Pokemon -- OMG!!! Fairy Type!

Yadda, yadda, yadda. XBOX1. Blah, blah, blah. PS4.
As interesting as watching paint dry.
Pokemon X & Y is the real shit. Poke. Fucking. Mon.

:wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

So seriously though… Pokemon is introducing Fairy Type into the next game. It’s strong against Dragon types. Some old 'mons, like Gardevoir (Psychic/Fairy) and Jigglypuff (Normal/Fairy) are getting retconned with this adjustment.

It will be interesting to see what else will get permanently changed, for the New Pokemon World Order. :lol:

It also has Nintendog features now.

Here’s the Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl … mywDbnC5oc

At least addressing that type imbalance should make Hydreigon slightly less broken.

This reminds me I need to get caught up on the anime…which I haven’t watched since Johto League…so how many hundred episodes do I have to watch?

It’s funny cause it’s true. :o

According to leaked rumors: It is weak to Poison and Steel. [u][color=red]Immune[/u][/color] to Dragon. Super effective against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting. Fire and Psychic-type Pokemon take half damage from it. Strategy shakeup indeed. 8)

Never liked the anime. :expressionless:

I’m happy that we get to customize the trainer a bit now. I can finally change that damn hat.

Wow. Quadruple damage to Hydreigon AND immune to Dragon Pulse. Pretty amazing stuff.

Yea… Gamefreak felt that adding a new type wasn’t enough to butt rape the competitive gaming scene. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s now a “fourth stage” evolution. Mega-class Pokemon. Rawr.

There’s a new Pokemon anime coming out, this one more faithful to the games apparently.

http://www.blisteredthumbs.net/2013/08/ … nal-games/

Could be an adaptation of Pokemon Adventures, though that screenshot doesn’t look much like it.

Just three more weeks.

Is Doublade really just Honedge twincest?

I wonder if it evolves a third time for three blades… or just do a Darth Maul double-sided weapon?

OH! For a Mega Evolution it can go Awesome Bladed!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait, you mean that is a pokemon?

I have not been keeping up since red/blue. I rushed through silver but the new pokemons just do not register in my head.

Everyone knows that the epitome of the sword is the swordchucks

Technically it’s the Pokemon and it’s sheath. They draw themselves in a battle.

The 1st stage evolution is just one blade: Honedge.

lol… yea… Nintendo has really done a lot of weird ones. There’s a washing machine Pokemon, and an ice cream Pokemon, and a loligoth Pokemon, etc.

Some people have copies of the game. Either media review versions or leaked commercial. Spoilers all over the Internets.

Crazy how some people are going into “ugly design” denial and hate rage. :lol:

4 million copies in 2 days.


Awww shit: I’m the Pokemon Champion.

Which means all I ever do now is breed, breed, and breed. Post game content mostly sucks.

http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/vi … st-Starter

Don’t know what these guys are alking about though, I picked Charmander and never had any regrets :mrgreen:

Well that didn’t take too long (2 weeks), but someone with the online handle of Smealum has successfully hacked the X/Y game and released pics of the remaining hidden new Pokemon that are currently uncatchable. He’s also released info on the remaining Mega Evolutions… or at least those that have stones he can find hidden in the code.

On a total unrelated note: I’ve restarted my game to double up my rare and one-of-a-kind items. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm… rather neat reading how the 3DS was broken into. Seems the encryption hasn’t been defeated, but rather, an exploit from the 4.5 version firmware. Nintendo wasn’t quite as airtight proof as they hoped. They tried fixing it (current firmware is 6.5), but it seems shoehorning the old 4.5 still works. They can’t kill old firmware access entirely… or something of that nature…

In any case, looks like hacked pokemon are going to be inbound. :frowning:

Since the recent 6th generation Pokemon has made so much money, it should be no surprise a 7th generation is now in the works for 2015.

Info from a Ken Sugimori interview:

Basically he says:

#1: There are too many moves, items, abilities, and Pokemon in the series. He’s looking into consolidating and/or removing things to simplify power creep. He does admit however, that removing Pokemon would cause a fan backlash, so it would probably just focus on removal of moves, items, and abilities. It’s true… a lot of things do the exact same thing, just look different or have slightly altered effects.

#2: He admits they’re running or already ran out of ideas for original Pokemon… that’s why they’ve expanded the list of what can be Pokemon (i.e. ice cream, a set of keys, washing machines, etc). So when critics claim X/Y seems like they’re scrapping of the bottom of the barrel, they might be on to something… There’s officially 718 of them today. Hard to believe it started with just 151.

#3: Generation 7 will be more like Generation 1 (Red/Green), instead of Generation 6 (X/Y).

#4: His favorite Pokemon of all time is Gengar. That explains why he got a Mega Evolution.