Oyatsu no Jikan

Oyatsu no Jikan

Game Maker - Studio Ring
Game Homepage - Oyatsu no Jikan homepage
Genre - Light Hearted Comedy Adventure Game
Sexual Content - Fully consentual sex with girls who may not be legally entitled to give consent

The Game:

Well, I’ll start off with a little story. Over the course of the last month, I accidentally did something to upset Lamuness. I won’t go into details, but he was quite upset over it. After a while, we came to terms, and Lamuness said to me “well, we’ll call it even, but only if you review this game and post the review on peapri BBS.” Not exactly what was said, but you get the idea. So here I am, weeks later, with my thoughts on “Oyatsu no Jikan”.

Why did Lamuness ask me to review this game? Obviously, the idea was that it was a punishment. Oyatsu no Jikan is a very Loli game, meaning that the characters in the game appear very young (very, very young in some cases). Somehow, this is legal in Japan, and as it seems, to bring it overseas. So that being said, my writing about the game will sound more like an ‘experience’ than a regular review by a game fan.

Before I go on here, I have to mention that my Japanese isn’t all that good. Lots of what I write may not be 100% accurate, or might even be flat out wrong. I can’t say for sure, but I will try to be as accurate as possible.

So that being said, onto the review. Oyatsu no Jikan means “Snack Time”, which sums up the main theme of the game. Oyatsu no Jikan is a light hearted comedy adventure game, with of course a focus on the (young) cute girls. The game takes place in the Sweets Academy. Your character, whose name you actually chose before playing (because surely none of the girls will ACTUALLY call you by name), is a doctor/nurse/whatever at said school. I chose what I felt was a fitting name for the main character. The game takes place across about 8 game days where you use what limited interaction you have to try to woo several of the girls enrolled at the academy.

Yup, you heard that right, your main character tries to score with the students at the school. And while it’s not explicitly written, I’m pretty certain the sweets academy is some sort of elementary or low level school, because damn these girls can’t be very old.

Speaking of the girls, there are 5 girls in which your main character can try to score with over the course of the game. In keeping with the games “sweets” theme, each of the girls is named after ¬Åior somehow actually is¬Åjsome sort of snack. I’ll give you guys a brief description.

Shortcake - Shortcake is the mascot girl of Oyatsu no Jikan. Shortcake is quite outgoing, and is quite cute (which seems to be standard for these characters). She’s also quite young, which I was hoping would be an exception instead of the standard in this game, but I’ve been unfortunately disappointed (obviously, that’s why Lamuness asked me to play this game). She’s starting to stretch the limits of what I can tolerate. She calls you ¬ÅgOnii-chan¬Åh, for all you older brother type guys. I think she actually might be your sister (or half-sister, of course).

Ice-cream - Ice-cream is the quiet girl of the bunch. She’s also the only one that has any sort of physical development, and hence became my instant favorite. Not that that’s saying a lot though, but at least she’s hit puberty, which is more than I can say about the other girls. Ice-cream is quite reserved, ¬Åelady-like’, and spends the majority of her time at the library, reading books, and helping Pudding. I think she’s the head of the student council at the sweets academy. She refers to you as ¬ÅgSensei¬Åh, or teacher.

Pudding - Pudding is the smallest (read: youngest) character of the bunch, and is quite shy, hiding behind her ¬Ågbig-sister¬Åh Ice-cream. I don’t think they’re related at all, but that’s the sort or relationship they have. She is very attached to Ice-cream, and wants to become like her. Sadly, if you didn’t read it earlier, Pudding is VERY young. Were not talking just a little younger than the rest, she looks like she’s 4 years old. Some people might be able to go for that, but I’m not one of them. I found her scenes nearly sickening, to the point of being intolerable. Her voice actor doesn’t help, as she tries to portray a child, even mispronouncing certain sounds like you’d expect of a kid. She ties to call you ¬ÅgSensei¬Åh, but falls considerably short and it usually comes out as ¬ÅgTentei¬Åh.

