places to play online games??

Hey everyone. Just wanted to know if someone might be generous enough to tell me some good, free online games as well as sites providing games (both mature as well as general stuff)

Well, it depends on what you mean by online games. There are free online multiplayer games, games that you play in your browser, games that you obtain online (legally) for free, etc. As for games that you obtain online for free legally, there is Gametap. While mostly known as a service you have to pay for, there are some games that they allow to be played with a free account. They provide some pretty good games to play, but they rotate in and out of the “free pack”.
If you want a good laugh and a way to waste some time, you could always go to the [adult swim] website and go to the game section. If you do well enough on one of the games where you can enter a high score, you might even see the internet handle you enter on TV.
As for free online multiplayer games, I don’t know what to tell you. I rarely play multiplayer games anymore.

Oh yeah,I guess I shopuld have specified a bit more. I meant a place where I can play games legally and without paying any stuff, like Thanx anyways :slight_smile:

Well, the games that are on the [adult swim] website would definitely fall under the same kind of category as what you would find on newgrounds (i.e. Flash games). The only difference is that the games are made professionally.