Possible Anime Expo 2007 Meet-Up?

Hi everyone,

Anyone here interested in a gathering/meet-up at Anime Expo 2007? Though I’ve not interacted with everyone here, I think it’d be great if we can get a visual novel/bishoujo game fan meet-up at the convention.

So anyone attending and is interested in participting in a gathering of sorts?

If there are any replies to this topic I’ll use this first post often via edit feature and add in meet-up members, time, and activities.

Of course, we don’t have to limit it to Peach Princess BBS members only. Let’s bring in as much visual novel / bishoujo game fans as possible. Maybe we can create a known presence at the convention that may perhaps provoke non-visual novel / bishoujo game awared patrons to inquire about this field of modern visual culture.

Anime Expo 2007 will take place from June 29 - July 2. Here is the official site: http://www.animeexpo.org/

[ 04-18-2007, 06:21 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

…i’ll be sure to avoid AX like a plague :stuck_out_tongue:

but that said, i believe that a certain alleged pirate spy might go…no guarantees though as everything is still in the plans

[ 04-18-2007, 06:20 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

I guess I’ll have to strike out the “harass Lamuness” part from the possible activities list. Why aren’t you interested in going though?

[ 04-18-2007, 06:24 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

very simple: i live in the east coast of canada

while i will prolly get to stay at peter’s place for accomodations if i choose to go, but unless someone like mockingbird pays for my plane ticket, i aint coming

and just a personal thing: i dont have a thing for anime conventions anyways; admission is not cheap, dealers overprice their stuff, and most of the events offered dont interest me that much to be perfectly honest. i even avoid going to my local anime convention

[ 04-18-2007, 06:28 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

Well, yes. I suppose I could pay for your plane tickets. [i][emphasize]OR you can work at the Jlist booth and have Peter cover your expenses.[/emphasize][/i] Besides, with Shingo taking your place here at PP we can/must have a farewell to Lamuness and thanks for your work on the games sort of event.

[ 04-18-2007, 06:34 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

…quoting you just in case

and i wont come unless i travel in first/executive class :stuck_out_tongue:

and i personally really prefer not to be working at the jlist booth if i can help it

[ 04-18-2007, 06:46 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

Same for me, especially if you add a costly air travel in the equation…

Dear God… I have to agree with that.

I went to the ComicCon in SanDog, and I noticed how things increased in pricing. Plus the AC broke down that summer, so you can imagine how unpleasant it was with all those people there. Then there was the whole nightmare of even getting a pass to get it.

I know… I know… I’m crying over dumb stuff… but it was that whole experience that made me not wanna go again, to ANY convention of ANY sort.

I’ll just visit those shops in Oldtown and Gaslamp if I want something in SanDog. :stuck_out_tongue:

i think the admission cost is what bothers me the most…beacuse i can potentially go in and out of a con without doing much except stroll around the dealers room and the artist alley (assuming there are no other interesting panels/events which holds true 99% of the time)…and there goes 20-30bucks of admission, gone for no apparent reason

and the fact that a concert by kotoko didn’t convince me to change my mind one bit…says alot

now…that said, doujin events in japan are a totally different case :stuck_out_tongue: because for one thing i know for sure i will purchase stuff that i will have interest in and second, admission is way cheaper if not free…but of course the drawback to all this is that i have to pay 1000 bucks of plane ticket to japan first :stuck_out_tongue:

so the ultimate question really is this: is it worthwhile to spend that admission for whatever the con offers? for comiket, prolly, but in this case…i fly all the way to california just to get harrassed by mockingbird who will must likely be stalking me even to the washroom stall with a crap load of insider scoop questions about peapri and gc, well… :stuck_out_tongue:

anyhow not to say that anime conventions in the US suck, but they are just not my cup of tea unfortunately

Bring the convention to Belgium, and I will consider it. :slight_smile:

You won’t catch me alive, copper!

It does seem that I’ll be at AX this year, manning the trenches in the J-List booth and maybe sitting on a panel or two. It’ll be my first west coast con, so please be gentle… ;__; I’d enjoy meeting any forumgoers who feel like stopping by the booth, so don’t hesitate to stop by - even if you don’t want to see my ugly mug, rumor is that we’ll be giving away some cool free stuff. :3

[ 04-18-2007, 09:22 PM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

Post # 200! Hurrah!

Hmmm 4/5 people who replied are actually not from United States. I actually never realized that many of the current frequenters here do not reside in the U.S…

Well, the topic has only been up for a day or so, so maybe there are still other users that may be interested. I’ll see if any of the folks on anime damashii are interested.

I look foward to meeting you at AX07 by the by Shingo! I guess Peter’s making you man the booth in repentace for stealing the master disc :slight_smile:

By the way, will you guys be hosting a panel this year? In 06 I remember Peter had wanted to get a panel but by the time he realized it was too late to get one. If you guys are intersted I suggesting applying post haste before it’s too late. Just a heads up.

No Jlist booth work for Lamuness cause he is a lazy? No wonder it took so long for Little My Maid…and Doushin…and X-Change 3…and Yin-Yang. But strangely enough not Yume Miru. Oh right, Shingo’s working on that one. And asking for flight preferences when you’re being offered a free ride? Your highness! :stuck_out_tongue:

T’was a joke by the by.

[ 04-19-2007, 06:07 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

If Mockingbird is as relentless as they say, you might wanna bring a few tasers and mace with ya Shingo. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait…how and since when did I gain a reputation for being a relentless reporter?

Just joking. :slight_smile:

Lamuness was playing around how you’d follow him into the toilet for info… or was he? :wink:

i dunno man, i would suggest shingo to carry some tear gas and pepper spray with him at all times just in case…