Picky rapist

Im looking for a game that lets me rape, but only if i want to(too much can get depressing)…

Hmmm, there isn’t a game localized into English that has a stalking and raping theme yet. Tokimeki Check-In! has the option of raping that occurs with 2 characters, but that’s about it. If you want a game with a lot of erotic content and encounters, X-change should be the place you start out from. Hope that helps.

Hmm, am i mistaken, i thought you were the one getting raped in X-change?

The game doesn’t necessarily have to be translated as long as i can run it in american windows and or find translations on the internet…

thanks for the help

It will require jpwin to run most of them, but illusion soft has many games with a darker theme.

Guilty is another company that does many darker themes.

Biko and Biko 2 are 2 stalking games from Illusion which deal in rape elements. neither require much Japanese knowledge.

Interact Play VR also from Illusion deals with train rape themes. This one however requires you have at least Windows 2k/XP to switch to Japanese non-unicode support to play.

Interheart has quite a few games as well. Itazura 1,2,3 and 4 are a series of train rape games.

Also Ryojyoku Salesman is a game about a door to door salesman who rapes his customers.

Keibiin -Yuganda Shokumu Nisshi- is about a mall security officer who blackmails and rapes girls he catches stealing.

Those last three are Interheart games and all run fine on English windows. A word of warning though Interheart games really require some Japanese knowledge to play.

Elf’s Kisaku, Isaku ans Shusaku all deal with school rape themes. You control a janitor who blackmails and rapes girls at the school.

Lastly for English Titles, Tsuki and Sensei 2 from G-collections both deal in domination and rape themes.

How do i switch to Japanese non-unicode support?

Also any date simulators that have this option, you know so when i screw up by giving her the wrong gift i can just throw her to the ground and have degrading japanese sex with her before i reset and get her something pink…

This page describes the non-unicode support better than I ever could.


Have fun.

You could always try some slave-training-simulations, since those often deals with the blackmail/rape/forced sex theme if that’s what you like

The thing is I dont want the focus of the game to be rape, since that gets boring pretty fast. I just want the option to be there.

Still if you post the links i will check it out.

Originally posted by Weiser_Cain:
The thing is I dont want the focus of the game to be rape, since that gets boring pretty fast. I just want the option to be there.

Still if you post the links i will check it out.

Slave-training-simulations don't really "focus" on rape, but it's often up to you hoe to train the girl/girls; either you could be very abusive towards them or train thme in a slow and careful way to make sure that they enjoy the whole thing. Since I'm at school, I can't post any links right now, but I'll post some links in the weekend. But meanwhile, why not visit Bishops website? They've created quite a few dark games, and I'm considering buying one of them at some point. Their website is here: http://www.bishop.gr.jp/

Still waiting on those links…

Originally posted by Weiser_Cain:
Still waiting on those links...

Ah, gomen, I've been playing so much for the last few days tha tI forgot about it ^^;. Well, here's a few links that may be useful if you're looking for "dark" games:

Selen and Selen Advance are known for making only slave-training-simulations and slave-training ADV's, so they might be a good place to look at. I've brought one of their games; Deep Fantasy and was quite impressed. Is planning to buy another game from them someday too. (if you're interested, they have a quite big playable demo of Deep Fanyasy on their website that you might want to try out).

These guys are famous for the "Seeker Zero" series, a quite hardcore slave-training-series of gmaes, it seems. Never considered their products myself, through.

These guys have made quite a few dark games, but I don't know if these are simulations or not. I've considered getting one or two of their games, through.

The games these guys make may not exactly be what you'd call "dark", but they alays contains a few dak elements, as one would discover soon enough. They're pretty known for their making of Blood Royal, which is two slave-training simulations that are priased by many because of the many endings and freedom that is given in them

Otherwise than that, I can't think fo anything to recommend, but if you're looking for dark games, then don't forget, that mist bishoujo game companies have made at least one "dark game", so even if you look among the companies that are known for making dark games, you still may not find exatly what you're looking for, so instead, look at other places too. I'd suggest you to go to

http://www.gamelexgs.com/ and
http://www.getchu.com/pc/ if you haven't alreday, those may give you some good ideas too.