Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt

With it’s first season run ending in a few days, does any know if Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt has been picked up for Western localization yet?

I seriously find it hard to believe, that a series with so much Western cultural reference and animation influence, would be overlooked. Sure… it’s offensive and nonsensical at times, but so was Excel Saga in it’s day.

And how can anyone resist, stripperiffic magic girl transformations? 8)

iirc Crunchyroll was simulcasting it, so they must have some sort of distribution rights

I’ve been following this wonderful show as closely as I can (mostly on You-Tube), and naturally I’ll welcome any localization if it ever happens. With the recent changes in Japanese law, the West may be the only market left for it, you know. Who the heck are those little demon people in Chuck to the Future?

I always thought Crunchyroll was one of those “grey zone” sites. Are they totally legit now?

They seem to literally represent their consciousness.

I’m pretty certain they’re inspired by some strange noir or obscure old B&W film, given how much of PSG draws from American and European entertainment.

Supposed to be, according to Wikipedia. I don’t know anything about them myself.

Back in 2008, apparently, they completely changed from their fansubber roots to a legit operation. They don’t have any fansub material at all anymore.

They’ve been doing legitimate simulcasts of new series for awhile now.

PSG ended like your typical Gainax series. :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly though… the betrayal actually all makes sense from certain points…

[spoiler]#1: Stocking had a MAJOR fetish for bondage, which sorta marked her as strange. Especially after seeing Corset being freaky about them too.

#2: Stocking’s true love was a Ghost. If she was willing to give up her angelic status (and fight her sister) to be human for him, it would equally seem obvious she’d be a demon if Corset could work something out for a reunion.

#3: Was that really the real Stocking? Could have been a fake.[/spoiler]

Of course most obvious of all…

#4: It was a totally random change of events. PSG is all about being random. :lol:

I watched this entire show yesterday because My classes were cancelled due to inclement weather. Holy fuck Gainax ,you outdid M. Night Schmaylan for crazy twists. Personally,I think there are three possible explanations:

[spoiler]1.Like you said the ghost love episode was highly suspicious.Every other ghost in the show had to be killed somehow and yet that one just fades away? Not to mention the ring he left. It could be a plan from a demon to corrupt and control stocking.
2.The stocking at the end was an impostor. It never really explains why Stocking is allowed to return from Heaven.I got the impression that intra-world travel was no small affair since they had to collect heaven coins.
3.Stocking was playing some sort of lone wolf and needed to stop a threat she learned about in heaven.Probably my most unlikely hero yet.

Of course this leaves two curious questions.If stocking was a demon why wasn’t she red skinned?
Yes the mayor had purple skin ,but that could simply be the color of male demons. We really don’t know enough about the world.
If stocking wasn’t really an angel her weapons shouldn’t work since panties failed in episode 11. All I know is ,I want to see some red skinned fallen angels next season. :twisted: :twisted:

Of course this ignores the whole issue of how exactly Briefs and Chuck are supposed to stop ghost let alone stocking; Maybe the demon sisters will help them willingly or not. A purification magic turning them into angels would be interesting to see.[/spoiler]

So yeah…hurry up Gainax. I had one other question for any highly fluent speakers,I know uzai is a rude way to say be quiet. Is uruzai even ruder and is it really at the level of shut the fuck up?

Like slang, profanity is an ever evolving thing… but in general context, Japanese profanity are either command words that rudely tell someone to do something, imposed titles that state someone isn’t something they are, or insinuation that someone is of a lower station than they are. For the Japanese these are culturally offensive, because they’re a society that “asks” and “praises” for things.

With that understanding: urusai literally means, “too loud” – but it’s a “command word” that demands the other person to “shut up” because they’re too loud. Thus it’s rude. There are more polite ways to ask someone to keep their voice down.

On the whole, Japanese profanity doesn’t have a “ultimate curse word” like the American fuck, calling a woman a cunt, or telling a black person they’re a nigger. For the Japanese it’s more the fact you’re being insulting, rather than the insult word itself… usually…

So shut up would basically be more accurate?
I ask because I read in a magazine that translators made it even more obscene than the original.
I also wasn’t aware cunt was considered an ultimate insult word. :?

So does this mean you don’t want to see a corrupted Panty and Stocking? Has the dark lord grown soft? :wink:

In literal context, urusai simply means too loudshut up would literally be damare. A nice way of asking someone to be quiet would be, “shizuka ni shite kudasai”…

In translation, it’s all about context. Let’s take the following Japanese expression: che. IMHO, it’s more or less a Japanese way of saying “dang” or “darn it”… however I’ve seen others translate it as “shit”, “God damn it”, or “fuck”… I don’t think the term is anywhere near as offensive or strong as those. But the context of why the expression (and translation) is used, more or less equally convey that the person saying “che” is really upset about something that just happened or was said.

Thanks for clearing that p then :slight_smile: .

Does anyone else think this show is like a Japanese powerpuff girls,invader zim,and south park all mixed together?

On an unrelated note did anyone else catch the reference of the first episode title?
It was referring to the old Japanese Battles without honor or humanity films.

PSG was modeled off American cartoons. PPG especially, but also Tom & Jerry, Samurai Jack, Teen Titans, and whole butt load of others. It also - as everyone can tell - takes a lot from vulgar American humor (fuck this guy, fuck that guy, fuck those guys, etc), as well as Hollywood movies. Each episode title is a parody of a blockbuster American movie.

Basically everything Gainax thought was good American entertainment, but in Japanese. :stuck_out_tongue:

So I don’t know if anyone else has seen it yet,but the Panty and Stocking OVA is out. It’s really just a random collection; IMO some of them were gross and really pointless:

The circumcision factory that sells foreskins as onion rings and Garterbelt rubbing figurines on his nipples.

The episode about zombies makes an appearance ,but unfortunately ;no resolution.

I have a bad feeling that if a Season 2 ever gets greenlit that it won’t mention the twist at all. :x