Please translate "God Children"

Heh… yea… the game is totally a Princess Maker rip. Only you really get to bang your daughter and her friends/teachers/employers. :smiley:

Although to be honest, I kinda neglected my child and focused on bedding Rose whenever I could. :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha! it’s floral! Remember me in #HG? I’m MadMan. you sent me that program… Atlas.

Does Atlas even work, cause I could never get that thing to work.

It looks fun.
Is the little loli really your daughter?

what loli? if that was translated to english they are all atleast 18 :stuck_out_tongue:

You understand daughters (and sons) aren’t born aged 18, right? :roll:

I want a loli daughter.

I have to admit, this does look like a interesting title.

You understand daughters (and sons) aren’t born aged 18, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

I was meaning that is the girl blood related or is it the “You there! Raise this girl!” thing.

Fixed for accuracy and truth. :stuck_out_tongue:

They just age immediately to 18+ as soon as they become involved in sexual activities! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d buy it too. Anything with Loli’s in it, is instant WIN in my book.

I would buy it any game peach princess releases with a loli in it i’m sold