Post Your Random Comments Here

The title of the thread is self explanatory. If you have some random thing you’d like to say to the forum, post it here.

Now for my random statement. Today marks my first anniversary on the forum. I’d like to thank you all for some great conversation. You’ve made me laugh on numerous occasions (especially Narg). I look forward to this next year with you all. Given my current rate of posting here, I may be celebrating the attainment of “OTAKU!” status in about three and a half months. Heh, I’m even posting this to the minute I joined last year.


I wish you good fortune on your future endeavors. 8)

Cherers!!! :smiley:

Pon! :wink:

Das wich ist ein Deustchen-spracken ist metal!

Kan! :lol: :wink:

I freaking hate hot weather. Maybe I should move to Alaska.

Last night I took a dump sooo big it wouldn’t go down the flusher. It was also solid like steel, so it wouldn’t break apart either. I was thinking to myself, “did that just come outta me?” Felt like I was giving birth to a 10 pound baby. Now I know how women feel. Sucker just floated in there like an unsinkable battleship. Fortunately it was in a movie theater toilet, so I could just leave her patrolling the porcelain ocean. Went back to watch the movie. 30 minutes later, when I left during the credits, the restroom door had an “Out of Order” sign on it.

Never felt so proud and guilty at the same time in a long while. :stuck_out_tongue:

I substitute all reality with my own and if you enter my reality…well you’re pretty much screwed. But screwed in the most horrific way you can think.

I eej beings a Van Halen Fanboi \m/.

Ron - robbing the Kan! :twisted: :stuck_out_tongue:

By the way: I recommend this!

Errrrrmmmmmmm - haiiiiiii :?: :?

A classmate in my Japanese II class recommended that as well. Oh, and by the way, my kan was off of your discard, which means you are furiten and thus have to pay out the penalty for being chonbo/chombo (however you want to romanize the word). :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:
On a separate note, I’m totally screwed I think. In about 15 and a half hours is my class, and the take home part of the final, in addition to the ?? (watashi banashi, My Story) final oral, is due. I’ve only written out about a quarter of the take home final, and I still have no idea what to do for the final oral. :shock: I’m not sure I’ll be getting any sleep tonight.

Damn! I hoped you didn’t notice… :evil: :wink:


Ich habe fertig 8) :stuck_out_tongue: .

Oh no! No! No! No!

[i]* Option.

  • Return to Title Screen.

  • Load.

  • Restart from save at the start of the match.[/i]

Azuma will be mine! That is all. :twisted:

[size=150]I love you all!!![/size]

Now who wants a drink?

The main menu BGM for Rasen Kairou is an instrumental arrangement of ‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer’ :D.

Everyone agrees that Optimus Prime is cool. So how do you make him even cooler? Dual wielding. Oh yea. 8)

If there was really a God, the artist Nebezial would be in charge of a modernized, serious toned He-man/She-ra series.

Wow, those are quite amazing. The world in the pictures looks a bit darker than I remember, which I think could be quite a good thing for that universe. Heh, I imagine I am a bit of a puzzle to you Narg, given how much I enjoy dark things except when it comes to eroge.