Overflow Localization Survey

Uhh… I’m not sure if I see a difference. I’m pretty sure there are a couple differences, but you can appeal sentences and interpretations of various laws over in America too. Not to mention in America and other common law countries, you’re assumed to be innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I don’t see how that’s inherrently different from French law, unless you were under some mistaken impression that it’s the other way around. Same goes for the sentencing part–They sound exactly the same from what you’re saying, except you’re just differently wording the examples.

To be found guilty of a crime in the US, the court can’t just say “you did this”, it also has to show precisely which law you broke. Enshrined in the US constitution is the fact that Congress shall pass no ex post facto law - what this means, is that if a particular activity was legal at the time you did it, the government cannot retroactively make it illegal and arrest you. We don’t have courts of equity in criminal law either.

I don’t see a real difference between the US and France: In both, you have to commit some act, which has been specifically banned by a clearly-identified statute. The terminology may be slightly different, but the systems seem equivalent.

Well, it’s hard to explain correctly.
The main difference is that in USA you’re judged for act itself and if you are found guilty of this act thus you apply the law.
In France you’re judged for the act of breaking the law and if you’re found guilty of breaking the law then you became responsable for the act and thus the law say that in this case the sentence is…

Also the Justice system is totally different in France (we have more type of court for example)

Italian law (like a few(?) of its EU counterparts) is a mess and I’m not a lawyer, I can say only two things for sure:

1): In Italy, commercial fiction works containing mosaiced genitalia are NOT restricted to 18+ years old people only, our old eroge magazines (full of graphics, movies and demos from the japanese games) had a “14+” printed in the front cover.


Same here, I still remember the only instance when one of our eroge publisher needed to remove all the back issues of one of its magazines because the bonus CD included this movie :roll: .

Common law versus civil law, essentially.

There are merits to both; I feel civil law can quickly become outdated and no longer represent public attitudes about certain things- on the other hand, I think public attitudes are rubbish and that an act should not necessarily be illegal even if everyone finds it abhorrent.

WTF did I just watch? >_>

Well, in France we have what we call “comparution immÈdiate”.When you caught the hand in the bag, you got arrested, the police do all the paper work and you go directly see a judge.
You have a trial in the Police Court (tribunal de police) in only a few hours after you got arrested.
That’s why you only have a 30 minutes with a lawyer, since you don’t have a chance to win.The only thing that a Lawyer can do for you is to try to got you a light sentence or, if you’re a lucky one/first time offender, no sentence but a warning with a deal that the next time you caught the sentence will be heavier.

After our court system is really a messy one tsee for yourself : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_in_France

Are for your magazine…Well italia si the country who got a porn start who was fashing her tits trunning for the prime minister seat :smiley:
Sorry :mrgreen:

Well their is also the ruling of the Council of State (Conseil d’Ètat) which can’t be underestimated.
An exemple.
The movie “baise moi” got a Matutre rating by the governement.Wich mean restricted for 18 and older but can be played in common theater.
Some organisation (Christian and family one) was choked by this movie and goes before the council of state to make a claim.
They won, so the movie got an X-rated rating, so can only be viewed in Porn specialized Theater.

Erm, I saw “Under 17” pop up in that movie. I wonder what that pertains to… >.>

The musical group who sang the theme song for the game.


Nice to see a company not send a CaD for once.