Chocolat - Chocolat is Oyatsu no Jikan’s obligatory rich / snobby girl. She’s the daughter of the school master, and she likes to think she can get away with anything. She’s not necessarily a bad girl, but she certainly has a lot of attitude. She also, for some reason, trusts your skills as a doctor. Big mistake! She certainly doesn’t act all high and mighty when you start sticking things in her butt! …Really.

Shiratama - To be really honest, I haven’t the slightest clue what a shiratama was before I played this game. I guess its some sort of rice flower dumpling. I don’t know how common of a desert it is cause I’ve certainly never heard of it before. Anyways, like the desert, Shiratama is distinctly Japanese. She also talks in some strange dialect that made it a bit hard for me to follow her lines. Shiratama’s a bit strange really. She has no friends, she seems to talk to herself a lot, but she definitely seems like quite an outgoing person. She’s the active one of the bunch, seeming to spend some time practicing kendo. I must admit, with the strict exception of her sex scenes, her story seems pretty fun. Of course, Oyatsu no Jikan makes every effort to try to convince you that sex with pre-adolescent girls is perfectly normal. I still don’t think I buy that.

The first time playing through the game, I was just fooling around, getting to know the different characters involved. After familiarizing myself with the surroundings, I set my sights for the one girl I found attractive; Ice-cream. I’ll mention here because of their relationship it’s actually possible to work towards Ice-cream’s and Pudding’s stories at once, and I did, but for this I’ll just mention Ice-cream’s story.

So right from the get-go, I seek out Ice-cream. Of course, she’s at the library, doing what she likes to do most, read. After a brief conversation, and pretty well getting nowhere, I returned to the office. A bit later though, Ice-cream along with Pudding, visit your office. Ice-cream insists nothings wrong, but Pudding is concerned and asks you to help out (remember, you’re a doctor). You assure Pudding and she goes on her way.

It seems Ice-cream feels very hot, and her heart is going. After some inspection, and a very long pause, you come up with an idea to help her out. You do like any capable doctor would do: HELP HER COOL DOWN BY COVERING HER NEAR NAKED BODY WITH ICE CREAM. Somehow, she seems pretty alright with this idea. Afterwards (nothing too bad happened), you cleanup, and apologize for how weird it got. She thanks you, since she feels better, and goes on her way.

The cycle repeats for a few days, you seek out Ice-cream, socialize for a bit, and she comes to your office later feeling hot. You do your ritual with the ice cream, though each day it gets a bit racier. Eventually, she tells you that her feelings for you are why she feels the way she does, and asks you to sleep with her.

So, like ANY good adult with good morals would do when asked to sleep with a young student at your school, you hop right into the sack and have sex. And that’s how it goes. Again this continues on and on, until the time at school comes to an end.

Now, at this point, I think I missed something important about the plot, because somehow, for some reason, Ice-cream became a Fruits-Sundae. I’m not shitting you; she walked in and said ¬ÅgI’ve become a fruits Sundae¬Åh. Somehow, your strange relationship has empowered her to become a fruits sundae. I’m not sure what you’d do, but if my girlfriend walked in and said ¬ÅgI’ve become a Fruits Sundae¬Åh, I’d be mighty concerned. But you know what this means to our hero? It means you have more sex. Lots of it. The end.

The other story I played at that time, Puddings story, played out very similarly, save for the part where I was trying not to gag during her scenes. And I don’t know about the main character, but I think somehow he may have mixed up his medical manuals with some sort of twisted sex manual involving various sauces. I say this because somehow you get the bright idea, much to my horror, to spread CARAMEL SYRUP all over Pudding. Her story flows quite similarly (as it goes hand in hand with Ice-creams), though she comes to see you because she’s klutzy and always hurts herself. Her story even ends on the same note, with her somehow ¬Åeevolving’ into some sort of new fancy desert. In which you promptly consume.

