Platform for these games?

In general: Peach Princess games run on Windows. (95 and above.) Some of the older bishoujo games are DOS based but should still be playable through windows. And if you’re talking about the original Japanese games, they run on the Japanese version of Windows but with language support, XP can run them more or less. Don’t know of any Macintosh versions of the games. Does that help a bit?

They’re normally in Japanese, but the games available on this site have all been translated into English by Peach Princess so that the English speaking world can enjoy them.

it is true that the Peach Princess bishoujo games run in windows, but there have been bishoujo games on many other platforms as well, though there are more english-translated ones for the PC

for example, Eve: Burst Error (one of my personal favorites) was originally released on Sega Saturn, and it was the full adult version…it was later re-released in English for PC Windows, and they cut some scenes for a Mature rating, not an Adults Only, but trust me, it doesn’t take away from the game

there are other bishoujo games out there in english for platforms too…Thousand Arms and Rhapsody are two examples of bishoujo games (non-adult, mind you) on the Playstation

hope this helps

oh yeah, i forgot…if you want to find out more about Eve: Burst Error, go to , or visit my website (i should have my Eve section up soon)

thanks for the clarification, Kagami-san

not annoying at all, it’s good to know i was wrong before i made a complete fool of myself

I wouldn’t say you were making a “fool” of yourself. Sometimes we say stuff without having complete information or with just incorrect information that we don’t know it’s incorrect. You only become a “fool” through your response to being “corrected”. (And heaven knows I’ve been incorrect a lot on just this BBS, not to mention life… )