persona 4 getting anime

there will be an anime for persona 4 the only bad news is so far it is only 12 episode i just hope they don’t screw it up like star ocean ex and leave out the final world

The mystery fan in me would probably have liked it if I didn’t play the game already. It probably can be a stand alone mystery type of anime and succeed, I just think that was the worst part of the game. The grinding was addictive, for me, and of course the social link sequences were fine too. They will probably have the main character limited to dating one girl unless they want to add drama which the games should have more of.

In the end I am not interested. Just glad some non-gamers will be able to see it and if it is good maybe they’ll be inspired to buy it or P3.

Man, I so wish the Persona games would hit the PC market; I would buy them up in a minute.

At this point, if you aren’t in the market for a current-generation console but want to play previous-generation titles, why not buy a PS2? I honestly can’t think of a reason not to. Even if you don’t have a TV - generally it’s annoying, but possible, to get component inputs into your computer and play PS2 on your PC. (The one time I tried, I could get video but no audio.) A used PS2 will run you forty bucks from Amazon or fifty bucks plus shipping from GameStop.

There are a huge number of really awesome console-exclusive PS2 games that can now be had fairly cheaply. In no particular order:

Odin Sphere
Persona 3 FES
Persona 4
Katamari Damacy
God of War 1/2
Ratchet and Clank 1-3
Shadow of the Colossus
Maximo / Maximo Army of Zin
Digital Devil Saga 1/2
Sakura Taisen 5
La Pucelle
Adventures of Cookie and Cream

… and that’s just the ones that jump out at me from the Metacritic list and/or my memory.

It’s the lack of a TV that actually gets in my way. I’ve been meaning to look at picking up something small and putting it together in the corner of my room or something, but I’m pretty cluttered in here as is. Need to do it eventually, however, so I can get a vcr as well (or a set with a built in vcr), since I have tons of awesome movies and anime on vcr still. (and it breaks my heart to think I’d have to try and find them all over again on dvd - some of these it took me years to find for vhs originally)

You don’t need a TV. I use my the monitor for my PC for my other systems. It has a bunch of different inputs.

I’ll have to take a look at that possibility.

What I really wish I had was a PS3 that played PS2 games … in fact, it hadn’t got out yet that they’d stopped making those when I bought mine so I didn’t know it until I was too late. (don’t have the PS3 anymore, sold it to an ex roommate) Man, and I really wanted to finish playing the Fatal Frame series.

ps2’s aren’t that expensive like $60 new and under that used

I was surprised when I went and bought a new TV, and a new monitor. Essentially, there isn’t a whole lot of difference between the two anymore. Any decent modern TV has a VGA input, for example.

Many computer monitors even have speakers built into them now. If what you have is older, you may have some issues, but you should be able to easily find a monitor that will take RCA input.

The big differences now are TV card or no TV card. If it has one, its a TV; if it doesn’t, it functions solely as a monitor. There’s some other minor stuff, usually associated with the aspect ratio being 16:9 vs. 16:10.