Thats how things stand, I dunno how many people know Shawn Lane or Jason Becker, but probably a lot of people know Synester Gates.
Either way I am actually sick of people whining and making stupid remarks, there was a paki guitarist who claimed Yngwie was dumb and he could own his ass anyday (
He made an album with a band named Steeler, just for fun. I bet most bands will die just trying to put that quality in their best efforts. He shreds on a strat, I almost broke mine while trying to do some sweeps. Oh and he plays using a scalloped neck, so his control is amazing too.
And remember, if you throw water on him, He’ll unleash his focking fury 8) … temID=8100
:lol: :lol:
Having said all this, my favorite will always be Eddie van Halen.