Physical age vs. mental age

Out of curiosity, what kind of character do you prefer in your games? The mentally mature but physically immature girl, the physically mature but mentally immature girl, or someone more normal?

I think a definition of physically mature is required first. Is a mature body anything that’s not a kid, that is a teenager or above or something older? Not to mention you can argue what’s considered mentally mature.

I pretty much never like mentally immature characters, especially imouto-type ones, so my choice would be from the other two.

I occasionally enjoy the angst of the Chibi Sue (“trapped in a young body forever!”) but I certainly wouldn’t want to see that all the time. Angst is dull if you hit the same rut over and over. And an old character in a loli body for non-angst reasons, I’m likely to feel uneasy with it and accuse the writer of solely trying to cater to lolicon types at the expense of story. :slight_smile: Not that catering to a fetish is bad, but it’s NOT my fetish, I only want to go there if it’s got a good plot behind it. I mean, putting your immensely powerful evil demon character in the body of a cute little girl can be quite plotful if it’s intentional to make people underestimate her so she can carry out her evil scheme uninterrupted, but then I expect that to come up in the story. A priest desperately trying to kill the demon and always being stopped by people who believe she’s Just A Widdle Girl, etc.

A young character in control of an older body… I’ve read a very amusing Sailor Moon fanfic that was all about Usagi desperately trying to get Mamoru to sleep with her and him refusing because she’s 15, so she uses magic to make herself physically older. I appreciate the frustration and longing, but I’m much more comfortable reading that from the perspective of the young person than the old. Just like I’m happier with teacher/student if I’m playing the student, so I know the student isn’t being exploited.

I would personally find it funny if there were a game where someone WAY too young somehow ended up in a mature body and was constantly clumsily trying to seduce you - and you resisted. A ten-year-old cousin/sister/student with a serious case of hero worship and no idea what romance is really about, now magically busty and flashing her “Boobies!” at you for attention… possibly even interrupting your real dates with other characters, barging in and pretending to be your girlfriend… This would have to be a joke character with no path, though, or perhaps a ten-years-later epilogue that finally gives you an H-scene. And this isn’t something I’d want to see often, either, just something that could be funny once. But it might be considered too inappropriate, even my way.

For me it doesn’t matter, since twincest and yandere come in both flavors. :smiley:

It’s not how a girl looks or acts that causes me to become infatuated, but how she interpret and reacts to the world around her – and of course, and the person she loves.

I wish you had an other option… I don’t like “normal” relationships. :wink:

I like my loli over 18.

I think I’d have to go for the mature mind in a young body most of all - heroines with a young mental age make you feel a bit immoral while H-ing them, regardless of their body’s age. I found this during a particular scene in Natsuyume Nagisa (where one of the heroines ‘reverted’), and it was the most uncomfortable H scene in the game. Pretty much all loli/imouto heroines have the ‘mature mind/young body’ pair, while characters with both a young body and young mind are perhaps the worst of all - I’m thinking the girls in Musume Shimai / Mei Shoujo. This games were really uncomfortable to play.

I suppose when it comes down to it, mental immaturity just makes the H scenes feel immoral, while physical immaturity we can be a bit more flexible around.

Actuallly I like a genuine and honest person first of all, someone who can accept others as they are.Basically thats the two basic elements of relationship, trust and fun.
Now if I was to pick between the two choices (Third one doesn’t exist for me lolz :P) I’d say its a very close call, maybe 55-45 in favour of the first option. That said, I fall for all kinds of girls anyways.
Having a young but mature girl is cool because she is someone who will love you and support you all the time, with the second option the love aspect will remain same but then you’ll need to support her. So I guess Its really tough to say.
Maybe I’d like to have sisters, one suiting each of the criteria :twisted:

Given those options, I’d probably go for physically immature, mentally mature. I usually like the mentally “immature” ones, but when they are stuck in mature bodies in ero-games they seem to always be the “annoying” (to me) immature type instead of the cute (again, to me) type. The mentally mature/physically immature is a lot easier to deal with, but trying to remember specific ones I’ve seen in games only brings up tsundere or cold/unfeeling girls… Not that I don’t like the tsundere type, I’m actually quite a fan of some of them.

I second Lancer’s opinion. Yet I still find some immoral H scenes may be needed to make certain game better, perhaps something that shows an angry protagonist rape an airheaded busty bimbo to get his revenge on the girl’s dad.

I still choose mature mind + immature body for most of occasions though.

This really mashes together a lot of different archetypes, but…

Three of my favorites–the teasing loli, tsundere loli, and gothic loli–generally fall under the first option. When I think of the second option, the “airhead” archetype comes to mind, and I despise that. A “dual” loli can be nice at times, particularly in certain contexts (like as a little sister). In general I suppose I prefer immature body and mature mind though. Immature mind is often boring and potentially irritating. Studio Ego games tend to get on my nerves, because often half the characters are airheads.

Impossible to say. Depends on the game. Depends on the story. Depends on what else the character has in her personality besides the above categories. Depends mostly on the writing, I suppose.

To be honest, I like both types of contradictions.

Tsundere loli are awesome. Whenever I hear of mature mind and immature body, I always think of Evangeline from Negima since she’s over 1000 years old but stuck in a 10 year old body.

Glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t like airheads. But then I dislike the super hyper genki girls most. I don’t think I’ve seen one I liked. They’re all just incredibly annoying, like in the case of Hoshizora no Memoria, which I just finished.

yeah immortal loli are always nice al azif from demonbane is a good one of those

It really depends - I live both types, dependent upon the way they are portrayed. I’m not so fond of the “immature body/mature mind” bit when the girl is emotionless and/or bitchy, but the other can get old if it is too silly.

So long as they have personalities, though, I tend to prefer precocious girls to simple minded women.

What’s “normal”? A mentally mature mind in a physically mature body or an mentally immature mind in a physically immature body? :o
Is “insane” mature or immature? Or are there mature insanity and immature insanity? How would “murderously possessive” qualify?


You and I know what we love and want, Narg, but according to zalas’ answers, we want “someone normal, please” although I sometimes have doubt about how much normal our ideal woman is to most people. :wink:

I mean:

I’ve been told my ideal conception of love and of a lovemate wasn’t exactly shared my most people. :expressionless:

Normal is subjective and hypothetical anyways. :stuck_out_tongue:

I only recognize Horo from “Spice and Wolf.” Where are the other six from?