Peter payne

Ok i just need to know whats going on over there at jast-- This kinda thing has never happend before and Im stuck wondering whats up>.< The reason I post this here is because in my email I got it said from Peter Payne and I see that theres a peter payne as a mod here so maybe he can just tell me whast wrong? Im really getting Ajitated at the fact that I paid for these games they took the money but they still arent here-- now I know sometimes there are delays but there are no delays on any of the items Ive ordered and all Im getting are these weird emaisl that are confusing…one email said everything was now cool and stuff was being shipped…another said we cant ship to that address…what is going on?

BTW Im not afraid to share my real name here so that peter might know who this is^^ Im Anthony Johnson the guy who has sent Jast the Multiple emails^^

[This message has been edited by Kenshinsama (edited 08-02-2002).]

Peter 99% never watches this BBS (that’s why I am here). If you have a problem with Jast stuff I suggest you keep flooding him with emails. However, are you confusing newletter updates with personal email from jast?

As much as everybody here including myself would like to help you on this, it would be best to fully explain the situation to us than just saying “what’s going on” and “what’s wrong”. But keep in mind that Peter will most likely not be reading this.

In similar Jast-shipping related weirdness…

The Season of the Sakura games I ordered (they were announced on Jast’s page as re-listed) came in new jewel cases with shrink wrapping and nice instructions but were missing one little thing… CDs. Had no problems like this before… Sent an e-mail, waiting for reply.

So flood him? That doesn’t seem quite nice… but okay… (after a couple days)

well, do give him at least 48 hrs to respond…be reasonable

Ok heres how it all went down…

on the 23rd of July I logged onto and ordered Season of Sakura, Snow drop, Xchange, Eve burst error.

I entered all my info in and everything. I paid with my Credit card and gave them my shipping address.

5 days later I email them asking if there was a Problem with my order and they said something about my addy wasnt right…so I entered it again and than Peter payne from jast said that everthing was cool now and my items would be shipped asap…

3 days past and now Im just alittle pissed…I see that the money for the items has finally been takin out but I dont have an items…and I get an email not from peter paybe but from someone else from jast telling me to reply about my email which I did again for the third time-_- 2 more days past and Im just upset at the fact that I still have not yet gotten my orders and also havent gotten any emails…this is why I sent a few emaisl to jast and made a thread about it now…

Sorry everyone if Im laying all my Problems here on the board and for acting like an Impatient child but I mean I spent 150 dollars on games from this place and when they said it would take 2-3 days it shouldnt take over 10…

I ordered Transfer Student and Season of Sakura from JAST USA directly and it took 10 days to arrive at my place (Australia), which is a reasonable shipping time from Australia to the USA.

Hell it shouldnt have taken me more than 3 days I live in California where they are located…:stuck_out_tongue:

That’s odd, I haven’t ever had problems. But then, I haven’t ordered from Jast in years. If you want Peach Princess games, get them direct from Peach Princess, they get stuff to you within a few days. I do remember that my Jast order did take longer than a week.

If I remember correctly most of my JAST orders usually take five or six days at the most if they ship from San Diego to reach me and I live in northern Wisconsin, and orders from Peach Princess take four days.

Well for some reason Eve burst error Arrived today in th email so Im still waiting on the other 3…

I’m in the UK, and both Peach Princess and JAST seem to sent out the games very quickly (I usually recieve them 5 or 6 days after ordering, or after the games release in the case of a pre-order).

See its been 3 weeks total and I only have Eve burst error-- now why is it that I have this and not the other games I ordered? plus they take 3 and 4 days to email u and the crap they email u i ssome garbage saying theres something wrong with my address-- Im really getting pissed at jastusa and Im glad next time I want a PeaPri game I can get here or get something from Himeya soft because jast is on my shitlist right now…

Thanks nobody and ur right I hsould just relax I knwo they arent going to try and rip me off so I should just chill but its liek u said sometimes u just gotta vent it out:P I will keep my mind off it for now since I have a Big Match int he morning in KOF^^ I will tell u guys how it went!

Gosh Ive sent them a few emaisl since the last one I got from peter and its been 5 days0_0 I really never learned this Patience thing to well when it came towards my money:P Im sorry if Im just ranting ppl but Jeeze these guys are pissingme off…if I didnt know better Id say they were ignoring me…

Well the champion didnt show up>.< so I have to wait till we have our match-_- issues at the home…