it’s interesting to see how the interactions were different than when I played a male character. And it definitely wasn’t different in a good way.

didnt u guys play everquest before they patched it? nude elfs-girls everywhere…

i would like to say i have never played everquest… however i have seen the pics…
(and yes i think its funny)

[This message has been edited by Gambit (edited 04-16-2003).]

Originally posted by Gambit:
didnt u guys play everquest before they patched it? nude elfs-girls everywhere....

i would like to say i have never played everquest... however i have seen the pics...
(and yes i think its funny)

[This message has been edited by Gambit (edited 04-16-2003).]

Hrmmm.... I am guessing you are just joking. Because EQ never shipped out at any time with textures for nude people. So if you have seen pictures to this effect, they are doctored pictures.

Just out of curiousity, everyone who says they avoid Online games like the plague, have you tried any of them? I played a ton of Everquest and Daoc and will definitely play FFXI and World of Warcraft and maybe Everquest 2. I think online games are a great asset to the gaming industry, I don’t think they should just stop making single player rpgs, but I think anyone who has no tried the online experience is really missing out.

Back on topic I don’t see how a bishoujo mmorpg would work, plus I think the populace is too immature to handle a adult mmorpg. Just make a anime mmorpg without the adult content.

I played MUDs for like over four year period. I had to put down my foot and said, ‘this is like a drug addiction, huge waste of my time’ and the amount of wars and ‘politics’ for something immaterial was so absurd I just quit all together. I know it is the future of gaming because it helps bridge people from one side of the continent to the other, but I still think it is a growing concern as highlighted by online relationships that sour real offline marriages and what not.

Though on the other hand my friend has a dedication to perversion… he plays raganark online… and he has 100’s of panty shots and down top shots ( and the sad part is… those are mostly younger characters AND none are actually nude…) he scares me… (sorry i felt this must be added to my previous comment… heh (im ruining this formum huh?)

On that aspect though Bookmeow any game is a huge waste of time. You could always be doing something more productive than playing a game. Instead you play a game for the enjoyment factor. Saying its a huge addiction just re-enforces(sp?) the fact that mmorpgs are very enjoyable. Also you can become dangerously addicted to ANY game if you let yourself. I was way too addicted to FFVII when it came out and as a result played it way too much the night before my ACTs and slept through the reading portion of the test (oops ). You just have to learn self restraint. You don’t have to play a mmorpg 8 hours a day to have fun. I play daoc at most 2-3 hours every couple days and I have fun playing it.

That’s entirely true Bigdog, but the worst thing about my mud was the fact that when a war broke out, and it involved your house, there were few recourses to get out of it. What do you do, if you don’t want to fight? You have to not log on. Doesn’t ride well with your comrades, even if you’re no good at fighting. And most of the times it was just flames here and flames there, every 2 to 3 weeks there was one war. I had to pull out, it was terrible.

Originally posted by Bigdog:
Just out of curiousity, everyone who says they avoid Online games like the plague, have you tried any of them? I played a ton of Everquest and Daoc and will definitely play FFXI and World of Warcraft and maybe Everquest 2. I think online games are a great asset to the gaming industry, I don't think they should just stop making single player rpgs, but I think anyone who has no tried the online experience is really missing out.

One -- I don't think I'm missing anything. Powerleveling for its own sake isn't something I'm a terribly big fan of.

Two -- I have very limited time. I don't have enough time to watch all my anime and play RPGs. Much less MMO"RPG's".

Originally posted by Gambit:
Though on the other hand my friend has a dedication to perversion... he plays raganark online... and he has 100's of panty shots and down top shots ( and the sad part is... those are mostly younger characters AND none are actually nude...) he scares me... (sorry i felt this must be added to my previous comment... heh (im ruining this formum huh?)


How the heck does that work? I'm not at all familiar with this game. The concept yes, but not anything about panties, and down shirt shots.

Made in DNA

Never have been much into MMORPG’s. Never really tried them out, for the most part. I might have to break this stance when FF XI and Star Wars Galaxies come out.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
One -- I don't think I'm missing anything. Powerleveling for its own sake isn't something I'm a terribly big fan of.

Two -- I have very limited time. I don't have enough time to watch all my anime and play RPGs. Much less MMO"RPG's".

1. Powerlvlers are about 5-10% of the mmorpg community. So saying your not gonna play because you don't want to powerlvl makes no sense. Your not required to powerlvl you character. Build your character slowly by questing and doing tasks etc.

2. Its a matter of choice really, mmorpgs do require a bit more time and if you don't have time to play, then your right you shouldn't. But once again I put in at *most* 6-8 hours a weeks in daoc and I have had a blast doing rvr and quests. In fact I put more time into my console rpgs than I have put into daoc. But then I don't have the need to be the top player on the server like some people so I don't need to play 24/7.

I play everquest and Earth & Beyond, and enjoy them immensely…i don’t play them obsessively…there are times i won’t touch either one for a week or more…i belong to a guild in everquest that doesn’t focus on powerlevelling and raids, just a fun group of people to chat with and hang out with

i once spent a whole 6 hour play session running around getting tailoring stuff and sewing

and in earth and beyond, i play a tradesman, so i run around and do trade runs and get LOTS OF MONEY…it’s fun and i don’t really fight that much

on the bishoujo game online thing, though, i don’t think it would work…as mentioned above, most of the population is not mature enough to properly see the value of such a game, and it would be a little odd to try and bring the mechanics of a bishoujo game to an online forum

MUDding is one of my old addiction… o.o I don’t go back there anymore… avoids the sucking sounds of the MUDding vortex I’m having trouble kicking my neopoint grubbing habit in NeoPets. o.O Tamagachis were my downfall in college.

I’d be afraid of getting addicted to trying to get NPCs to date me… what if it was real-time and I had to stay awake for half the day fighting for my lady love against PCs or stalking my gentleman friend? I’d probably become a psycho stalker, killing all those who I believe want my lover for their money so I could buy my love a gift. I’d forget the pleasures of food and water.
Myaha! Don’t mess with me. I drink the blood of lemons for breakfast.

Originally posted by Llilithe:
I'd be afraid of getting addicted to trying to get NPCs to date me... what if it was real-time and I had to stay awake for half the day fighting for my lady love against PCs or stalking my gentleman friend? I'd probably become a psycho stalker, killing all those who I believe want my lover for their money so I could buy my love a gift. I'd forget the pleasures of food and water.
Myaha! Don't mess with me. I drink the blood of lemons for breakfast.

Disturbing, very disturbing. Oh, not the stalking part. The part about you forgetting the pleasures of food and water. You mean you havn't done that already? [img][/img]