Well, I really don’t have a big opinion one way or the other.
But… if I had to chose, and not be a fence sitter, I’d rather have the mosaiced material for a coupe of reasons.
1) Most mosaicing has shurnk to such an extent that it doesn’t really blur anything anymore. Read any of the etchi CCS or Outlaw Star doujinshi manga? Three strategically placed band-aids would cover more.
So, it seems kinda silly to me to spend so much time and effort at removing something that doesn’t really keep you from knowing and imagining what’s there anyway.
All the Cream Lemon series are mosaiced, and they are still among the most popular adult anime out there.
And, as Lady Phoenix said, it doesn’t really affect Game Play. The Maid’s Story is still a great little game to play.
2) Unless the artist gives the okay to remove the mosaicing, you’re altering their work. Maybe they puroposely choose to use a sheet, a blur, a shadow, no pubic hairs, or whatever, in order to make the scene and event even more erotic. As you can then use your imagination, and imagine you actually being there. Now, if the artist gives the okay, that’s fine.
3) By leaving the mosaicing, you could take an interesting Marketing Twist to make the game 17+, and not 18+. R rated movies can show T and A, but not frontal genitalia. NC-17 can show genetalia, but no intercourse.
So… by leaving the mosaicing in, the products would be more R and less NC-17. As you can’t really see anything… even though you know what’s going on.
Besides, I don’t think it would matter to the general audience. Everyone knows the old “innuendo” jokes, and voice tones and such. They use them on TV shows like Futureama, Angel, Buffy, Family Guy, Drew Carey, Whose Line Is It?, Survivor, etc., etc., etc.
To me, these shows get such good followings becuase people don’t want to see hard-core sex and nudity, but want to be titilated and teased. We know what’s going on… and we can’t quite see it… but we can cheat, and immagine what we shouldn’t be seeing.
So, I would be in favor of just leaving the mosaicing there. It doesn’t really cover anything, and it would save time/money on translating and porting the product.
Hope that made some sort of sense.