Peach Princess at AXNY?

I noticed that Peach Princess is on the list of exhibitors at AXNY, is this confirmed? I totally would stop by and buy something, I look forward to seeing some other cool thingy like Xchange 2 or Brave Soul, but I won’t press it. Just be good to see Peach Princess on the exhibitor floor again.

One thing for sure is, I personally won’t be there.

Actually I didn’t expect peapri to go to AXNY; that’s pretty far away from their west coast office. I seriously doubt XC2 or BS will come out that soon (definitely not BS for sure since I am supposed to be in charge or it and progress is a bit slow at this moment). Anyhow, I will go check.

Say, wanna buy some stuff from me? :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Lamuness:
One thing for sure is, I personally won't be there.

Actually I didn't expect peapri to go to AXNY; that's pretty far away from their west coast office. I seriously doubt XC2 or BS will come out that soon (definitely not BS for sure since I am supposed to be in charge or it and progress is a bit slow at this moment). Anyhow, I will go check.

Say, wanna buy some stuff from me? :P

Sure, do you personally deliver? ^_^

I don’t personally deliver, but I do autograph all my stuff. Look into my site for details.

Peach Princess was at BAAF last year, so why not AXNY this year. After all AXNY and BAAF have teamed up for this years Labor Day Con. They had a booth on the seling floor and a midnight panel on Bishoujo Games. Dave E showed scenes from Snow Drop and Tokimeki Check-in(The Kumi sex scene after the ping pong game). And talked about the type of games that are made; dating sims and multipath and the type of characters that are used: lolicom.

I doubt there will be any panels though

If personally deliver, I can tip you well [in my room].

Originally posted by bokmeow:
If personally deliver, I can tip you well [in my room].

Ugh...ok, you are freaking me out...

Anyhow, seriously, if you are interested, please contact me asap since I will leave the states for good by august24.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Anyhow, seriously, if you are interested, please contact me asap since I will leave the states for good by august24.

For good!? What does that mean? That you're going to leave for another country and never go back to the US again? I hope it doens't mean that you'll stop working for PP [img][/img].

And if you're moving to another country... Then what country?

I am doing my thesis right now…and I have to present it next friday. If I pass, then I graduate and get out of here…I will return to Toronto Canada after that (ie I am a visa student in the states).

Nah, I am just moving physically that’s all…I will continue to work on brave soul after that. I am just saying that to bokmeow so that if he wants to buy my stuff he should do it now when I am still physically in the states, that’s all

Ok, thanks . whew That made me worried for a short while .

Well, good luck on your thesis!!

Thanks…although I haven’t been doing well at all this whole summer so I am not confident with it.

But I think they will still pass me simply because of one reason: this coming academic year they have like 80 people registered for thesis…and each student is assigned to a thesis committee consisting of 3 faculty members…and this year the faculty had been complaining about the excessive workload, and we had fewer students this year (around 60). So chances are they will just let me go simply so that they have one less person to worry about. If they want me to repeat then that will be extra workload for them.

But still, that doesn’t mean I can slack off…I am off to work now

You mean Big Apple Anime Fest? Then I may go

I was just asked by the peapri staff if I can come help out at their booth at BAAF

So I guess peapri will appear at BAAF this labor day weekend…well, only BAAF is mentioned, don’t know if that includes AXNY though.

I think BAAF and AXNY is the same this year. At least, according to the news releases they ‘combined forces’ for this weekend so I think registering for BAAF is registering for AXNY, and vice versa. Yoku waranai kedo, sou omoimasu.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Thanks...although I haven't been doing well at all this whole summer so I am not confident with it.

Aww, don't say that [img][/img]. "Believe in your dreams" as they say [img][/img]. Besides, I think you will find the Thesis Goddess soon [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Aww, don't say that [img][/img]. "Believe in your dreams" as they say [img][/img]. Besides, I think you will find the Thesis Goddess soon [img][/img]

Yeah but I think you normally have to do a dance and sacrifice a couple of undergraduates before you can get her attention. [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Yeah but I think you normally have to do a dance and sacrifice a couple of undergraduates before you can get her attention. [img][/img]

Ack! That is a undergraduates worst nightmare! *shudder*

Now the peapri staff is saying that they are attending AXNY, not BAAF…oh well whatever.

Actually I might go…if they can find free parking space for my car, that is (since I will be driving all the way from Toronto). I was asked to attend BAAF last year but since they couldn’t find free parking (I believe last year the con was located right in the heart of downtown, parking costs a fortune) I didn’t go…

bokmeow, so actually I may be able to personally deliver the stuff to you at the booth…if we both decide to attend AXNY. Anyhow, if you are interested in my stuff, please email me asap.