Peach Princess - Slave Bazaar?

Going thru my copy of Snow Drop it had a Peach Princess catalog. All but one game in there has been released, even the super late Little My Maid, with the exception of Slave Bazaar.

Was this game canceled or was it released then went out of print?

the game was so-called cancelled because of complications with the japanese company…and we cannot get the full rights to the game

sorry about that

Yes, my sincere apologies on this one. The company that did the game went out of business, the programmer went to a competing company (of the publisher, not of ours), and it was just not possible to bring that one out

Perhaps and perhaps not . Slave bazaar is a fine game indeed (will someday put up a review of it in the review section), but OTOH, it has it’s faults. In mine and Unicorn’s eyes, the game focuses not quite enough on the girls - but more of that in the review that will appear one day… .

This makes me sad. Anytime an english b-game fails to reach completion, is a tragic event for us. I know this was some time ago, but still, the thought that our beloved market would be one game richer if things had been slightly different.

But, on the plus side, Peach Princess has brought us many other interesting games.

I adore Slave Bazaar, it’s rare for me to like a bishoujo game so much. I don’t mind for it not being released in english, since I own the original japanese one, but I always regretted that the other game by Yura, “Salem no majoutachi”, hasn’t been translated in english…