Porn goes HD-DVD


Sony - being the arrogant pro-censorship snots that they are - refuse to have porn on BluRay. So the porn industry has chosen HD-DVD as their future medium. Strange… this has happened before… VHS and Beta had the VERY SAME issue. Guess what Sony? You lost that stupid media war.

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Don’t fuck with porn Sony, or the porn fucks you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh, old news, really.

Besides, I don’t think it really matters anymore. The HD media formats don’t really bring anything new to the plate. It’s not like VHS->DVD.

Then there’s also the fact that Internet distribution of porn is quite prevalent. No disc sales needed at all in that medium.

Well, I justhope Sony doesn’t hve backing of the Republicans/secret police/Interpol/Illuminati/Majestic 12, or what conspiract theory have you.

Benoit > there’s a certain thrill to watching a HD-DVD/Blu-ray disc on your TV, first for the quality of the picture, and second, for the size of those discs itself. HD-DVD and Blu-ray ahve huge quantity spaces on them, they’d even replace the CDR & CDRW.

I agree Nagrakhan - perhaps the digital revolution of tomorrow may go against Sony, despite everything. Pity their walkman was so good.

I think porn industry might not afford blu-ray disc because blu-ray is too expensive than HD-DVD.

I will get HDTV, then Blu-ray/HD-DVD player. ;_; sees wallet flies away

But in the end it’s superficial and unnecessary.

Never heard of DVD-Rs and DVD-RWs? :slight_smile:

And yet, I recently switched to using external hard drives to back things up (yes, really) because burning things a few gigabytes at a time (and hauling around giant bindersful of CDs) was getting to be an aggravation.

Yeah, despite offering a lot of storage, discs aren’t as flexible as good old hard disks and floppies.

How true. After all, you still have Windows 95, which is by all means practical since you can get all the needs of an OS instead of bothering with some new upgrade like XP, or 98. And why bother for a XBox 360, or a PSP, when you can settle for the SNES & the Gameboy (as in the very old, bulky one ?)

Lets go further… why bother with poetry ? It’s practically superficial and unecessary. Instead, lets all live in the same practical houses, the same practical streets, the same practical lifestyles, everywhere.

Benoit, to be frank, not everybody is like you. And there is a reason why biodiversity exists.

Well… ever heard of Blu-ray-Rs & RWs, and HD-DVDRs & HD-DVDRWs ?

The Blu-ray & HD-DVD can carry more data then any DVD… imagine if you made that rewritable.

You don’t understand at all (and are getting close to flaming). I’m not saying that advances made in various fields are a bad thing. However, this HD disc format is superficial.

Remember VHS tapes? They had several disadvantages:
[list][]They wore out fast.[/][]They were fragile.[/][]They were a bit bulky.[/][]The image quality wasn’t that good.[/][]Rewinding and forwarding was a pain.[/][/list]Then the DVD came along, and (mostly) fixed all that. They last a lot longer (10 years), are less fragile, compact, offer good image quality, and make rewinding and forwarding unnecessary. More often than not extras are offered on the disc. There are a couple more advantages, but those are the important ones.

About the same thing happened with music tapes and CDs.

Now the next generation of discs is coming. So, what’s it offering?
[list][]Increased image quality.[/][/list]That’s it. That’s the only gain from moving to this format for the movie watcher. Now tell me again that it’s not superficial.

[list][]You have to buy a new TV to actually benefit from the sole advantage that the format offers.[/][]More DRM.[/][/list]
So, in conclusion, the HD format is something for the videophile, mostly. Just like regular people don’t buy a Ferrari, they buy a regular car.

Of course. I was only pointing out that they wouldn’t be replacing CD-Rs and CD-RWs, but DVD-Rs and DVD-RWs.

Still, outside of a routine back-up, writable discs have their disadvantages. Just look at Nandemonai, he has switched to hard drives. If you need a lot of space for back-up purposes, though, I would recommend tape.

LOL I guess I oversteped a few bounadries over here. :stuck_out_tongue: But, in all seriousness, there’s a whole lot more to flaming than one thinks.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the CDR & CDRW ends up being phased out actually. If anything, we’ll have three levels of CDs: CD, DVD & HD-DVD. In fact, I’m more surprised the diskette hasn’t been phased out just yet. Guess we have to watch the next gen of PCs to see what’s in and what’s out.