Persona 3 Portable

Anyone excited for the new Persona 3 remake for the PSP? I’m fairly new to the series and just finished the remake of the first Persona. I really hope Atlus brings this out in English with the JP seiyuu.

The amazing OP for anyone that hasn’t seen it

Considering the new screenshots I’ve seen for this on rpgamer, I’m more interested in this than I was before. Though because I’ve played both the original P3 and then FES, I’m probably just going to play the girl’s route unless they introduce some more new stuff into Minato’s route.

One thing I’m curious about is just how different will the girl’s route end up becoming. Could we even get a completely different ending? Thanks to dialogue after the fight with Margaret in Persona 4, Minato’s route is canon

Another thing I’m curious about is just how much content from FES can we expect. Just the extra stuff in the main game, or will we also get “The Answer” part as well?

From my online research, we are getting everything from FES minus The Answer. Extra stuff will be in the male route like extra S-Links and story additions.
This will be my first time playing P3, so I’m extremely eager for Atlus USA to announce an English edition. I got really addicted to the first Persona and I’ve heard the third one is a lot better. Haha, I can just picture it taking up weeks of my life while I play it…

While waiting I highly reccomend playing Persona 4 for a couple of reasons:
First, this will get you used to the system P3 and 4 use and second at least one character (a younger Yukiko Amagi) is going to be making an appearance in the PSP game, whether it’s just going to be a cameo or not I’m not sure (though considering Rise mentions having been to the island before, she might also make a cameo).

I would, but I’m low on money and hoping they will remake 4 as well. I would hate to replay such a huge RPG if a better version is released later. That’s why I’m also holding off on both P2 games as there are many rumors those will be remade due to the P1 remake’s success.

Wonder what caused them to want to remake 3 for the PSP and add a female route (that’s a lot of extra work)?

The Persona 1 remake did extremely well in Japan, so that might be part of it. P3 is also the most popular out of the series. (as far as I know) While adding the female route and other features may be a lot of work, it will get people that purchased the the PS2s versions to buy it again.
I’m hoping P3P does great so P2 and P4 can have remakes.

Persona 3 and 4 are the most revered of the Persona titles, while 4 is the best selling. It is still surprising to see a remake be released so quickly though. It’s only been a couple of years since P3 first came out.

Hopefully, P5 is announced for the PS3 soon. Especially since Demon’s Souls has seemingly done quite well for the next gen system.

Isn’t it a little silly to call the PS3 a “next gen system” when it has been out almost three years already? :stuck_out_tongue:

The PS3 is so far ahead of its time that it will be next-gen for three more generations :shock: !

Atlus loves you. Publicly confirmed for US release a few hours ago.

You may celebrate by preordering it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Now, if they would kindly announce that P5 is due for release by the end of 2010…:roll:

Probably something like this:

  1. Damn, Persona 3 was really popular. (One of the best selling MegaTen titles ever, so I hear.) Betcha we could sell even more copies.

  2. Alas, the games are PS2. Even if we pressed more copies, they’re PS2, we’d have a hard time getting people to sell them in stores. Plus Sony might not appreciate this too much.

  3. We could port them to a new system, but we’re still figuring out how to get good use out of the PS3, and we won’t be ready to release anything for awhile.

  4. Plus, if we port the game to PS3 we either have a lackluster port (which won’t sell), or we have to almost redo all the code and art assets to take advantage of the PS3’s power (which would cost a lot and defeat the “make some extra cash cheap” plan).

  5. How about PSP?

Basically the PSP market works as such:

  1. Old PS2 game
  2. New PSP conversion
  3. ???
  4. PROFIT!

Creativity tends to land flat on it’s face. So recycle, recycle, recycle!

Since they have made more inroads to the PSP and I doubt Sony would appreciate another PS2 game, it may be made for the PSP. I can’t see them going for the 360/PS3 because of the production costs (for RPGs this becomes a serious issue because of their turnaround time). And considering this is likely Atlus’s flagship series, I cannot see a Wii game due to lack of titles and a DS version would probably lack the captabilties.

I purchased Persona 3 FES a couple years ago, and kind of liked it. Will I buy a portable version with different content? Perhaps.

I didn’t enjoy the fact that in P3 FES, the player couldn’t control the whole party. That has been changed for P3P. I don’t remember if this portable version will include character fatigue (which I found annoying). I’m okay with the reduced graphics and cinema, and just slight annoyed about the lack of The Answer. Also, though I hear P3P has minimal load times, I’m not sure if this version will be well suited to playing in short bursts.

The other changes sound fine… I’m very interested in the female lead, and the added difficulty options. I would be more willing to pay $30-35 for the game if Japanese voices were included, but if they’re not included, life goes on. I’ll probably choose the UMD over the PS Store version, unless there’s a real incentive to purchase the latter.

A tangent: I’m not enough of a dedicated fan to appreciate this LJ entry about “the otome-ness of P3P,” but it amuses me:

That was also rather true for the Gameboy Advance. The GBA was sometimes described as a portable SNES – partly because the hardware was similar, and partly because a bunch of 16-bit games were ported. I bought some of those ports.

Unfortunately, games on PSP which aren’t proven multi-million sellers don’t often succeed. In mid-2009, a version of Pangya was released in English for that system… and according to this IGN article – – barely anyone bought it. It’s kind of a shame, but relatively mainstream titles tend to succeed, while relatively niche or artsy titles tend to fail.

Actually, it’s already been hinted that P5 will be on PS3. Nothing set on stone yet, though.

Possible, but considering its a flagship title I’d expect them to want to put in on a system they can push copies with more.

Actually, given the outcry, releasing it on the PS3 might be a smart move. It would possibly push Atlus up from the godly lower tier developer/publisher it has been and closer to the realms of companies like Bethesda and Bioware… respected and loved with great sales. I wouldn’t expect SE like numbers though. I think 3 million is the absolute ceiling for an Atlus title.

Problem is you almost need near-SE numbers for such a title on PS3/360 to break even due to production costs. Maybe Atlus is willing to take a hit here though it it thinks it’ll get more brand recognition.