Peach Princess page updated -- reduced prices

Well, we’ve updated the website with the new reduced prices. We are lowering the prices of almost all games to $34.95 and $39.95, to make it easier for more fans to buy these great games. Thanks for everyone for your ongoing support – we really love you guys.

Note that some games will be going out of print. If you’ve held off buying DOR or Jewel Knights, now is the time to buy.


No DOCTYPE Found! Falling Back to HTML 4.01 Transitional

This page is not Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional!

1. Line 1, column 0: no document type declaration; implying "< !DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM>"

2. Line 38, column 14: an attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters

3. Line 38, column 33: there is no attribute "LEFTMARGIN"

4. Line 38, column 45: there is no attribute "TOPMARGIN"

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7. Line 44, column 93: required attribute “ALT” not specified

8. Line 53, column 75: there is no attribute "HEIGHT"


Errors: 56

See the errors here

looks at wallet

looks at list of games


Speaking of website errors, on my machine at least the peach-and-white-rounded-rectangle background isn’t actually long enough to make it to the bottom of the list-of-games page without repeating. I’m getting a second horizontal bar under the miniscreens for Tokimeki Checkin.

Can’t afford one.

(And this stupid country likes to close all the shops at 5pm. Got a job? Tough, no shopping for you!)

This is exciting news. Lower prices are always good, but now we get to see just how much of the “rise in sales” of V-mate products was linked to the lower price, as opposed to sales generated by curbing piracy. And I have to say, the $40 and less pricetag is attractive…I find myself far more willing to take a chance on a game that I’m not sure I’ll really like.

didnt peter just said jewel knights and dor are going out of print?

Yes! Sorry about that. ALL games will remain in print indefinitely, of course, with the exception of DOR and Jewel Knights. Nothing else is going anywhere.

One question, we’re going to look at the issues with the WWW standards. Can I ask if the site gives problems/fails to load/displays strangely to anyone?

Thank you VERY much Peter for letting us know which games will be going out of print. I don’t know if it matters to others but it’s very important to me . I’m also wondering though why Jewel Knights is going OOP. Could it be that since Peapri is taking over G-C somewhat that Peapri’s extreme anti-lolicon leanings are the cause? I would assume that there are other G-C games that sell way worse than Jewel Knights.

[This message has been edited by Laslow (edited 05-04-2005).]

Jewel Knights is going out of print? Wow, were the sales really that bad?

The loli issue would be my guess - when I saw what was up in the SA review I was amazed they’d gotten away with it to begin with.

(Not like I personally care, it’s not real, but it’s something I’d be wary of having in my house in case someone caught me with it.)

Bah, the rape and blood in the game is far more disturbing than any loliness. I do agree that the combination of loliness with the existing rape and blood is pretty repulsive. I think there’s something seriously wrong when people start making a bigger deal of loliness in H-games than rape, violence, and sexual domination…

Damn it’s times like these I wish I wasn’t an early adopter. I already have most of the games OH well at least I got to make fun of people when I got the games first

It’s much more effective to ask such questions to Peter Payne directly through e-mail.

I think that bringing the lolita factor into the games is a good thing. after all the japanese culture is more open minded then ours for their games and some good games have underage stuff inn them and i feel that the lolita barrier is somewhat silly. If it is a good game i feel that the underage factor should not be such a damning thing. The so called lolita barrier keeps us from seeing some pretty good games.

After all, we have games that deal with violence towards others, rape, torture, blackmail, sexual domination, threats. these seem perfectly acceptable.

why should not the lolita thing be accepted as well?

i would like to see other people’s views on this.


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[This message has been edited by ellajane (edited 05-08-2005).]

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with loli in a clearly pure-fiction context (and anime art is pretty obviously fiction.) I don’t personally dig it and in some contexts find it quite icky, but then, I find bukkake pretty icky too and I’m not going to try and ban that.

I also don’t think people under 18 should be barred from looking at porn if they want to. Much better way for them to learn about things than fumbling around having sex!

But you can only put your energy into supporting so many things at a time, and I’d rather have ‘nicer’ games improving the general reputation of the genre and making it easier to get than trying to move straight to the stuff that pushes people’s buttons.

I don’t like the “lolita barrier,” but I can understand why it’s there. Remember, the company’s priority is to look out for its own interests. In this case, the sales generated by translating games with significant lolicon content need to offset any costs/risks involved. And in many cases…I’m not sure it does. The mindset of the society we live in is just too set against it. Translating games with significant lolicon content raises the following problems:

1) The most benign problem: many customers simply won’t enjoy the loli content. In this case, loli content is replacing other content that they would more likely enjoy, lowering the value of the game for them.

2) A somewhat larger problem: customers with strong, inflexible personal values will actually refuse to buy games with loli content merely on prinicple. This is, in essence, a boycott.

3) A larger problem still: games with loli content will attract negative attention from the media, resulting in further stigmatization of the genre and possibly even civil suits.

4) Worst case scenario: games with loli content draw the scrutiny of circling politicians, who swoop in to make an example of the company as part of the “good fight” against child porn. The company gets shut down, and there’s no more English H-game market for years to come, if ever.

#4 there might sound extreme, but in light of the recent hubub in the news about sexual crimes against children, and associated probes involving lolicon manga…it’s becoming a disturbing possiblity. But hey…any publicity is generally better than no publicity, right?

Of course, we have plenty of rape games, which does seem to fly in the face of everything I’ve said. Then again, for some reason people have a tendency to turn a blind eye when it comes to rape (even though they don’t like it), but as soon as you mention lolicon…“Oh my god that’s sick! People that like that trash must be pedophiles!” It’s a sad fact that lolicon gets a rise out of people far more than rape. It sure makes me wonder…

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 05-09-2005).]