Phantom of Inferno

Can anyone tell me anything about this new “phantom of Inferno” game that JastUsa is pushing on their website? I appears to be a ADV game like most discussed here, but playable on a DVD player, not A PC.

there is a thread on DVD-PG on this bbs, you might want to search that

But for more info on the title itself, you can visit

huh, looks like hirameki int’l has actually released something…

ya I believe they were actually selling 1 or 2 titles when I was in BAAF

eh? you mean theyve releases somthing Other than Phantom of the Inferno? whats the new title?

I thought I saw suchi pai but I guess I was wrong. I wasn’t paying too much attention at their booth actually (and unfortunately).

A good rule of thumb: never trust what I said when it comes to releases of anything :stuck_out_tongue:

Hate to be the one to ask this… but i remember a while back something being said about this game about to be released… then someone said something about it being Cut… (as in all h-scenes removed) ill prolly end up buying it anyway… but im wondering if it is indeed cut or not…

Meh, I tried to play PoI on my new DVD player but after the start screen I just got a lot of DVD Video blue screens. sigh Thwarted yet again from playing PoI…

I have the Idol Fighter Su-Chi-Pai 2 disc. It is an anime that is meant to be the sequel/supplement to the game series.
You get:
* One Episode
* One long extras segment
- Explaination of the evolution of the game
- First SuChiPai Cosplay Event
- Meet two of the seiyuu
- Meet Miss SuChiPai 1996 official cosplayer
- See some of Miss SuChiPai’s audition
- One of the seiyuu sings her character’s theme song, I think.
- Visit to the animation studio.
- Supposedly, you would get to see game endings but they were removed.
* Goodies for your computer (I can’t comment on them since I don’t have a DVD-ROM. D’oh no CRC for me.)
Oh and all of the extra segment except for the seiyuu singing can be listened to dubbed in English if you wish. It’s kind of like watching dubbed Iron Chef or that Extreme Sports show that I forget to name of on ESPN.

Oh and Anime Play Magazine is okay. I think it could get better in time.

To answer Gambit: I believe every one of Hirameki International’s “AnimePlay” DVD game releases have the H scenes removed. They are all listed as for ages 13+ or 16+ IIRC.

Yup which is really causing some turmoil with me. On the one hand I want to support the industry but I don’t want to support people who edit their games. Man i’m not sure what i’m going to do. Well hopefully brave soul and cresendo will come out soon so I won’t have to make that choice for a while

I think there being some games available without adult scenes is going to be quite key to the genre becoming more mainstream.

Would anime have succeeded as much as it has in the past 5-10 years if all that was being fansubbed was adult anime??

However, it would of course be better if we got some of the best bishoujo games that were never adult, so that they don’t have to be chopped.

Still, I’m going to support Hirameki - if not with PoI then with at least a couple of the other DVDs lined up for this year.

Originally posted by chronoluminaire:
However, it would of course be better if we got some of the best bishoujo games that were never adult, so that they don't have to be chopped.

That's true, and I know that would be my preference. I'd prefer a fully uncut non-adult game to an edited game with the adult content removed. I think that was part of my problem with Phantom of Inferno, sometimes the editing they did to remove the adult scenes didn't mesh well with everything else.

Originally posted by chronoluminaire:
[B]I think there being some games available without adult scenes is going to be quite key to the genre becoming more mainstream.

Absolutely. The fact that they're selling this game on gives some hint to the intentions of the publisher.

However, after reading here that it's an adult game with the adult scenes removed, me no buy. Editing is bad. Then I saw a thread at claiming that Kikuko "Belldandy" Inoue was one of a pretty high-profile cast. If correct, that would have been, um, interesting [img][/img]

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Yup which is really causing some turmoil with me. On the one hand I want to support the industry but I don't want to support people who edit their games. Man i'm not sure what i'm going to do. Well hopefully brave soul and cresendo will come out soon so I won't have to make that choice for a while :)

They're also choosing games that feature REALLY young-looking characters. I don't really want them to cut the games at all, AND I don't really want to see that.

I just hope that the censorship doesn't do to these games what ... smog? said it did to Pia Carrot 3 -- completely change the meaning of scenes around where the h-scenes used to be. I know "oh, these characters just had sex" changes a LOT of things story-wise -- at least it should.

I bought PoI-DVDPG a few months ago. It’s a really envolving and interesting multi-ending game with 3D CGs and some animated sequences. I love it.
By the way… just to you guys know… ALL the DVD games Hirameki-Int will be releasing were originally Adult PC-Games. I checked.
That’s a shame all the H** Scenes will be censored… As far I know, in the Japan they have Adult DVDPG games non-censored at all.
Why Hirameki-Int doesn’t create something like a Special Code just to adults, to unlock the hidden H** Scenes?!

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
Why Hirameki-Int doesn't create something like a Special Code just to adults, to unlock the hidden H** Scenes?!

Probably because the rating would change. Even with a "special code" protecting the scenes, it would still push it to some type of "adults-only" rating. And it's not like it would really protect those scenes from being viewed by some horomonally charged teenager.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Probably because the rating would change. Even with a "special code" protecting the scenes, it would still push it to some type of "adults-only" rating. And it's not like it would really protect those scenes from being viewed by some horomonally charged teenager.

You are right... but i really prefer to see translated DVD-Player Games for adults too. At least, Non-adult DVD-PGs with romantic scenes and lots of fanservice... just like Eve Burst Error.
If Hirameki-Int will not make NR-18+ games, they still can do it NR-16 or NR-17.

Well, there is some story behind Phantom of the Inferno regarding adult-ness.

It was first released on PC in Japan as an adult game, but had no voices whatsoever. Then they re-released it as DVG, one they released in US as well, with full voices done by popular seiyuu but with adult materials removed. This is done pretty frequently when an adult game transfers to console and such (aka To Heart, Pia Carrot 3, etc).

Now, newest version of Phantom of the Inferno was released on Japanese PS2, with additional story and characters.

So I believe it’s not Hirameki-Int fault, all they did was bringing out the DVG of the game… Unless they release voice plus version like Kango Sychauzo or something for this, then most likely we won’t see the adult version of the Phantom of the Inferno.

So for those of you who already have the game (like me) or planning to get it, either somehow find the hentai pics from the net or a friend, or go buy the art book of it and just look at the missing pics from there ^^; There is art book for the adult version of the game for sure because I have it~ If anyone wants ISBN of it, I’ll be glad to put it here (missing pics are not that great though anyway).