PeaPri Newsletter from today


Finally good news regarding “Little my Maid”!

Of course now the question will be “how long will beta testing” last? I do wonder what that “breakthrough” was though. (And the newsletter at least reminded me that I still have that unopened copy of Snow Drop that I really should get rid of, I wonder where I put it…)

Originally posted by ekylo:
(And the newsletter at least reminded me that I still have that unopened copy of Snow Drop that I really should get rid of, I wonder where I put it...)

Perhaps, you should cheat by opening it and putting the opened box where it was all the time in closed state?

Personally I thought the newsletter really didn’t say much. No timeframe or info on Brave Soul or X-Change 2 just saying they are still working on them, and a couple sentences about how they had a “breakthrough” in LMM that didn’t really tell us much either or give any sort of timeframe for that game. It pretty much just announced Sensei 2 was in stock at Peach Princess.

Originally posted by Bigdog:
Personally I thought the newsletter really didn't say much. No timeframe or info on Brave Soul or X-Change 2 just saying they are still working on them, and a couple sentences about how they had a "breakthrough" in LMM that didn't really tell us much either or give any sort of timeframe for that game. It pretty much just announced Sensei 2 was in stock at Peach Princess.

That's my Opinion too.
Just a little bit of "Lalala" and nothing else.
So what do you think about a little bit more "INFORMATION"?


yeah, i agree. We didn’t learn anything new except that they finally started getting more work done on Little My Maid(which i assume won’t be out anytime soon). What i want to hear is a date for the release of Brave Soul and Xchange 2. i know that they can’t actually give an exact date for the release if the games aren’t done yet, but if the work on the games are making good progress, they should be able to guesstimate a date for release.

I’m sure they’re aware of the danger of setting a date, and being burned if/when they don’t make it. Thoughts of Transfer Student spring to mind - I waited for about 1.5 years for that one, and others waited even longer. I’m guessing PP doesn’t want to set a date and then disappoint people if it doesn’t happen.

What WOULD be nice, however, is if they gave some details about the situation, and how it changed for the better. I’ve personally already been waiting for LMM for about a year and I’d really like to know about it if/when they have some new info.

Originally posted by woodelf:
I am happy with the news. Since I pre-ordered I will get the games when ever they come out.

I personally haven't pre-ordered any of those games yet mainly because i have no clue when they will be released. i have known about LLM,XC2,and BS for over a year now, and after seeing those games i wanted to get them right away, but if i had pre-ordered them at that time, i would still be waiting now. the point is that i never pre-order a game without having any idea when it will be released.

I’ve known about about Little My Maid for over a year, and it seems like it’s been five years since I’ve first heard about it. Not that it has been, it just seems like that. But definitely over a year, possibly two years.

And anyway, the point I’m eventually getting to is that I’m starting to get tired of hearing of when the game’s going to get released, because it seems like it’s turning into vaporware. I believe I’ve seen a lot of the cg pics at various places, mostly my friend’s house, so the only incentive for me to buy the game is if the gameplay is good enough because the game is already old and to me, it seems like it’s lost that special something that made me want to wait for it in the first place.

One of my less scrupulous friends had once showed me a server where the CGs were located. And so I avoided that place since I didnt want to spoil the game.

I’m sure its worth waiting for.

Originally posted by exoarchaeologist:
One of my less scrupulous friends had once showed me a server where the CGs were located. And so I avoided that place since I didnt want to spoil the game.

I'm sure its worth waiting for.

Well, I think we already know some of the graphics of the game, since we collected the trading cards (that also give away a bit of the game). But still, it is one game I am looking most forward to.

You know, this is kinda why they don’t like saying anything in the first place. First everyone was complaining and asking for a status report on the games and when they do give a status, they get more complaints. Granted, it’s not the greatest of status reports but it’s not that different from half the other game developments I’ve seen over the years. Heck, with the majority of any development projects. Yeah they could say something like the game is ??% complete but I know of a software project that spent 2 years at “95% complete”, even thought it took less than 6 months to do that inital 95%.

I’m pretty sure Peach Princess is well aware how this has been hurting their business, especially since LMM was always billed as one of their “flagship” titles. And I’m very sure they’re bothered by the whole situation more than we ever will be. These games are our hobby, while for them, it’s their livelihood. So be patient, or if you can’t be patient, at least try to realize it’s not like they are out purposely causing delays and problems in development just to torque us off.

Originally posted by Seishin:
I've known about about Little My Maid for over a year, and it seems like it's been five years since I've first heard about it. Not that it has been, it just seems like that. But definitely over a year, possibly two years.

I'm glad, you admit that it's not actually been 5 years already. The original japanese game was released on March 12th 1999(Pandoras Box: September 10th 1999). That is less than four years ago.

Originally posted by Seishin:
I believe I've seen a lot of the cg pics at various places, mostly my friend's house, so the only incentive for me to buy the game is if the gameplay is good enough because the game is already old and to me, it seems like it's lost that special something that made me want to wait for it in the first place.

Well, if you don't care about the story, you might be right with that...
But I think, most people here would deny that viewing the pirated pictures is anyhow comparable to playing the game.

