Popular games not released in the US

Hi I was wondering why nobody has bothered to release the Pia Carrot games, I mean this game is so popular that even comes out for playstation 2 in Japan has an anime OVA(hentai). If its so popular why hasn’t Peach princess released any one of these games? Pia Carrot e Youkuso 3! rocks. feel free to add which games you’d like to see in the US and why.

This question gets asked on a regular basis. The answer is: Only Crowd and Will are willing to release games through Peach Princess right now, and Pia Carrot belongs to F&C, so that is why Peach Princess doesn’t have any leverage in bringing these over. It’s just the same deal with other game companies, they normally only enter licensing deals with a few companies, not 'oh dude, this looks hot and can make us some money, let’s publish it here in tihe states!'

The sales of the Bishoujo games from Peach Princess and G-collection have to be impresive enough first to hook the other bigger companies to publish their games into English.

Do you have F&C’s email address. I want to give them a piece of my mind. If possible the website too. ^_^X Oro?

Originally posted by animemax:
Do you have F&C's email address. I want to give them a piece of my mind. If possible the website too. ^_^X Oro?

Is it going to be courteous? No culture respects selfish demands, not even American culture. And Japanese especially respect courtesy.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
No culture respects selfish demands, not even American culture. And Japanese especially respect courtesy.

You are quite right about that.
And before animemax even thinks of starting such a conversation with a representative of F&C (even with the proper amount of politeness), he should think first of the most popular question:
Do the explicit graphics have to be demosaiced?
The usual answer is: In order to get decent sales: Yes!
But on the other hand, the duty of demosaicing is probably the one thing that annoys most japanese companies because they are literally violating their own games and cultural barriers by doing this.

Originally posted by animemax:
Do you have F&C's email address. I want to give them a piece of my mind. If possible the website too. ^_^X Oro?
Here. Of course, the site is in Japanese and their staff would probably only understand Japanese...