Out of curiousity...

…does anyone else here really like the music of Ali Project? In particular, I’m currently hooked on the ending song for Kaibutsu Oujo. The lyrics to this song are deliciously evil.

I’m not exactly “hooked” on them per se, but I do like a lot of their releases. I absolutely love their loligoth style and imagery. Also their various theme songs for anime (Rozen Maiden, Linebarrels of Iron, etc) are awesome. However when I buy a CD of theirs, only a few of the songs appeal to me. So I can’t say I like EVERYTHING…

On a regular basis, I personally prefer the music of Yousei Teikoku (aka Y?sei Yui, aka DenKare, aka New Wave Of Death Neko Metal) for my J-Goth needs. :twisted:

But yes… Ali Project kiss ass too. :o

While all that is well and good, the reason I like them is their unique sound. As my friend majoring in music explains (I had to wait until I saw him again to get this right):

I knew this sounded familiar to me, now I know why.


Same song, just with the Kaibutsu Oujo ED to go along with it. But yes, this song/ED is one of my favorites.

** wow, I’m dumb, just saw the rest of the link in the first post. Kaibutsu is blatantly there, I guess I just have selective reading problems.**

Narg, after your post in the “Before Dawn Daybreak - NEW Black cyc game !!!” thread, I realized that I had finally heard something by this group on an internet radio station I tune in to occasionally. If this song is any indication of their overall style, then I would say I quite like them as well. While I can definitively point out what I like about Ali Project, I can’t put my finger on what I like about Yousei Teikoku. Maybe as I hear more songs this will change. I just listened to the example you link to in the quote, and I liked that as well. (Not sure if I had listened to it before or not. April kind of went by in a blur what with finals for Japanese II and all.)

I like Yousei Teikoku because of the Victorian and Modern gothic fusion. Their songs often make extensive use of heavy metal and classical instrumentation with choir style background singing. They’re also about morbid and tragic things. Y?sei Yui has a beautiful voice too. The other thing is that Yousei Teikoku consists of only two people: Y?sei Yui and Takaha Tachibana: that’s a lot of musical talent there.

Add on top of that, Y?sei Yui has shown her support of dark eroge - or at least BCyc - by providing music talent under the alias of Karen. I’ve also got a sneaking suspicion she provides uncredited voice acting for them too (the faceless nobodies).