For anyone who finds typing “” too long, we’ve registered as an alias domain. So you can use if you like.


Peapri sounds perverted somehow. Which is actually fine for a site like this.

精神 の 神

Hell if I even have to type in a url anymore its too long lol.

I’m so lazy I just have the forum bookmarked.

Why promote laziness???

Well, it might not be just a laziness issue. Some people are poor typists, others can’t spell. But considering how quite a few of us shorten the name to PeaPri anyways, it makes sense…

Originally posted by Benoit:
Why promote laziness???

because we as human beings are naturally lazy bastards to begin with? which is true btw...just look at the way we walk (not run) we really lift up our legs when we walk or do we tend to use as little energy as possible and drag our feet

ok getting off track here....

I haven’t typed PP’s addy in ages. I just click on they address bar and it’s usually the first few addresses down

My pappy always told me “why work harder when you can work smarter”

In light of this forum topic I have to suggest that we have a sticky dedicated to the most off topic conversations

Sidenote: I’m pretty new to these forums but I’ve noticed that in every topic Benoit has something negative to say. Is he a pessimist?

[This message has been edited by Hideki (edited 03-10-2004).]

because we as human beings are naturally lazy bastards to begin with? which is true btw...just look at the way we walk (not run) we really lift up our legs when we walk or do we tend to use as little energy as possible and drag our feet

That's not true at all.
In light of this forum topic I have to suggest that we have a sticky dedicated to the most off topic conversations

Sticky? You mean forum.
Sidenote: I'm pretty new to these forums but I've noticed that in every topic Benoit has something negative to say. Is he a pessimist?

I think of myself as one, though people who know me say I'm an optimist.
What it comes down to is that when I don't agree with something, I say it, which is probably why you have this impression. [img][/img]
Originally posted by Benoit:
Sticky? You mean forum.

I could be wrong, but I think he means to have a sticky post in the topic list to discourage off-topic replies and point out things that are generally considered "off-topic". Kind of a "Rules of Conduct" notice.
I think of myself as one [pessimist], though people who know me say I'm an optimist.

They say that behind every pessimist lurks an idealist. Does this mean I have to resign my post as resident curmudgeon? :b
What it comes down to is that when I don't agree with something, I say it, which is probably why you have this impression. [img][/img]

Many people here seem to embrace a philosophy of moral relativism. That's bound to cause conflict with those who have a strong sense of right and wrong. I think the best we can hope for is to keep our disagreements more or less civil. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 03-11-2004).]

I tend to agree humans by nature are lazy, I mean who does walk anymore?

I have seen people drive across the street (two lane road hardly any traffic) in order to buy a paper, soda and a sandwich so they can drive back across the street and eat the sandwich while reading the paper, no joke. If people weren’t lazy they would actually walk across the street not drive.

More on topic the more ways to find this site the better I think, even if it means having shorter words, phrases, whatever, that need to be typed to find it.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 03-11-2004).]

If people don’t want to walk, I say they use a bicycle. Simple. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Benoit:
If people don't want to walk, I say they use a bicycle. Simple. :P

If god wanted man to ride a bicycle, he would have given him wheels instead of feet.

Then the euphemism for 'letting air out of your tires' will be construed as sexual harassment.

If god wanted man to ride a bicycle, he would have given him wheels instead of feet.

My point is that with a bicycle, you're still active and using your energy. With a car, you're using almost no energy at all. You don't move your legs around so much.
I'll walk if where I want to go isn't so far, but else I'll take my bicycle.
The world these days is so accessible that using only our feet isn't efficient.
Then the euphemism for 'letting air out of your tires' will be construed as sexual harassment.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
If god wanted man to ride a bicycle, he would have given him wheels instead of feet.

Then the euphemism for 'letting air out of your tires' will be construed as sexual harassment.

I think you mean "assault with a deadly weapon"? Or am I to assume that the air is not supposed to be analogous to blood?

Originally posted by Benoit:
(...) You don't move your legs around so much.I'll walk if where I want to go isn't so far, but else I'll take my bicycle.

Many might not want a bicycle if they already have a car. It is an extra expense and more upkeep costs. I am not saying I believe that simply that others might think that way. Also 'too far' differs for so many people that what you might think is close another might think is far. I use to walk across campus, walk the 3 plus mile circle around the Botanical Gardens near campus a few times a week.

However I know others that drove a about half a mile because it was 'too far' to walk. For each person that is different and for those I know 'too far' is anything that requires more then about 200 steps, no offense to them, just they are lazy and admit it.

Don't you move your legs more with a bicycle too? Since you are pushing against your own weight, the wind you generate that you have to move through plus the weight of the bicycle meaning both legs are always in motion unless you glide. When walking even when moving one leg is idle even if for less then a second.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 03-14-2004).]

Many might not want a bicycle if they already have a car. It is an extra expense and more upkeep costs. I am not saying I believe that simply that others might think that way. Also 'too far' differs for so many people that what you might think is close another might think is far. I use to walk across campus, walk the 3 plus mile circle around the Botanical Gardens near campus a few times a week.

However I know others that drove a about half a mile because it was 'too far' to walk. For each person that is different and for those I know 'too far' is anything that requires more then about 200 steps, no offense to them, just they are lazy and admit it.

What I see as too far to walk is more than three kilometers(approx. 2 miles). However, I'll almost always take my bike because I don't like walking too much.
What I see as too far with a bicycle, is more than 10 kilometers (approx. almost 7 miles).
Don't you move your legs more with a bicycle too? Since you are pushing against your own weight, the wind you generate that you have to move through plus the weight of the bicycle meaning both legs are always in motion unless you glide. When walking even when moving one leg is idle even if for less then a second.

Yes, I know. But still, you can do ten times the distance with the same amount of energy that you can walk, approximately.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 03-15-2004).]


I forget where I read this, but it seems to me I remember reading that the amount of energy burned per unit of distance traveled is approximately the same - in other words, running a mile is about the same as walking a mile - it’s just faster.

Of course, I don’t remember where I am supposed to have read this, so take with 2 grains of salt,.