Now, I must make a note of our hero’s sauce fetish. These scenes pop up quite often. Not just once or twice, but seemingly several times, for many most of the characters. Not that I really have a problem with his sauce thing per se. I do have a problem with you draping naked 4 year old girls in sauce.

I’m not really going to get into the other stories in much detail, as most of the stories tell themselves in pretty well the same fashion. Most of the interesting details are in the character descriptions.

Actually, thinking about it now, the game is actually incredibly formulaic. In terms of interaction, you get two choices of where you want to go during the day, which basically comes out to ¬Ågwhich toddler do you want to bang today¬Åh. Basically, you chose the girl for the day; answer the usually single question in her encounter, and then proceed directly to score. Repeat till you win the game. As you can see, it’s not hard at all. And on an even lower level, most of the stories really involve the exact same steps and process to the encounters. While the stories themselves are sometimes quite different, the stories all play out in a very similar fashion. But then, don’t all these games play out similarly?

My opinion

The good: Ice-cream tan. I must say, out of the girls in this game, I actually liked her and her story (despite how weird it got at times). Unlike the other girls she was fairly well developed, I can honestly say she was attractive. She might be a little young, so I suppose that may make me a terrible person, but meh. I also liked the story side (as opposed to the sex side) of Shiratama’s story. Lots of fun to be had with Shiratama. I actually liked her voice actor too; it was pretty… unique (not for acting the H scenes, but just in general). Shortcake’s story was pretty cute, but nothing overly special. For the most part, most of the stories played out enjoyably.

The bad: Pudding. She’s just so far beyond what I can tolerate, just way too loli. As I mentioned earlier, I couldn’t stand her voice actor at all. I’m not sure if it just sounds too loli, or if the voice actor is really just terrible. I also didn’t like Chocolat much. I can sort of see where the appeal is¬Åc but I’m nowhere near it. And also, this won’t come as much of a surprise to any of you, but I wasn’t a big fan of most of the H scenes in the game. I’m sure by this point you can guess why.

Conclusion: I somehow can’t bring myself to hate this game. Its terribly loli and lots of the scenes were quite hard to sit through but… I dunno. There’s nothing really terrible about the game other than the apparent age of the girls, and all the scenes are fully consenting. The characters themselves are quite likable, even the bossy Chocolat. If you gave the girls another couple of years, or if they were even in a non-H production, I’d be inclined to enjoy it far more though. They play the theme pretty well, and some of the stories are genuinely entertaining. I guess the bottom line is, if you like what you hear above, and you don’t have any issues with my constantly reoccurring picture of pudding covered in caramel syrup (just incase you somehow missed the link before), then I think Oyatsu no Jikan would be worthwhile to play. I can’t say that the game is really for me, seeing how lots of the characters are really beyond what I really like, but looking at it objectively, it’s not a bad game. Really, if you don’t mind the loli theme and want a light hearted game, its a good one to try out.


Review also hosted on my homepage

[This message has been edited by Doddler (edited 06-17-2005).]

Originally posted by Doddler:
Why did Lamuness ask me to review this game? Obviously, the idea was that it was a punishment.

Punishment or not, this review is very good [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]! Welcome to Loli World [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]!
And if Lamuness begins to distribute free Loli games, I volunteer my services for another punishment!!! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Now I’ve always had a preference for the loli characters in the ero-games I’ve played, but this… no. Just… no. The artwork here is a total turn-off for even a die-hard loli fan like me.

It’s not that I think it’s morally wrong to play a game like this (I believe no games are morally wrong to enjoy), but the art just isn’t doing anything for me. If anyone enjoys it, then more power to them. But this is one ero-game I’d never consider buying. If I had to choose between this game and a dark rape-theme game, I’d pick this in a heartbeat, but I doubt I’d enjoy it a whole lot more than I would the dark title.

Try stamping “all characters in this game, as in all games we sell, are aged 18 or older” on THIS game. If people didn’t raise an eyebrow at some of the other games with this stamp on them, they surely would when seeing this one.

The review was good though

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 03-25-2005).]