I hardly think its any status report at all,it was just telling us the obvious that XC2 and Brave Soul are still being worked on, if you compare that to the last Status report, there is no real difference.I totally agree with what seishin said, after waiting so long for the game to be released, people will lose there interest in getting it. i’m sure alot of people are not that hyped about getting LLM now, as how they use to be when they first heard of it. Most of us that is expecting to see LLM this year, will probably have to wait untill next year before its released, and some of those people that was really waiting for the game will lose there interest in getting the game. i know that PP knows how we feel about the games, but i think if XC2 and BS is going so well(as they say)they should be able to give us an idea when it will be released. yes we know its going to be released this year but when? it will set alot of people’s mind at ease if we just know when to expect the release of the games.

[This message has been edited by Crimson (edited 01-09-2003).]

Well, technically, it’s not so obvious. There was that period where work on several of the games was suspended. And a lot could happen to a development, even one that’s close to completion, like losing a license or having to have it be renegotiated or some really weird bug found in testing that could pretty much grind everything to a halt.

Giving a release date would put some minds at ease, it could also piss some off if that date is missed. Even when you’re almost absolutely sure you’ll hit a date, things happen. I forget, but wasn’t it like Transfer Student (or maybe I’m just projecting general irritation on it) that even though it had gone to gold mastering and duplication, had a further delay because of a printing problem?

Anyways, PeaPri released what information they feel comfortable releasing. But technically, they don’t have to release any information, it’s more to placate us, the fans. They could have just kept the message simply to the availability of Sensei 2 and the reduced prices on the other titles. It just seems to me that everyone was asking for some information on the various titles and when they did give it, people were turning around and critizing them for it.


And I may read too much into it, but if beta-testing can start now, I read this as an implicit hint that the new game-engine has now Version 0.9 (meaning: full functionality with some remaining bugs)

I know, I saw LMM almost disappearing from PeaPris list of titles, when I heard, the engine had to be redeveloped.

"As we’ve mentioned in past updates, we’re hard at work on titles such as Brave Soul and X-Change 2. We hope to have some good news for you on these in coming months."

If I had saved my last PP update I am sure this is a copy/paste statement. I am glad they are willing to send out updates to tell me they are still working on the game. But as I have said that really doesn’t tell you anything. They used to post the same thing about LMM 2 years ago and its still not here. So does that mean that X-Change 2 or BS is going to take 2 years? While you guys may say no, you never know… What I wanted from PP and what 95% of any other software developer’s provide is a release estimate. Hell it could be a X-Change 2 is due to be released sometime in March-April 2003. At least with that it gives me a idea of their status and sets my mind at ease. Lets use G-collections as a example, they have set dates and only missed that date one time, which was Private Nurse. I had no qualms about them missing their date. They posted why they missed the date and gave a estimate as to when it would be released. Most people won’t get overly distraught if you miss you release date once or twice. This is not comparable to a game industry per say Blizzard’s Warcraft where if you miss a date you have 3 million 13 year olds yelling on forums worldwide. The Bishoujo industry is smaller and an obviously older crowd. I believe the majority would understand. I seem to recall a udpate a month of two back that said X-Change 2 was due out in the First Quarter of 2003. They could say something like “We are still hard at work on X-Change 2 and still expecting the game to come out in the First Quarter of 2003” That gives me SOME information and I know what I can expect and when.

Transfer Student is a poor example, that game missed its date so many times I truly wonder wtf the developers were thinking when they set the date the first time. I can understand overly optimistic but whatever happened in that project had to be a extreme scenario.
My 2 cents take em or leave em…
Preferably leave them I am Kinda poor

It’s shocking but you turn my thoughts exactly in words.
But i didn’t think 95% think so too…maybe 70%.
But I think some infos like 1 or 2 Quater 2003 seems ok but “in the coming months…2-?months” it’s a little dissapointed.
I mean I have all the games from PP and never say anything about their release Dates.If they delayed or not. I think 3-6 months didn’t hurt. Another thing was Transfer Student(I preorded this game with release Date SUMMER 2000)…I was just a little…not amused.
They should give away a vague release date and don’t leave us in the dark. I think, as fans and customers, we are worth it.


BigDog, i tottaly agree with you. We are all adults here(well i think so anyway) so we woudn’t go berserk if PP sets a release date, and miss it. We just want an idea of when the game will be released, that alone would be enough from changing people’s mind about getting the game. But when someone Pre-Order a game for over a year, and its still not released, that would piss them off.

Using G-Collections is a perfect example, they always set a release date for there tittles, or give us an idea when to expect it.

What PP gave us was not a status report, just compare it to the last one, and you would see the only difference is that they told us that they are actually starting to work on LLM. I know people that are looking for the japanese version of the game because they got tired of waiting. I woudn’t be suprised if most of the PP that pre-ordered or was waiting for LLM changed there mind a bout getting it, which would lead to poor sales of the game, and that would HURT PP bussiness alot. of course none of us fans wants that now do we?

[This message has been edited by Crimson (edited 01-09-2003).]

Originally posted by exoarchaeologist:
One of my less scrupulous friends had once showed me a server where the CGs were located. And so I avoided that place since I didnt want to spoil the game.

I'm sure its worth waiting for.

What, all you did was avoid it? You should have reported it, having the CG of a game Peach Princess will want to sell for download is a No No.