Peach Princess games are being pirated big time

Some dude on eBay is selling a lot of burnt CDR’s of what I can only assume is his own Bishoujo game collection and trying to sell them off illegitimately in several ways. He says the retail for the games are $49.95 each, regardless of title, which is outright lie, and also he’s selling them ‘well protected by cardboard.’ Totally suspicious. And then I asked him about it and he said ‘they are burnt CDrs.’ I’ve reported them to eBay but they are not doing anything about it yet, I assume because its’s a weekend right now. Smegging bastard has Tokimeki Check=In, Snow Drop, X-change, and Love Love Show among the many he is auctioning.

The most disgusting thing is he even has links to the publisher Peach Princess on his page.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 12-15-2002).]

Originally posted by bokmeow:

The most disgusting thing is he even has links to the publisher Peach Princess on his page.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 12-15-2002).]

Wow. That is the second most egregious abuse I have yet seen (the first being the site that took TCI! CG and Photoshopped them and used it in their "cum on in! It's just $19.95" speech).

But in general--yes, it's true that Peach Princess' games are being pirated enormously. This will ALWAYS be true. At least, until someone manages to invent a DRM system that a) lets us do all the legitimate things we want and b) doesn't let us do all the unethical things we want. And such a thing does not exist and is probably theoretically impossible anyway.

What we CAN do is raise awareness of Peach Princess' plight, which I do on a personal level with my friends. And we can crush the more flagrant offenders (which I have done numerous times).

sigh There’s no end of the bastards who wants to ruin things for PP and the bishoujo gmae industry. And ruin things for us too, for if PP and the other companies ceases to exist, then… That throught is almost too horrible to think of. Then, again, there’s no end of what the fans of PP woudl do to neutralize and elimninate the actions of those people .

I would say that we all need to pitch in, in preventing and reporting this piracy… we should have a board where it says where this pirated game is and them have everybody report it as a parited games. I don’t need to remind everybody that If this things continue Japanese companies might not want to release our favorite bishoujo games. do you guys really want that to happen… now if you are fan and really don’t want to have this games companies and bishoujo games go away… report all the piracy that you can see on ebay and other site… for me let me know where it is and the title so I can report it… the more reports ebay recieve against the seller more chance it will be taken off.

Originally posted by Sat_one:
I would say that we all need to pitch in, in preventing and reporting this piracy... we should have a board where it says where this pirated game is and them have everybody report it as a parited games.

... or we need to revie the bishoujo gaming group. I don't know if it was before you came here or not, but we did have a bishoujo gaming group (it's VERY inactive nowadays, through. Haven't gotten a mail from any of the others in quite a while). Anyway, the members of the group was (and still is, since many of us still hunts down pirates and reports them, even if we do that indvidually nowadays) supposed to hunt down pirates, report various sites to each others, mail and warn owners of various site sof the consecquences that might happen if thye didn't take down their pictures, report sites to Peter, etc...

Whoa, not only did eBay not shut down that auction, it closed at $36.00, when it is just a burnt bootleg CD-R! That is wrong!

Hmm usually ebay has been pretty good about closing down these auctions when numerous people report them. Might just be a extremely busy time and they did not get to it in time. This does not mean that they will not look at it down the road and put a black mark on the accounts record. Also odds are if that got $36.00 than they are assuming its not a pirated version and hopefully leave the guy negative feedback. Negative feedback is almost just as bad as closing a account down. It basically mean your going to get 15% less for what you offer, and if your only feedback is negative you will prolly get 75-80% less. One can hope at least .

Originally posted by Bigdog:
One can hope at least [img][/img].

I hope so, Still it's better that those pirates gets no money at all. That E-bay didn't shut him down, that I can't really understand. Maybe there wasn't enough "negative feedback"...

Well, reporting a violation is different from negative feedback. And some people still do pretty good business in spite of heavy negative feedback. Getting them caught in ebay violation is usually more effective, if and when ebay gets around to doing something to that person.

Some people might do good with negative feedback, but the account we are talking about here has a feedback of (1) in which case if he got a couple negatives he would have more negative than positive feedback. I guarantee that in that kind of circumstance he will not do good business. Also I know reporting is not the same as negative feedback. But I am assuming that the people paying $36.00 are thinking they are getting a non pirated version of the game, since why would you pay $36.00 for a priated version when you can buy new for $10 more? And in that case when they get the actual product I think they will be unhappy and leave negative feedback.

Originally posted by Bigdog:
Some people might do good with negative feedback, but the account we are talking about here has a feedback of (1) in which case if he got a couple negatives he would have more negative than positive feedback. I guarantee that in that kind of circumstance he will not do good business. Also I know reporting is not the same as negative feedback. But I am assuming that the people paying $36.00 are thinking they are getting a non pirated version of the game, since why would you pay $36.00 for a priated version when you can buy new for $10 more? And in that case when they get the actual product I think they will be unhappy and leave negative feedback.

True. Unfortunately, it also assumes whoever bought it cares in the first place. Some people only care about the fact that they got the game for less than retail, whether it's a legitimate copy doesn't matter. Sometimes, it's even another pirate who just wants the files so that he burns his copies to sell himslf. And even occassionally, it's an underage person who's using their parent's ebay account and credit card to get them since they can't get them legitimately from PeaPri. We can hope that the person isn't like this but it's no guarantee.

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 12-19-2002).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
True. Unfortunately, it also assumes whoever bought it cares in the first place. Some people only care about the fact that they got the game for less than retail, whether it's a legitimate copy doesn't matter. Sometimes, it's even another pirate who just wants the files so that he burns his copies to sell himslf. And even occassionally, it's an underage person who's using their parent's ebay account and credit card to get them since they can't get them legitimately from PeaPri. We can hope that the person isn't like this but it's no guarantee.

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 12-19-2002).]

Like three years ago, when I first discovered eBay and the existence of Useless Crap (tm) like wallscrolls and posters, I would periodically browse the listings. I saw someone auctioning off VHS copies of End of Evangelion, for like $50. And I must admit, I was tempted for about ten seconds to run off ten copies of End of Eva and auction them off. (After the ten seconds I remembered that auctioning fansubs is A Big No No.)

Justice is served. The seller’s auctions have all been closed, and he also earned a beautifully negative feedback that goes:



That’s great! And definitely a nice neg feedback. Much better than the usual “item sucks, bad seller” I see.

Originally posted by ekylo:
True. Unfortunately, it also assumes whoever bought it cares in the first place. Some people only care about the fact that they got the game for less than retail, whether it's a legitimate copy doesn't matter. Sometimes, it's even another pirate who just wants the files so that he burns his copies to sell himslf. And even occassionally, it's an underage person who's using their parent's ebay account and credit card to get them since they can't get them legitimately from PeaPri. We can hope that the person isn't like this but it's no guarantee.

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 12-19-2002).]

I am not interested in paying one cent for bootlegged material. The point of buying a legitimate copy of something is to have a legitimate copy and not just to have it; in today's day and age if all I wanted was a copy I can go download that for free off the Internet. And that's all a bootleg is, a copy, and I am not interested in paying for soething that is just as good as something I can get for free.