Pay What You Want

Wonder how this would fare in the h-game market? :stuck_out_tongue:

There will always be that person who will. Doesn’t matter if its the US.

However, I think people underestimate people’s sense of moral, shame and fairness.

FE: Recently we has a blizzard and there was some wood at a local grocer. The store was closed and people were running low on wood. Well within a day the wood by the grocer was gone with a pile of IOUs.

Once the store reopened people were lining up out the door to pay. The store made back 95% of what wood was taken within a week.

There are 2 things society is built upon and one of those is trust.

I think your underestimating. People everywhere underestimate this kinda thing. It’s natural tendency to think others are inferior to you (and that means in morals), but when push comes to shove, that’s almost always not the case.

“Pay What You Want” eh?

I’ve got a real bad feeling about that, no I’m not psychic but my stomach churns and my chest weighs down. Perhaps it is simply a cup of tea, a bitter one that can’t be emptied and refilled. Well, just check for bite marks and you’ll be glad you did. The stars beckon me to get all up in the frozen world that is a separate earth, a twin world in another space in time. You will be in a world of sound, a world of sight, senses that fill your every being. Prepare to enter…THE TWILIGHT ZONE cue funky music

Wow, forget the twilight zone thing I was coming up with. I just saw a pair of eyes looking at me, I really hope that was just an effect of me spacing out on twilight zone references cause that’s messed up. It wasn’t like a horribly scary pair of eyes but it was odd looking none the less with the whole disembodied eyes thing going on. If I ever see that again I swear I will try and grab em or something cause that was messed up man.

EDIT-> whoa, totally off topic there srry yall, just sorta jumpy cause it’s like midnight over here and don’t like to make too much noise with the whole xbox live 4 hours straight thing I just did. Yeah so I don’t think the pay what you want thing will workout out in the long run but it’s definitely a refreshing change of affairs and can go far in it’s own rights. Off topic again, I usually don’t see stuff like that so now I’m wondering what in my head was thinking about eyes. I don’t think people see things but guessing my brain might of been functioning in several directions at once, maybe I was typing here and coming up with twilight zone stuff and at the same time I was thinking about someone and my brain made the image of the person manifest into my eyesight but it only got as far as the eyes out as far as output image. I’m really hoping that’s it cause I don’t wanna get all up in the shadow man business again.
That sorta reminds me of something else, a story about a kid and a coin a good man told me not too long ago and another similar story dealing with another good fellow that is currently away at the moment. They both end well and sorta eerily but I personally lived through the one about my bud, it was bad man there was blood and wood chipping and the poor bastard was out of it. Me and another friend were messing around making Resident Evil references and like running in on certain areas of his large backyard filled with wood and stuff but I heard something so I tell everyone (the rest of the guys were chilling) but then he says “Wait I hear it too” as they’re trying to pick him up cause he took a mouthful after he slipped on his own shovel (lol). I know, this isn’t making much sense cause the guy got hurt and we were messing around so I kinda feel bad about what happens next. He says “It’s right behind you” whilst pointing at me so I look around, paranoia kicking in because I know I heard something but “What is he seeing” I wondered. So I ask again, " Where is it?" and he just keeps his blank stare and responds " It’s moving all around you man". The other’s who held him up suggested we get him something to rap that cut on his head with so they hold him up and he begins to crumble to the floor. I swear if they hadn’t held him up he woulda hit the floor, but then he says " I can’t…what’s going on?" we turn and the guy starts like grabbing people like if he’s lost all sense of balance and then he starts mouthing words but sound escapes them. " I can’t hear anything" he continues, but he’s still looking my way but sorta like right behind me so I move out of the way and his gaze follows…right behind me. I wanted to run up to him, it’s a damn good thing I didn’t. I went for the water hose and told them to carry him this way, all that wood chipping must of gotten into his throat so I figured something was up because he couldnt breathe well. " This way" I kept suggesting with those words over and again and he agrees, in fact he can hear me quite well. " Let’s go, I can hear him" and they bring him over and hes chugs that water down real nice. Why he could only hear me is still subject to interpretation but the fact is that we tried to keep him awake just in case he had gotten a concussion and so we sat him down, I still remember his tired looking face as he looks up at me and before he could say anything I gave him a casual " You okay?" . He brushes it off, and finishes quite nicely with a “Be careful”. As I wondered whether he spoke of the thing he was seeing or that we were working at with the digging and wood moving he just slumped down and stayed there for a good 15 min… Idle chat set in and we totally forgot about the incident. The problem is so did our buddy, he can’t remember a damn thing that happened other than having heard an odd noise. When asked about what happened before the noise he replies correctly but after the noise he totally blanks out, just remembers or “knows” he was somehow tired cause he had to walk it off and sit back for a bit.

Needless to say, kids: stay the hell away from odd noises. LOL

Interesting, it would make for a good social experiment where I live, but as the article states is just a gimmick, a good one too :smiley:

Well of course. It only goes so far. As things become more expensive, people tend be less reluctant to open their wallets wide enough.

No one would ever offer a “pay what you want” for a new car.

That’s too bad, some people just can’t appreciate some old fashioned terms i guess. Or perhaps in your case you’ve had some bad or “boring” experiences with this zone of twilight? The story I continued with afterwards is true though, not a 60’s work of fiction. That’s too bad…

Ouch, and a stab it was. Srry, can’t tell when ppl are messing around like that.

Ok ok, enough we should really let this get back on topic.

Indeed, what a great social experiment but it won’t go too far. There are just too may ways this can be taken advantage of, the story doesn’t end well. (business wise anyways)

If they tried to open up something like that here, they would (probably) bankrupt at the end of the first month. lol

i think we should apply this “pay what you think its worth” thing in prostitution. yay for my brilliant ideas!

Actually, there’s some places on the city i live that have something like that. You can wonder how the “girls” are. LOL!
