Physical age vs. mental age

Instead of a line, seems more like a circle culminating in abuse…heh, sort of like those political scales with extreme left and extreme right merging into authoritarianism.

Heh… a tsun-yan-dere? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm. On second thought, you might be on to something. :o

Don’t think I could go for a yandere. Too much trouble having to break her before introducing her into the harem, and she’d cause trouble for the other girls if I don’t.

If they love you they’ll fight for you. I say toss them a knife and tell them you’ll love the survivor best.

Not gonna be much of a Harem left afterwards though.

The point is to replenish it from time to time…

They say variety is the spice of life, after all.

It’s decided. We need a yandere game. Normal romance is just so…boring.

<Olf> zalas is mean: he didn't answer my question about whether yandere were normal. <Olf> <_< <zalas> normal in this context means mature person in mature body or immature person in immature body <zalas> definition of maturity left up to reader <Olf> Hmmmm, so, since murderous possessiveness is a sign of maturity, I only have to take into account the maturity of the body. <Olf> Since a body is mature the moment it can enjoy sex, the answer is 'normal' then!So, I voted as such. \o/

You really can’t “break” a yandere though… they’re already broken. The only way I can see a harem with a yandere (or a harem full of yandere) actually working, is if the girls are immortal, able to neutralize each other’s combative abilities, and/or obey their love interest so long as he’s actively telling them to stop killing. However on that last part, even as obedient and loyal as Yuno Gasai might be, she still takes the initiative when opportunity knocks: so it takes a lot of micromanaging. I think it’s pretty much a given, that a yandere relationship means monogamy, unless it’s something that has the yandere see another girl as an “extension” of herself (twincest for example). Even then however, there has to be a regiment of strict equal sharing, since the smallest amount of jealousy can be taken to extremes.

I guess I’ll vote “normal” too then: honestly not into lolicon as a general rule.