From what I know, there are two major stores for purchasing untranslated eroge:
Himeyashop: Very large stock, reliable, but expensive, and with no cheap shipping option available.
Paletweb: Smaller stock - some new releases unavailable from there, probably less reliable (lots of Engrish on their website), cheaper prices, some second-hand games available, bonus point system, choice of a cheaper shipping option.
There’s also the proxy route, which I haven’t used before, but I imagine it would be a lot more expensive than the above shops, given the added cost of using the middleman.
Given this, I was wondering if J-List would consider selling untranslated Japanese eroge? There seems to be a potential market for it and J-List would probably do better in some aspects than the above companies. (I think this is probably the best place to ask this question, apologies if it’s not :oops:.)