@ Peach Princess staff - take a look inside

Originally posted by Baldo:
But don't forget your good manners, Italicus...

E, detto fra me e te, sapendo come vanno le cose qui da noi, ti vanti di essere sardo anche nei forum nostrani?

Si, Ë una parte irrinunciabile della mia personalit‡ il dichiarare sempre chi sono non mentendo mai. Mi coprirei di disonore altrimenti e non avrei pi˘ il coraggio di guardarmi allo specchio. E poi almeno cosÏ gli altri sanno con chi hanno a che fare. Dalle mie parti si prende fuoco molto facilmente. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

WTF? We do respect your traditions. Stop looking for offense in our posts, as they aren’t meant that way.

Mmmmmh… seriously, it seemed me not. Anyway be careful what’s is not offensive for you may be offensive for others.

When i said once “Dai gi√π”, a familiar italian exclamation, an american jew went enraged because it sounds exactly like “die, jew” ( con perdon! )… Get the point?
And as i said, you’re not the one who offended me iuninentionally, Benoit.

Anyway, case closed.

I didn’t manage to found an importer ( european or american ) that has G.J. products on their list… what a shame…

EDIT Found it!!! http://shop.himeya.com

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 05-31-2004).]

Originally posted by Italicus:
Mmmmmh.... seriously, it seemed me not. Anyway be careful what's is not offensive for you may be offensive for others.

And as i said, you're not the one who offended me iuninentionally, Benoit.

I really don't try to offend anyone. I know that sometimes people can be offended by something that's not meant to be offensive. But that shouldn't even apply in this case. I don't really see how I wasn't respectful toward anyone's traditions. I was just talking about learning a new language and speaking with an accent. It doesn't matter what language you speak, once you're past a certain age you cannot learn a foreign language and sound exactly like a native speaker. Nationallity has nothing to do with it. It would be like me saying that I will be able to speak Japanese like a native speaker because I have American pride. That doesn't even make sense. Just because a person is from (insert country here) doesn't automatically make that person any better, stronger, or smarter than anyone else. It doesn't make a person any worse either. Just because I don't think that you'll be able to speak Japanese like a native speaker doesn't mean that I don't respect your traditions. You will have an accent. Being a Sardinian isn't going to make you accent-free just as being American won't magically make me accent-free. So, yes, people can offend other people on accident. On the other hand, people can be offended over nothing. I still fail to see why you were mad at me in the first place.

[This message has been edited by bishounen_blue (edited 05-31-2004).]