Pay 2 Play MMO Doing Good? Try OUTSTANDING!!!

Naturally the 800 pound gorilla that is Activision Blizzard is doing well… … e-profits/

… but even the smaller fish like NCsoft report major profits too… … -jump-451/

Take that “Only Free 2 Play will Survive” supporters. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pay-to-Play MMOs have one big advantage over the free-to-play models–the monthly subscription tends to keep the undesirables away (e.g., kiddies and trolls). The MMO experience is decided as much by the player community as the game itself; a great game with a terrible community probably won’t be much fun.

I detest MMO games in general, so meh to both…

Okay, to be fair: I hate paying for a game and then having to pay monthly fees to be able to play it. So pay 2 play is basically off limits to me.

But free 2 play is either poor quality or filled with those aforementioned undesirables… you just can’t win.

Well they akso have the advantage of generally better dungeons and quests instead of a bunch of generic “kill x mobs” or “get x items” which happen to only drop by killing mobs. They also tend to have better world architecture.

I would say graphics are generally better, but some of the free ones now have better graphics quality than WoW.

Since I’ve started playing Runes of Magic ya you get a few undesirables but you also have to deal with the item shop stuff too. Which can lead to a HUGE advantage over players who don’t use it. (Permanent mounts, XP / Talent point potions etc.)

Yea, but that’s not much different from giving someone 5k gold in WooW for sleeping with them. It amounts to the same thing.

Two outstanding articles that examine why several major MMO’s failed:

The MMO Crash of 2008

We need to talk about Tabula Rasa; when will we talk about Tabula Rasa?

Good stuff about bad things.