Overlord II

Because Evil ALWAYS finds a way… :twisted:

http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-09 … d-ii/50772

I love #5. Always hated how you had to choose in the first title. No self respecting Overlord makes a choice… he TAKES what he wants.

Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha!!! 8)

I believe the three women are: a childhood friend, daughter of the Emperor, and the Ice Queen (errr… literally).

I concur, number 5 is awesome! :twisted:

It’ll have a PC version so I’m picking it up.

I really should get around to playing all the way through the first one. I wonder if the second one will appear on Gametap as quickly as the first one did…

I may have to give in to the Dark Side for this one. The Harem aspect is just too good to pass up. :twisted:

I’m counting down the days until this title. The first one was so much fun!

The reason you had to pick in the first one is that the two girls would kill each other as soon as you turned your back, and you were still waking up to the true Overlord inside, so you didn’t know how to chain and train them properly. Heck, you couldn’t even control one single jester, just basic mindless minions.

Heh… those harem teasers keep reminding me of MinDeaD BlooD and various other dark eroge. :stuck_out_tongue:

Played the Demo to this and it’s a lot like Pikmin imo. you get your underlings and you can have them go attack stuff, unlike Pikmin you can be in the front lines killing stuff too. No Harem action in the demo, Booooo! You do get to see the them damn Tree hugging Hippie Elves though, and you get to kill some too, and some baby seals ( I fear the day that PETA sees this game in Action :lol: )

This game ranks high on the hilarity chart.

You can either be EVIL or REALLY EVIL. It isn’t possible to go through the game without amassing a harem. When you conquer towns, you can either destroy the town, or dominate the villagers to work slavishly for your needs. There are a LOT of great moments in this game, and even though it’s more puzzle based than combat, it’s not frustratingly complex like some puzzle games are. Unlike the last game, the minions can get mounts, and the Overload can actually possess a minion to get into spaces that are to small for his body. The tweaks to the system itself may not seem like much, but they add up and make Overlord II a better experience.

Personal favorite moment of mine… you’re stealing a ship to sail overseas to the elven nation to conquer it, when you spot a ton of sea mines blocking your route to the open ocean. Now, you can ram your ship through to try to force a path, but the better (and more entertaining) solution is to cause a pack of baby seals to panic and swim into the ocean away from your Dark Majesty and minions…and into said minefield.

I knew it! I FREAKING KNEW IT!!!

Gnarl has been using Overlords to further his own agenda. He’s nothing more than a manipulating rat bastard, betraying Overlords after they serve his purposes. Well ain’t that fink in for a surprise, when the Overlord from the original game, somehow gets out of Hell. Although I have this sneaking thought, that Gnarl intends to sic father on son, so he can rid both problems at once.

Ahem… sorry… just beat the game. :o

The harem is awesome. Ladies Man achievement is divine. :twisted: I love how the three women bicker and fight as Gnarl uses his telepathy (with each other and Gnarl).

I love how Fay is a masochist. I guess that’s what happens when all your men are only interested in men. :stuck_out_tongue: