Playstation Magazine retort

For those of you keeping up on the Jewel Knights thread, you know I wrote about a passage in Playstation magazine concerning gal games that really upset me…

I just wrote them a response and want your opinions on if you think i got my point across without leaving myself too open to ridicule:

I think your comments concerning Japanese gal games in last month’s issue were very unfair and ignorant. I am a dedicated player of these games (and female, I might add), and I also do freelance editing work for one of the companies that translate these games to english.

Yes, I am the first to admit that sometimes there are young-looking characters in these games, and yes, some of the games are all about having copious amounts of sex. But it is ignorant to lump all gal games (or more properly, bishoujo games) into these stereotypes. There are many of these games that focus primarily on a very deep, romantic, and touching storyline. I can quote two wonderful examples, games released by G-Collections ( called Crescendo and Kana. Both of these games have elicited tears and deep emotion from 95% of its players in both Japan and America. I dare you to play Kana through to the end without shedding a tear.

Yes, some of these games can be rather perverted or deal with very disturbing ideas (teenage sex, rape, etc), but is it really any more disturbing than the grotesque visuals of cutting someone in half, gunning down lots of people, or running over innocent pedestrians by the dozens? The majority of these games are either very thought-provoking and romantic (Kana, Crescendo), or light-hearted and comical (Kango Shicyauzo, Amy’s Fantasies). And even the ones that ARE ‘perverted’ or deal with rather ‘out-there’ fetishes…well, I’d rather someone play a game about it than go do it in real life, just like most people feel about their violence in games: it’s a fantasy, a chance to do things you never would in real life.

I believe America needs to wake up and realize that sex is not an evil thing, it is a natural part of life, and playing a game that incorporates this part of humanity into it does not make a person a pervert. I am personally more upset and angered by people enjoying horribly violent games like Grand Theft Auto and Postal than I ever would be by someone playing a playful and comedic sex romp game like Do You Like Horny Bunnies?, where the characters involved are willingly having fun and enjoying themselves without there being gore and blood stains involved. It’s sex. So what? Get over it.

end quote

I think you hit everything and all the key points, not sure if you want to mention what was just posted in another thread by Peter, but I quoted him below, that would further help the point I think, to show they never were that young. Anyway here is the quote below:

Originally posted by Peter Payne
And for the record, the characters are never “12” or “14” in Japanese games – it’s illegal (and against the Sof-Rin rules) to have characters under 18. While the artists obviously take some leeway there, no game can state or strongly imply that a character is under 18. Even high school is a no-no, although game makers sometimes write the word high school student with a different kanji for the middle “kou” making it a generic word for “student.”

You covered it all pretty well, LadyPhoenix!

I would have included references to similar themes in well known American films. In particular I would have referenced something like the sex scene from Good Will Hunting - because after all, if that was what you were looking for, why on earth would you watch Good Will Hunting?

[edit: Just want to make sure I also say that the letter looks good ^___^]

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 05-12-2004).]

Way to go, goddess!

I doubt very much that they are going to publish that on their “reader’s comments”-page though…

i doubt it too, Uni…but I hope they will anyway it could give the genre some much-needed publicity

That’s so true… good work, Ladyphoenix! Really good.

Unfortunately, almost all the non-bishojo game players think Bishoujo games (they call them ‘hentai’ games, allways) are bored and just about sex. They don’t know the difference between a Bgame and a deck of porno cards. Why? Because they never give a try! They prefer violence-themed games over romantic/comedic-themed games. They want SHOOT-SPANK-SLICE-KILL, no READ-LOOK-THINK-DECIDE!

Maybe someone else here can write to them, too. What’s the Magazine you are talking about and what’s the passage they wrote regarding Bishoujo games? Do you can to tell us?

sure, here’s the passage in question:

“They (niche games) also include horrifying, fetish-targeting dating simulators, or ‘gal games’. Recently, picking up a box to show a friend in disgust, I said, ‘God, they’re all 14.’ Not true: one was 12. Rest assured that Japanese fans of these games are as ostrasized as as their American counterpervs.” end quote

and it is the US Playstation magazine that wrote this…the email to write to the editors is:

maybe if more than just me write in ,they might take notice

Sure, I’ll e-mail them. But why “1up?” That’s strange for Playstation Magazine, isn’t it? Oh well. I’ll put my 2 cents in.

[This message has been edited by bishounen_blue (edited 05-14-2004).]

Thanks, Ladyphoenix. I will e-mail to them, too.
This guys really don’t know a thing about bishoujo games. Well, maybe just the ‘bad’ part. They still need to know the ‘good’ part. Let’s illuminate their minds a little…

Sorry to bump this up again, but has anything happened from the e-mails that were sent?

I really fuess that matters what game they picked up :P. I couldnt blame him if he picked up the game pantsu. Of course those characters look more ilke 5 years old lol.

The response does look good though.

yea i’d say you got the point across.

The question is if they post it themselves.