You know working in the Bishoujo Gaming Industry is (Or was, anyway) starting to seriously affect you when the pictures don’t cause serious mental trauma in you. No, seriously, I didn’t even flinch at these pics. I am so going to burn in hell.

Otherwise, nice review. I noticed you named yourself ChildRapist. Might I suggest Pedophile, instead? And you aren’t channeling the spirit of SomethingAwful, are you?

(To quote, “Excitingly though, at the beginning of the game you get to enter your character’s name. Naturally I chose “RAPIST” as mine (I was limited to eight characters or it would have been PEDOPHILE), yet was “disappointed” when my character did not turn out to be a rapist.”)

Thanks for the comments so far.

Yeah, like you, I’m not really phased by it at all, but I had to write about something. Also you’re right, I did name my character ChildRapist. Pedophile may have been more appropriate, since there wasn’t any actual raping going on, but thats a non-issue at this point :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess its sort of inspired by something awfuls reviews. But really, I had to have SOME fun with the review . And I imagine the info is while mocking, its still enough to properly judge the game.

Now I just have to wait for mune to give his comments.

[This message has been edited by Doddler (edited 03-25-2005).]

I have Oyatu no Jikan and I finshed the all of the game while ago…Anyway, nice review.
I purchase this game because I like the voice actors. Specially the Chisato Suzumori. She was voice actors on Jewel Ocean also. Jewel Ocean made by Escude.

well initially i didn’t ask dod to play oyatsu no jikan, but this one instead:


which is for sure more of a punishment than oyatsu no jikan because of you-know-what

but ya, like vaga i am pretty much immue to these kinda stuff for some reason…and ya i was wondering which is worse, this review of somethingawful’s reviews…

my question is, one pic is mentioned 4 times in the review, which makes me wonder if the reviewer is actually fond of that pic since he mentioned it so many times, and the fact that calling yourself ch!ldr@p!$t doesn’t seem to help things much

but just to defend myself and question the accuracy of (the tone of) the review, dod did start off by telling me that it’s a “terrible” game but then later on he kinda soften up said the game is "fun"

anyways, not the exact punishment i was looking/hoping for (since he did say the game’s “fun”) and i was hoping that he will do that other cage game instead (but couldn’t because of “legal concerns” and i dont want him to get charged/arrested for this), but nice review (given that i haven’t written a review myself for years). i think i will start calling dod ch!ldr@p!$t from now on…

OK, just so we’re clear. Is this(and or the game in the link) game legal in the US of A?

ask your lawyer

In the USA, it’s perfectly legal. Pron can be super loli, so long as the lolis aren’t real people. ^^;;

And thank you Doddler, for starting a running joke between me, SuperDeadite and a few other people that will probably last quite a while. ^

Icecream… XD

Yes as Dark Lord mentioned above. This thing has maid my brain explode. “Ice-cream” is the answer to just about every question there is in the universe now.

Also, this thing has made me certifiably Japanese according to my Japanese language college instructor.

i have just be4en let in on the ice cream joke, and my brain feels like a fruits parfait ><

Alos, that oyatuno jikan all of the girls will evolution to adult female…
Short Cake-tan will evolution to Wedding Cake
Purin-tan will evolution to Purin Ala Mode
Ice Cream-tan will evolution to Fruits Sunday
Shokora-tan will evolution to ƒUƒbƒnƒgƒ‹ƒe
Shiratama-tan will evolution to Mitashira-dango. Anyway, this evoluiton you will see is that when you get love each other and end with happy Endings. Anyway, Shokora-tan is my favorite characters because voice actor is Chisato Suzumori^^

The Link is working, now. However, don’t ask me the reasons behind the functioning/malfunctioning of Internet Links (heck, I can’t access AGAIN the Links of http://www.xgamedata.com/ -see this thread for details-).

Let’s bump up this nice review for some interesting news:

Renewal Time! :stuck_out_tongue:

Studio Ring remains defunct, but at least someone still preserves its history…