Poll: Lack of PP updates

alright, not necessarily defending ourselves but :stuck_out_tongue:

first, we apologize for the lack of updates recently but right now we are very busy dealing with and finalizing the release of cosplay fetish academy, getting ready to deal with preorders, and planning how to move on with our next title, whatever which one it may be. also with con season coming up, we also have to plan for those as well as panels if applicable.

but honestly, i think its a bit unfair to compare us with fan translation groups. many are doing this for their hobby and as such, have more ā€œfree timeā€ to post progress and such, and i also think it is safe and fair to say that they are also doing the translation in their ā€œfree timeā€ as well since they are doing it ā€œfor freeā€. we are busy working every day trying to get these games out as soon as we can, so that more fans and customers will be able to enjoy them sooner, especially those who pre-ordered the games from us.

at any rate, i will post a quickie update on a separate new thread.

oh, and if you havenā€™t done so yet, i suggest that you sign up for our jlist/jastusa email newsletter too.

I donā€™t really care much about the updates per-say, I just like to know they are still alive out there once in a while.

But I really wish they would go round up some unemployed midgets or illegal aliens to FINISH FAMILY PROJECT !!!

Itā€™s a good thing Peter Payne is wearing neutral gang colors.

I honestly donā€™t mind. There are dozens of game companies that donā€™t post new news on things for months on end: Natsume (Harvest Moon), Square-Enix (Dragon Quest 9 and Final Fantasy Versus 13), Blizzard (Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3), etcā€¦ They give an update like once every two or three months, and then stay quiet, announcing delays and changed release dates only weeks before the last scheduled announcement.

Every week PP sends me a newletter - so Iā€™m getting more updates than I expect.

I donā€™t mind either. If youā€™ve got time to notice how long it has been between updates, maybe you should start learning Japanese? :stuck_out_tongue: :lol: Seriously though, while more updates would certainly be nice (as Iā€™m sure most would agree), Iā€™m not going to get all bent out of shape over it. In the whole scheme of things, not getting regular updates doesnā€™t really matter. Think of it this way: if you arenā€™t getting updates, it means they are steadily working on the game and thus donā€™t have time to step away. Just step back, take a deep breath, slowly let it out, and say ???.


Very clear, very nice :slight_smile: , frequent updates are a waste of time and electrons, in my opinion.
However, do you also happen to know something about those wild rumors of your new chumminess with Black Cyc? :lol:

[attachment=0]Wild dream.PNG[/attachment]

I donā€™t really care so much about regular updates. Iā€™d rather they only update when they have something substantial to update about. The only thing I can say Iā€™m annoyed about is that Family Project still isnā€™t out yet, or in stone for their next release even.

But thatā€™s life in the world of games and release dates.

Yes, sorry for the lack of updates, although weā€™re hard at work on all projects, and are banging things out rather nicely, we think. So nicely in fact that Iā€™m sure thereā€™ll be a few people at the summer cons this year who are upset that we have too many new games for them to pick up all the new titles, :slight_smile: Whenever we do announcements we keep the shipping dates flexible for several reasons, mainly because we know that these things take time and also we are often made to wait by the Japanese programmers who might be busy with something this month, making it hard for them to get our English versions coded. Weā€™re also busy because weā€™re making big plans for the future, which weā€™ll be telling you about soon. Muhahahaā€¦

Another hint at a big gameā€¦

The cackling at the endā€¦thatā€™s evil! ( dark )

ā€˜Black CYCā€™ makes big dark games!
Tell us detailsā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

Yin-yang 2 hopefully.

Also, weā€™re in a recession, so Iā€™m giving PP major slack lately. Everybodyā€™s hurting.

watashimo (I too, or me too)

I believe that they are doing well to bring us these types of games with the way things sit.

So I would cut them slack for continuing on a hard path, not knowing what the sales will become.
They listen to us, and the question they ask is, ā€œIf we get this HOT title, are you willing to pay the extra $$ for it?ā€ They donā€™t quite ask it like that but, that is what it ammounts to.

on a further note, I realy donā€™t know how they are managing still with some of the Price Breaks that they have been offereing on games (some that have not been out too long). (not to mention if you compare the prices of the same game, untranslated and censored it could be as much as Doubble or Tripple)

keep up the hard work everyone. :slight_smile:

Nah, I really donā€™t have an opinion one way or the other. I just hope that the guys are doing their best.
LOL I dont like dark sided games :cry:

We get lots of updates from Peach Princess. And they occasionally question the posters here as to which titles out of A, B, C, D, E, F would we be interested in, and would we preorder it, etc.

Frankly, MOST game companies, big or small, will only say ā€œWe got a new game to sell in the future!ā€ and ā€œItā€™s a going alongā€ and ā€œWe are going to sell it in Q3 2011!ā€ and then ā€œWhoops! Gotta roll that back to Q2 2013. Here, buy an older game packā€” we just added a regular game and expansion together in a new shiny package at a great price!ā€ and after a long time ā€œItā€™s gone gold! We will start shipping it soon! Last chance to preorder!ā€ and thenā€” ā€œWe shipped it! Buy it now!ā€. Againā€” at most.

I know people get anxious for their next fix of those beautiful gals, but seriouslyā€” you are just going to have to learn patience. PP gets in MORE trouble for telling us too muchā€” because people start going ā€œwell, they said they were 65% complete last week, so they should be 90% now. HEY! WHY ARE YOU STILL AT 65%? ARE YOU EVEN BOTHERING TO WORK?!? I DON"T THINK SO, YOU LOUSY BUMS!ā€. Seriously. Thatā€™s why they donā€™t like to tell us much at allā€” they get less mad customers and less angry posters. Go figure.