PeaPri Newsletter from today

Originally posted by Crimson:
I personally haven't pre-ordered any of those games yet mainly because i have no clue when they will be released. i have known about LLM,XC2,and BS for over a year now, and after seeing those games i wanted to get them right away, but if i had pre-ordered them at that time, i would still be waiting now. the point is that i never pre-order a game without having any idea when it will be released.

It has been close to two years for me, since I found out about Peach Princess as a company before my Junior year ended, and it's almost been two years since then (a few more months in the one semester is all).

Originally posted by exoarchaeologist:
One of my less scrupulous friends had once showed me a server where the CGs were located. And so I avoided that place since I didnt want to spoil the game.
I'm sure its worth waiting for.


What, all you did was avoid it? You should have reported it, having the CG of a game Peach Princess will want to sell for download is a No No.

it was a Hotline Server, no real way of shutting that down since they are run out of people's desktop computers and dont go through any hosting service that might care

[This message has been edited by exoarchaeologist (edited 01-09-2003).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Well, technically, it's not so obvious. There was that period where work on several of the games was suspended. And a lot could happen to a development, even one that's close to completion, like losing a license or having to have it be renegotiated or some really weird bug found in testing that could pretty much grind everything to a halt.

Giving a release date would put some minds at ease, it could also piss some off if that date is missed. Even when you're almost absolutely sure you'll hit a date, things happen. I forget, but wasn't it like Transfer Student (or maybe I'm just projecting general irritation on it) that even though it had gone to gold mastering and duplication, had a further delay because of a printing problem?

Anyways, PeaPri released what information they feel comfortable releasing. But technically, they don't have to release any information, it's more to placate us, the fans. They could have just kept the message simply to the availability of Sensei 2 and the reduced prices on the other titles. It just seems to me that everyone was asking for some information on the various titles and when they did give it, people were turning around and critizing them for it.

Right, there was some sort of backlog at the pressing center and there was a delay due to that. There was ALSO a further delay when the previous delay caused them to find an evil bug they had to fix--I think they may even have had to remaster the game.

Anyway, here's what I understand to be part of the Transfer Student story. Remember this is me talking out of my ass (yes, my own little part of the collective oracle we have going here).

Transfer Student was from Jast. Jast went bankrupt recently. It therefore seems pretty safe to assume that, in fact, Jast had been declining for awhile. Remember all the talk about Pea Pri staff having to get the Japanese staff to do this, that, and the other thing? Well, Jast JPN was imploding. There probably wasn't anyone with the time for that.

And in fact, I have heard (but don't remember where or if the source was reliable) that Jast JPN told Jast USA to more or less go away. Now, Jast USA still had the rights but was getting no developer support. And Jast USA has no actual income to hire an actual programmer. This means that you have programmers they got from somewhere with basically a hobbyist's motivation (i.e. someone who liked the games and was willing to work for free). And they had to reimplement the game from scratch, possibly even without much Japanese documentation on the game.

If Transfer Student were something akin to Season of the Sakura, this would not have been as daunting a task. But Transfer Student has meters. It has hidden variables that are affected in hidden ways. This is eeeeevil to try to reverse engineer.

And so it takes them forever to do it. I'm honestly surprised this didn't result in the project being cancelled.

Originally posted by Bigdog:
What I wanted from PP and what 95% of any other software developer's provide is a release estimate. Hell it could be a X-Change 2 is due to be released sometime in March-April 2003. At least with that it gives me a idea of their status and sets my mind at ease.

That wish is understandable, but if I recall the situation correctly, PeaPri has no influence on the working schedules of the japanese development teams.
I also recall, the teams work on the english localizations between their regular new developments for the japanese market. If you take these facts into account, how would you make a realistic estimation about dates of completion of work, if you don't even know, when someone will have the time to do it?

Perhaps, G-Collection has another situation. Maybe, their japanese companies have provided special teams that work on the localizations only and thus have obviously a schedule for releasing those localized versions.

... and the 95% are companies that do their own developments. The people that do the work are their own employees, so they can can plan projects with the assumption of a set amount of people working fulltime. Compared with this situation, PeaPri has a big disadvantage.

So, I understand your wish (I would like to have that information too), but since PeaPri has no chance of making such an estimation, this demand is not realistic.
(Maybe, Lamuness could confirm my speculations. We have not heard much from him lately, anyway.)

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 01-09-2003).]

phew I’m back for lying sick as a puppy in my bed at home >_<. The day before yesterdy was worst, I felt so terrible (especially because of that darn headace) that I did nothing but sleep that whole day. The second day, I felt much better, and today, I’m completely recovered, or so I hope. but enough about my status now, all meters are hopefully back to normal .

Well, as for my comments on what has been discussed here…

It’s good to hear some news about LMM, but it’s still hard to say how much workt her’es to be done on that one. If we’re lucky enough, we may see it this year in that case… but also, remember what Lamuness hinted at about there being hundreds of possible paths in LMM, that all had to be tested x_x…

And as for XC2 and Brave Soul, well, they might still get delayed. No one has said that they wouldn’t, and it hafs happened before. Remember Critical Point? It was sceduled for last christmas (2001), but instead it got dealyed about three or four months. The same could happen to XC2 or BS. PP isn’t exactly good at getting their games out on time. It’s perhaps not their fault, but nonetheless, it’s true :3

Meh, the problem is not that I feel disappointed, what I’d like is an actual update, and not just a delay:



Both Brave Soul and X-Change 2 are
coming along nicely, and we’re hoping to get them out to you in early 2003
with no problems.

I don’t know about you,but to me, early 2003 is January or February at the most


Latest update:

As we’ve mentioned in past updates, we’re hard at work on titles such as Brave Soul and X-Change 2. We hope to have some good news for you on these in coming months.

That sounds like a delay to me, bleh

But ekylo says it like it is:

Originally posted by ekylo:

I’m pretty sure Peach Princess is well aware how this has been hurting their business, especially since LMM was always billed as one of their “flagship” titles. And I’m very sure they’re bothered by the whole situation more than we ever will be. These games are our hobby, while for them, it’s their livelihood. So be patient, or if you can’t be patient, at least try to realize it’s not like they are out purposely causing delays and problems in development just to torque us off.

Ceirtanly, I understand how development cycles work, and I’m sure they’re magnified in the case of a company like PeaPri,

but… I want my LMM!!!

[This message has been edited by Asutaru (edited 01-11-2003).]

LMM,XC2 and Brave Soul are the games i really want, espicially LMM and Brave Soul. hopefully we’ll see LMM this year, but for some reason i highly doubt it.